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BIG 2016 Show Off


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The BIG 2016 Show off event will, this year, encompass 3 separate events:

  • Earth Day (April 22nd): digital scrapbooking is using only pixels, so it requires less physical resources, therefore also generates less waste. That is why digital scrapbooking has been perceived as “greener” and a great way to be more earth-friendly
  • International Scrapbook Day (May 7th, 2016): this is that one day of the year when we celebrate memory-keeping in the modern age.
  • My birthday (April 22nd): maybe nobody cares much about my birthday, but to some of you, it means “sale day” in the Store.
  • For this event, you can earn up to 5 entries into a draw of great prizes.

For each entry, you must post an image to a digital project you created, in a separate post below, with a link to the products or tutorials you used to create it. Post ONE forum post per entry. This will allow the images to be associated with the correct links, and will be easier for the visitors to browse and follow your links.

You can link to:

  • a tutorial from the Campus (Tips and Tricks, blog post, Master Class, Creative Scrap course, Basic course, Lab lessons, etc.)
  • a product from the store (script, tube, font, template, etc.)
  • a freebie from the blog (and there are LOTS of them)

The contest will run from April 22nd until May 7th.

The draw will take place on May 8th, after which time, the winners will be contacted. The names of the winners will be officially announced in the following days.

Are you ready to SHOW OFF?

Let’s go!

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I have never posted a picture here before so I hope this works.  I used the "element preview" script to add the graphics to this preview.




And I also used the "datestamp4" script to make a new watermark for my preview pictures.





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I took my inspiration to make a butterfly from a line drawing from Dover Publications which i drew with the pen tool and manipulated the nodes to get it the shape i wanted, filled it in with a gradient and solid colour. Added a few bits and blurred. I used the selection, feather and brightness contrast technique shown in one of the monthly master classes. When I was happy with it, I used Cassel's Directional tube Script (what a god send) to make the tube move. I then drew out a vector shape and then ran a free script called vector Tube to make the butterflies encase the shape.


Sheila x

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I used one of Cassel's  free templates for a flower and used shades of purple for the layers. I also, selected and modified to get a border around the petal edges where I used Cassel's glitter script to create a matching glitter for the edges. I used an inner bevel on all the layers and added a button to the center. Hope you like it.
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I used Cassel's Torn Edges Script for the top paper layer and used a texture to make the base one to look like paper too. I also used different flower tubes that I have either made or images I have extracted. One of the made flowers was made using Cassel's Flower Power Script and the buttons were from her Button machine script. I made the stitching taking instruction from one of her monthly seminars.


Sheila xx



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