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July PHOTO SWITCH Challenge


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Let's have some fun and share our creativity.


For this challenge, participants will be paired in the order of their posting. Poster 1 (after this post) will be paired with Poster 2, Poster 3 will be paired with Poster 4, and so on. You can post your name NOW even before the pairs are created as they will come as you post.


Once you have your "teammate", you will exchange ONE photo each and the other person will create a layout from it. If the image is 1000 pixels of less, you can post them in the forum. If they are larger than that, you can exchange emails through the messaging system so you can send the files.


Once the layout has been created, a 600-pixel version can be posted in the forum, and the original full-size version can be sent back to the teammate.


Are you up to this challenge?

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I will have a go if there is any more interest.  I am surprised there are not more friends in the group keen to do this, it is fun, but makes you think out of the box a bit more.  I was going to partner minka but we have already done one  so I waited first  to see if someone else would come out to play.
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Sorry Bonnie ... My computer died and had to get another one.  Am sad without that one, but I should have known it was coming.  It was old but I loved it.  Am ready to roll now if you are still game.  :o)  I took this picture in front of my house  last fall when the cruise boats were going by every day.  Will be interesting to see if anyone is cruising again this year!
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Hi again Bonnie!




I've had cats before ... but mine were mousers and really independent.  That's a smart cat that will shake hands and do a high five.  Pretty darn cute and THAT makes her a very special cat!  She's cute!

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Hi, Minka! Sorry to hear about your computer. I do not like to get a new computer and figure out the new stuff. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil. Glad you found one you like.


I love the Penny page! TYSM. She is a neat cat, for sure.


I will see what I can come up with for your page. Again, thank you for a neat Penny page!

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Thank you, Bonnie!  I love it!  :o)  I don't know why, but I don't hanker to go on one ... but I love watching them go by in the season.  Especially at night when they are all lit up and look like a birthday cake on the water.  LOL  Thanks again, you did an awesome job!
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Thank you Christina and Dawn, and Christina, you should have a go, it doesn't matter if it takes you a bit longer.  It takes me ages too on most projects, I was lucky with this one, the papers and elements just seemed to pop out at me, usually choosing them takes the longest time.
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