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What are you working on (in June 2019)


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in June, be it a scrapbook page, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!

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Saskatchewan hasn't had any rain this year.  These past two years we've had very little in the way snow, for moisture.  The Anemones were hit by frost last week, so the only colour I have in the flower beds so far are the wild flax flowers.  Over the years I have taken thousands of flower photos, so I won't be short of material for projects.  To create this background paper, I used the adjustment layers, and the character map to create fancy text.  The paper will go into the pending group folder along with  some elements, ready to  be made into an ecard for a friend.
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Yes Sue it is really a beautiful photo and pretty idea to use it as an ecard. I am used to take my little digicam with me, (easier to put in the bag as the panasonic) ready to take pics along my way. Flowers, animals, clouds and architectural details are my favourites. I am interested in the way you created the background and want to try it. Using the character map for the fancy text was certainly much work ...




Bonjour Mireille, bien réussi, very funny umbrella. Which tutorial is it?

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Bonjour Libera,


Voir The Lab9-06 vidéo paper fan, j'ai retourné le template avec le motif et ajouté le manche créé avec Pen tool taille 22 + texture bois + inner bevel + luminosité et contraste pour assombrir ou éclaircir selon le rendu de la couleur. Voilà !


Bonne journée.


For English speakers :


See The Lab9-06 video paper fan, I returned the template with the pattern and added the handle created with Pen tool size 22 + wood texture + inner Bevel + brightness and contrast to darken or brighten depending on the color rendering. Voilà !



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Thank you  for the  lovely comments on the very simple  but effective layout on the flower ecard.  Many of you will know that I'm not one for making a busy layout.  Libera the adjustment layers are very easy to use, and even after you have completed the project you can go back and change those layers in the psp file, as long you don't merge them down. Firstly locate the adjustment  layer tool.  I can be found at the very bottom of the layers pallet, the second icon from the left, hover your mouse  over the icons and it and it will tell you what  each tool is.  Now to begin, using the selection tool, select all.  With the  main photo selected, click on the adjustment layer, and select brightness and contrast, adjust the  brightness, to your liking, and click ok.  Now contact the selection to your liking, and hit the delete key, while the adjustment layer is selected.  Now go back to the main photo, and contract  the selection again, select adjustment layer, brightness and contrast, and click ok.  Contract again, and  hit the delete key.  Go back to the main photo, and repeat.  You can also start from the inside, and expand, or use circles, or any shape in the  selection tool box.   I save then as a psp images,  leaving the layers in tact.  For the outside border, I selected all, contract,  invert, and use a small inner bevel, to emphasise a small frame, neat frame.  I hope  you are able to follow these instruction.  Myself and I'm sure others  would like to see  one of your adjustment layer projects.
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Hello Sue Thomas,


Oops, I see I forgot to file a comment on your very nice photo. Very good rendered and sober as I like them except, of course, when there is a challenge where you have to put all the requested elements. Have a nice day.

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Wow Sue thank you, I just thought about asking you if you used PSP pictures frames and changed the opacity because I forgot it in my former comment. Did not expect to have such a quick and long description and the link. I feel spoiled (hope its the right word). I already looked for the adjustment Iayers before after having read this above your photo. Oh la la, new challenge, the french girl needs to work it out :-)!


Super, merci Mireille, je ne suis pas encore abonnée au Lab mais tes explications sont très intéressantes et précieuses pour appliquer ces fonctions pour d'autres travaux.


It's funny to write in both languages. I'm not yet a member of the Lab but Mireille's good description too is an additional incentive to try it.

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Working my way through the presentation,  cut the scissors.  This time slats.  Once you know how, it's not that difficult to do.  So many of my questions being answered.  As I often wonder how  does the script to that, now I know.  I also leant several  new techniques,  using the  shift and alt keys.  This presentation has to go to the top of my list of favourite master classes.  Thank your Carole, you are awesome!
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Mireille  very nice fan created from the tutorial.


Sue  your 4 projects look great with the techniques from the class ....  the photo in the cold day jan 2019  is beautiful.


Raymond  nice photos for this technique and great result achieved.



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The background eraser is your friend.


Why would a person take an image with water blobs from a fountain with a blue sky background, replace the sky with a red circular gradient, and toss in a few humming birds? The background eraser made me do it....


The weather vane image had a blue sky with clouds. Working with Tolerance and Brush size, the natural sky was obliterated.

The background eraser made me do it....

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Sue, Ray, Dennis: what atmospheric pictures and successful works with the new class and the eraser tool!


I also tested the eraser tool too recently and was really surprised how good it can function but I need practicing too. The following is just a quick work with this tutorial I discovered last week: https://scrapbookcampus.com/tips-tricks/magic-fill-pspx7/


I went to a museum festival sunday and took a photo outside of a stone bench just to try this tutorial. This one was easy but it depends on the photo material. I hope the results this time will be uploaded in the right order and if not you guess easily :-).

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