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Travel Tale Challenge 2020


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Day 2 - running a bit behind here and I had the dates in then saw Day 3 was making a date stamp so deleted it from this page for now.   I am getting a touch of wanderlust after seeing all the wonderful trips people have made or want to make!
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I tried using the double page - (think I prefer single pages) so my date is split in half.  I could have placed it elsewhere but wasn't sure where.  Ahh well with practice I might get there.  The photos are mine with the background one a night pic taken of the Yarra River in Melbourne.  The Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera house were both taken from the Ship as we sailed out of Sydney Harbour.  The papers are mine and the plane from google (we flew Qantas).



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Awesome templates everyone.

Day 2

A few years ago I went on a 7 day holiday with my mother, daughter and her boyfriend. We went to a small island off the south coast of England not far from Portsmouth. We travelled from London to Portsmouth by train, then Ferry across the Solent to the Isle of Wight, then another train to the south of the island where were were staying on a camp site for the week. During that time we visited lots of places of interest around the island and the most memorable was a place that Queen Victoria and her family stayed and called home. We looked in and around her grand house, with so many rooms and bedrooms still furnished and decorated as she had left it.

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Day 1:  UK to Mexico


I have not done a challenge like this before, here is my take but I have kept the maps, as they are as I am running behind with this challenge.  I shall revisit them later, but for now I wanted to get the first one up and running.  Thi was a trip my husband and I took back in October 2014.  We stayed at the Grand Sirenis Resort and Spa Riviera Maya, Cancun.  This trip was our 60th birthday treat for ourselves.

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I have to say I love what all of you are doing with this challenge.  I guess I don't have to stay exactly with the plan.  I have sweated over day 1 for several days and am not happy with what I came up with, but here goes.  The trip I decided on was one my daughter and I took so that I could visit my last of the 48 contiguous states - Delaware.  However, we didn't go straight to Delaware; we meandered to Lexington, KY, Ark Encounter, KY, Columbus Ohio, Lake Erie PA, Niagra Falls, NY, Hershey, PA, and finally to Kodak, DE as a base and south to the beach on the Atlantic Ocean.  We then meandered back up into PA, MD, W VA, and finally on I-81 into VA, TN and back home to Memphis, TN.  It was one great trip.  I added a car from my group of clip art images.  played with color changing again. took papers and the ribbon from several kits.  Did use the Google map for the basic background.
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OK, here goes, it seems I did day 1 and day 2 altogether with my last posting - showing the route I took as well as the silhouette of the two countries.  But then, I added a couple of pictures to the Day 2 challenge.  For some reason the borders on my photos played up in PSP.  The add borders under image wanted to add the borders to the whole of the graphic and reduced all my layers to background, instead of just dealing with adding the borders to the photo layer.  I then had to go to my photos separately, add the borders and then paste as a new layer.  Not sure what was going on there.


So here is my Day 2 submission.

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Day 3 - the date stamp.  Had a couple of goes with this until I was happy with it.  I did the thing with the rubber and a grungy tip, I wondered how that effect was done, something new I have learnt today.  I also added another effect to the date stamp:  Inner bevel No. 2, width 15, smoothness 45, deptch 12, ambience 23, shininess 29, colour white, angle 12, intensity 25, elevation 45.  This seemed to give it a more smudgy look as if it had just been stamped in the ink.
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Carole and Others ...I've been adding each individual item by itself because things are changing daily depending on what needs to be added. I was going to reverse path for the text, but I was having problems, and rather than fall behind,....I went with the attached (for now)...
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We cycled across PEI in Sep 2003. Beside seeing some unique things like Irish Moss collecting, we met the most friendly people of anywhere that we have been. In O'Leary we met a family at the RCMP musical ride that happened to be in town. After the show they lent us their truck to drive for the next day to see some places we would not have seen on our bikes. We will never forget this and other kindnesses we had on this trip. If you haven't been there yet, GO SOON!
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Lois, it depends on what stories you want to tell. I provide you with double-page templates every day since some people have lots of photos to showcase or lots of stories to tell. Each tutorial is about an element you can add to a page, but it does not HAVE to be on that day's page but it can be, or on another page, or even on multiple pages. Just show us SOMETHING every day, but remember that you will likely edit previous pages anyways. That is expected!
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I get to head home next week and can you tell, I am a little excited about it? I haven't seen my house in about nine months and I am really really happy to be getting back there. Florida is nice, but time to be home! Another colorful one - date stamp from Cassel's scripts ... the pictures used Cassel's Add Borders script ... and I attempted a leather tag. There is no official icon for home, so I just made up one. It's all about learning, right? I left the fonts unshaded and just wanted to see if they look better that way. I know they sure do print better that way. Live and learn. I am loaded with wildlife in Maine and keep a camera at the ready as I feed anything and everything that comes along. I draw the line at bears, though, Art. Weird picture puzzle skies are some of my favorites. You often see them on the puzzle boxes and say ... no sky looks like that. But some do! Usually just before or after a storm.
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What a different pages are made from really amazing trips. Here is mine for day 2 and 3 combined. When I was almost ready with day 2 came the poststamp for day 3 and I decided to put those together. I has a long flight from the Netherland to Seattle and I made a photo  of the flightpad from the little monitor in front of me. My daughter and the grandkids were welcoming me at the airport but we made no photo's. After that it was a short drive to their home and that is what you see on the photo's.
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A friend and I stayed in London with friends who we met working in Cleveland. A day trip to Hampton Court and another to Bath were fun.


My favorite was the walking tour of the murder sites of Jack, The Ripper in the late afternoon. It finished just as the sun was setting, conveniently in front of a pub.


It's another batch of lost pictures but the memories are still vivid and the stories still only slightly exaggerated.


I enjoyed learning how to create the luggage tag. Thank you for helping us explore new things.

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I wanted to thank Cassel for two excellent scripts I used on the Day 3 challenge, Date Stamp 4 and Word Slats. After spending time on blending photos and textures for the slats, I realized it didn't work in that particular layout.


Both were easy to use and gave me a good foundation to embellish them.

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Here is my Day 1 silhouette. I'm behind but will still enjoy learning the skills and being inspired by everyone's ideas.


My husband and I took a trip to France several years ago.  It was a great history lesson and museum march.  It is amazing how we both were enjoying that aspect of it.



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