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Wise Words Challenge 2020


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Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?


This challenge will revolve around the Text tool and various ways you can use it to create title and stories.


The registration is officially open and the challenge itself will start on April 20th, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join.


And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.


Did you find this thread before the registration page? Here it is.

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Hello Everyone,


LOVE Our Carole and I am so looking forward to the 20th.   I really Love Carole, I found her when I got shut in funny how it all just happened so glad it did.   At Christmas I bought me Corel 2020 ultimate I also got other programs, and I havnet even opened them once.  But beause Of Carole, I opened and found her how Lucky I am.  


Carole, I Love your Teddybear I love that your Grandbaby will have that from their Grandmother.  I hope it gets to go on to your Great Grandbaby.    I looked up your surgery, glad that came out good.     As always YOUR Rock.




Trish where are you?   You signed up right?   I am so looking forward to this hope you will be there.     




   Cyber hugs all.



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Hello there,


I signed in also, after bootcamp and now going through basicscrap course I look forward to this new challenge. I see a lot af names/photos I recognize from the other projects, so nice to hear from all of you again.


Carole I hope you get well soon and your teddybear looks lovely.

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Hi Everyone


I am looking forward to this week, from down in New Zealand.  I have a project I am working on and I hope this helps, I am producing a booklet to sit along side a collaborative art project I am overseeing.


Thanks Carole, I have one of your books and I have been following you for a while.





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Howdy Ya'll


It is nice to see so many familiar faces and lots of new folks signed up for this next PSP juncture taking on the fascinating world of text.


Glad to hear our beloved leader is feeling a lot better and ready to amaze us with new found tricks and ticks to keep our words in line instead of them gallivanting all over the place .

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