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Travel Tale Challenge 2020


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Day 6 Postcard ...I was tempted to use a nice muted background for the postcard, but I have learned over time to just do what is asked of you and that way there will be no surprises in the end. Interesting learning more about the text > Leading ..Kerning and Tracking...I went a bit over the top with my choice of font ,...but hey ...I like it ....lol
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Reply to Carole ... Well Carole, I'm from Belleville Ontario and my trip was to BC back in the day (1978)...on a motorcycle (that I will include as a pic)...The next summer I went from Belleville to Newfoundland ...In all honesty, it was more scenic and I had more fun but I was away from my GF at the time..:-( ...I did all 10 provinces over the two summers.


Re: the Reverse Path for text,...I was 3 days working on another project in another class, and I was getting so frustrated and I was afraid of falling behind, so I submitted something "close"...I do like your idea of having the the 2 vector layers, but I still got in trouble when I went to merge. ( I noticed the tutorial was from 2012....maybe things have changed a bit...(?) ...Thanks for you interest ...All for now.





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I often buy postcards when I am traveling and keep them for myself! Especially when I know my own photographs can't compare -when we're visiting in a different season, for example. I've always included these postcards in my traditional paper scrapbooks - guess I'll have to scan them to add to my digital ones.
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The New York postcard on the bottom left is a recreation of sorts of one my niece sent to my parents in 2000 which has a little different layout.


The picture on the bottom right is of my parents at Gooseberry Falls probably in the early 90s.


As I was finishing up, I realized that I could have used the shadows better to enhance the 3d effect. (Note to self ... add shadows on a different layer next time.) Ever since I watched one of Cassel's tutorials on shadows, I seem to be haunted by them.



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Brian, the idea of the two vector layers is the key to having text in different directions, if that is what you are trying to achieve, and merging them is NOT a possibility because a vector can only go in one direction at the time; it is like a car on a track: it can go either forward or backward, but not both at the same time :)


And no, the process has not changed since 2012.

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Here is my day 4 with the tag. It took me a long time to make this page with all the photo's in it. Luckely I have the "ClipToIt"script otherwise I think I would have given up! But I had so many photo's of a fabulous day in january with super weather. I use in all my pages for this challenge the same color green for my text, because it is the color of the flagg of Washington State. The title is from the Cass Alpha Maker Sample - The good life, a freebee from Cassel and I changed the color to my green.


Now I can you making my postage stamp.

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I am slowly working my way to the end ... the pages I am working on are far from complete so I am posting just a photo (that has a texture over it) with just the stamps and my 'leather' tag hooked over an old pier post.  The stamp on the tag is a map of Tasmania with an apple on top as it is known as the Apple Isle.  The postage stamps are of the Sydney Opera House.
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Day 5 A day sailing in Ipswich on the harbour with a family we grew up with as kids.

We got a call out of the blue to join our friends on a day out. We all met up at our friends house and were invited on a boat trip as they had recently purchased a boat. It was a great sunny day, and I love boating. I did not expect to be asked to steer the boat out of the harbour from the mooring!! I have never done that before and was a bit worried about crashing their new boat!  My family, including my sisters, mum and my hubby were all on the boat with our friends.....and there was one unexpected twist! One of our close friends also brought a friend with him and that person used to go to school with my hubby!! He used to sit next to him in class and had not seen him since school!

We had a great day on the boat, my sisters and I took turns in steering the boat. One of my sisters was very nervous at taking the helm so had a bit of help!


I had a problem doing the Set of stamps when using the eraser tool it was not creating even holes in the stamps, I tried several times and it was just not working....so I asked Carole,. she requested a print screen with a black layer underneath......and as soon as I added the colour all the holes were ok!!! For some unknown reason the "grey" colour of the holes were miss-shapped and not correct....(added print screen below (image 3)) I was pulling my hair out trying all the settings to fix it but nothing worked!!

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I think I had a brain drain ... could not remember about linking! Had to pull out my trusty Carole Asselin Tips and Tricks for PaintShop Pro book, page 110! Some of the best money I ever spent! LOL Still don't like how it came out, but I am way behind on chores, so that is how it is going to stand for now. I spent too much time this morning on making new stamps. I sure hope since I am not in Maine anymore for the winter, that somebody in the neighborhood is looking out for Rocky. I do know he got me through a very rough patch. If you could see those pictures full size you can actually see the window and me reflected in his eyeball. He would nuzzle right up to the window to get food. Guess he didn't stash enough away for a harsh winter.
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