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Wise Words Challenge 2020


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Good morning,


Was sewing and turning over the past few days.  Just getting caught up with Day 5,6,7.  Here is my Day 5 attempt at moving and changing the letters.  I really like this feature.  This picture shows the 25 masks I finished yesterday.  I'm up to 136 and my group has donated over 1400 to the local hospital, clinics and correctional facilities, not to mention how many were made for family members.

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Day 5,


Foto van onze reis naar Noorwegen met een kleine stop in Zweden, de mijnstad Kiruna.


Mooi om bij deze lessen foto's te gebruiken van momenten die indruk hebben achter gelaten. Een hele stad die verhuisd , hier het nieuwe stadhuis.


Weer een leuke les!

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Wise Words Challenge 2020 -Day 7




I made tubes of the coins, pirate,rum bottles and the yo ho ho as well as a pattern of the yo ho ho and I used a photo that I took on Navy Pier in Chicago. All kinds of interesting things going on at Navy Pier and the rest of the Lake Michigan shore line as well as in the city. Hopefully this virus thing will get solved and we can get back to it.

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And here is my day 7.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge.  The pages posted by everyone have been  very creative and an inspiration to us all.  well done.  This one was is meant to be a tag. I used as many fonts as I could. The heart on the frame,  the quote, even the white bird in the top  corner is a font.  I  replicated the tutorial, but it wasn't going to work for this particular project, so  using  the text tool, I used several photos to fill the word bird. Thank you Carole for all the  hard work you put into  challenge.  Well done  Royanne on spotting the third  ground squirrel.  Annie, I'm going to have send you a magnifying glass, or perhaps binoculars!!!!!   :-)  hahaha lol.  He's actually in the centre of the of the background photo.  I purposely took the photo to use  in the project.  He is peeping from his hole. I'm pleased to  hear you are on the mend.
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Minka, love your piano . The whole project is very pleasing to the eye


Royann, you sisters tribute is very nice. I might have to copy your idea for a project.


Lydia, your olalala project made me smile.


Jeanni, Love the lack of gender bias here. Also, good work, fun colors and, of course, cute boy.


Gerry, gotta love the puppies. Very nice!


Everyone is doing a stellar job and it looks like we're all having fun.  :-D

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What a fun challenge. I have loved seeing what everyone has made ... every single one! Super impressed with all of them and how creative they have been. New skills, new avenues and a whole bunch of different directions taken with them. That seems what it should be all about. Sad to see it end - new faces and wonderful works!
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Mon jour 7, merci Carole pour le template, je l'ai gardé tel qu'il était.  J'ai utilisé une photo pleine de couleurs pour faire ma mise en page.


Carole, est-ce que tu sais pourquoi mon ctrl + y bloque parfois?  (quand je fais la combinaison, j'entends un petit bip et je sais que cela n'a pas fonctionné)  cela arrive tellement souvent que je me demande s'il n'y a pas un remède.


Félicitations pour les nouvelles créations qui ont toutes chacune leur cachet et vrai que ce 7 jours a passé trop vite



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I had a challenge in finding a photo to fit the bill., this one is from an uncles 80th birthday, I framed the word, cut the backing paper and framed that, added a background paper I made for the background and layered in it  5 masks I made  and a boha, can never remember that word, added 3 elements to finish.


Thank you carole for the challenge, and well done everyone on some beautiful work you have all created.

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Day 7: These pictures are from our truncated trip to the southwest US last month. After growing up in the forested Appalachian mountains, I can't get over the forests of Saguaro cactus in southern Arizona. So different from what I am used to seeing! I reviewed using the Vector Tube script to add the rope frames, to (hopefully) solidify it in my brain. And I'm finally getting comfortable with using the Inner Bevel 3D effect. When this pandemic is over, I should be pretty handy with these text tricks, at least. Thanks, Carole, for the lessons.
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Here is my page for Wise Words Challenge. I tried several things this time. The Overlapping Text and the Text on a Path. I used Select Selection Borders to do the photo frames. The title text ended up being sort of translucent with the flowers showing through from behind and I used a Picture Tube for the leaves. The photos are not mine so I left their credits showing.

Everyone is doing so many nice projects I am constantly challenged to improve AND getting ideas from everyone.

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Wise words Day 7 - Shells


For some reason this took ages to work for me I kept ending up with the colour of my text cut out and not the picture BUT eventually it worked and although I thought I did the same thing every time following the tutorial something must have changed.   I will need to practice this.  Previously I have used the cutter button but this way gives more options to adjust the text.


Thanks Carole for the Wise Word Challenge .. it is always fun to learn new ways of doing things in paintshop and your tutorials are most informative.  I have loved seeing all the work posted and amazed at the talent and imagination shown in the creations.   So my thanks also to everyone who participated and made it enjoyable.   The photos I used for the challenges are all taken by me.

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Oh, my goodness! Beautiful work everyone. Carole, you must be very pleased to see the group you have created...and the talent you have helped to develop!


My mojo up and left...not page for day 6...I did play with the vector tube script...not happy with the results but at least I did something. I have used the script before...love it!


Not sure I like today's page but I got the title done. I love flowers and will spend hours photographing them if I can.  The Dogwood is one of my favorite trees/flowers and it is the Virginia state flower.


Everyone stay well, stay safe.

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Day 7.  I used Cassel's layout template and modified it just a little.  The papers are mine, the cluster is one I created a long time ago.  The font used for the title is Thickhead and I used the Colato font for the word stickers.  I wanted to add a text confetti but the script kept creating huge words that overlapped and some were also cut off so I had to put paid to that idea!  I created the stars instead from Cassel's script.  Shabby chic is usually in pastels but the windows were shabby so I went with it cos it is my kinda shabby chic, lol!  The photo is from Unsplash and was taken by Matt Artz.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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