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What are you working on (in February 2021)?


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Lynda ... You Go Girl! Love your play my friend, you have been very busy indeed! Lab 11 Module 2 is terrific and I have done the lessons just not posted ... I never seem to get around to it ... go figure! But ... I sure appreciate looking at everybody's play with them. :D
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Annie T - Your kingfisher layout is wonderful. I really like how you overlayed one with orange and then put a 'circle' around him. What a way to draw your eye to the center. I have never seen a yellow billed kingfisher. I like how you put them in different rays.
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Minka - I really like your piano layout. My son plays and is still taking lessons and playing at 16. I am hoping to have more time in the future to learn it myself. And now I want to go to Duck, NC ... I love really good donuts. I like how you used the colors of the umbrellas and the roof as part of your colors in your elements.
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Ann S - Your grandson has an eye for taking beautiful photos. I really like your layout with the circles and how they match the colors in the photo. OHHHH I love the 'Oh Boy!' layout. It's gorgeous and congratulations.
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Minka: Great job on the sketch challenge. Along with my nephew (Val's boy), my grandson also plays the piano. When he was much younger we use to skype so that I could make sure he was doing his lessons, LOL. Love your layout of Duck, NC. Had to look it up to see if it is anywhere close to my kids and grands. But doesn't look so :( Still one day maybe we can make it there. Don't tell Val I told you, LOL, but you are just across the state from her right now. Small world isn't it.
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