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BIG 2016 Show Off


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Scott...that's such a cute idea. My brother has a birthday coming up....I may have to think about how to do something similar for him. I like Valerie's pretty filigree stocking too. Much to be inspired by in this contest.
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I used Cassel's free scallop pattern tile 1 to make these fish. The scallop shape just reminded me of fish scales so I vector drew the fish shape, filled the body with the pattern that i had coloured with a gradient and then used a plugin from filters unlimited, colour rave - atmospheriser to get some colours going on. I also used the technique shown by Cassel in her monthly seminars using the select, modify, feather and brightness contrast technique to get some shading where I thought it might be needed. I then put them on a gradient background to simulate under the sea.


Sheila x



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Following Cassel's monthly seminar re Out of this world I had a go at what was demonstrated to show here. I found a free image on Pixel bay, tubed it by using the lasso technique with a feathered edge of 2 pixels. I used Cassels script   https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_10&products_id=84 to check edges of image for any stray unwanted pixels.






Sheila x



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Guest Guest
I just want to say how impressed I am with the entries in this contest.  Without exception, they are all beautifully done.  Good Luck to everyone.  :)
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I have never done this before so hope I can get it.  Just playing around trying to remember some of the things I learned from the great video tutorials.  I do not know how to post a link back to a videos that were only there for one day.  I think I am in over my head here so just delete me if not right.  From the videos about Making a Charm and Folded corner





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