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Scrap Bootcamp - January 2019


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This is a good problem to have.  This Boot Camp is so successful, there is no way I can keep up with all the posts.  I see them, in that I get emails about every one and I always look.  I just do not have the time to reply to them all.  I am loving what the newbies are posting as well as the "oldies"!  I find it fun to see how everyones layouts look so different!


Great Job everyone!





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Here is my Day 6.  The kit is called Chocoholic from JoCee Designs.  Love the idea of adding borders to the images and alternating the colors in the titles.  Thanks again Carole for a great lesson.  It is so nice seeing all of the different designs that are being posted.  Great work everyone.  I updated the image with a deeper drop shadow since the chocolate pieces actually would be thicker than the paper.
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Hello everyone,, Finally getting to work on the bootcamp. I am liking all that I see that has been done. Will be doing catch up today.  This is Bootcamp  #3


I am using PSP 2019,  did create most of this on my own, except for the tree tubes. I do not have any kits, so I decided I would try making my own.  Hope that is alright. Please give me any suggestions that I can do better, thank you.

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My cousins and I went to the dog park in Florida several years ago and I was finally able to use the pics I took!


I used the Tranquility kit that Cassel suggested. The dandelions were a bit too transparent for my taste once I tried the drop shadow. I ended up duplicating them, merging the duplicates down, then adding the shadow with a reduced opacity. The two little dogs I used are from Marisa Lerin at PixelScrapper. I know my layouts are almost carbon copies of the tutorials, but that's how I learn. You guys are so darn creative.


~ Michele

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I really enjoyed this Scrap Bootcamp. I learned a lot of shortcuts and features that I had not previously used in PSP programs. I have been using PSP since version X8 to edit my photos. I now use PSP Ultimate 2019. Digital scrap booking is really new to me. I had signed up and taken a few seminars on line for PSP but was having a hard time trying to remember all that was covered afterwards. I was still very confused up until I took this bootcamp. The repetition over 7 days has helped keep a lot of the information clear in my thought process.







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Here is my Day 7.  For some reason my PSP was unable to save this project as a pspimage file this time and nothing was saved after the import text from the clipboard portion of the instruction.  I was able to save a complete full size image and a resized option of the completed project however, so if I need to change anything I will just recreate the last few steps.  Very odd...  Again, thank you for the class Carole.  Great work and inspiration from everyone.  I went back into my project and figured out my saving pspimage problem.  I was down saving to an earlier version that was not compatible with the newer text option and ended up creating another page option with a different background.  I am having way too much fun with this.
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Homework-Day 6


This day has certainly been a lesson in perseverance. I had no end of troubles from the moment I opened my program. Loss of workspace, loss of tool bars, movement of toolbars, hiding windows, hiding layers, disappearing fonts, buggy font installers (old stuff that new virus detector found when font folder was opened for first time). No real terrible issues, just time hogs and a bit of frustration at simple tasks requiring major time slots from last evening and this morning. With frustrations being what they were, I found that in this too, there is more than one way to skin a cat. My goals were (mostly) accomplished. I made the papers used on this page with a bit of help from the patterns in my digital stash, and the elements are from a very old scrap kit named "A Bit of Romance". The ribbon needed a color change, and I wanted the folds to have a greater depth. More frustration, but goal achieved! All things considered, I like my page, although not very similar to our example for the day.


Cassel: This is the first time I have seen the eraser tool Shift+Hold trick. I groaned as I was watching the video, imagining all those click that was going to be needed to zigzag those edges.... Woot, woot! I love it. I practiced quite a bit getting my corners nice enough to suit me, but this one is going to get a bit of use!


Sharon Cope Carriere: Nice use of color, love your Childhood Memories page!



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Day 7,  guess my PSP figured out I'm not giving up. I've learned a great deal about PSP. Thanks Cassel for such great instruction. I promise to practice on many more pages. Will be checking out the campus and Discovery center for more. I want more. I want more. LOL..


This picture is of my beautiful granddaughter, age 3, in September of 2018.


Thanks to everyone for the questions from which I have also gained knowledge and your inspiration from your awesome pages. Loved looking at you beautiful photos. Seems many of you are well traveled. Also so glad to have met so many people with the same crafts and hobbies as me. It's been a pleasure!

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Here's my Day 7. It's of my grandson when he had his adenoids removed. I've enjoyed this bootcamp. Thank you Carole. This has really helped me get through a pretty rough time. I've learned a new way to add borders to photos and to resize squares, etc. I used Boo Boos and Bandaids Kit by A-Manda Creations. I tried to find a link, but it must be retired.





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Day 7


I used papers from AMB Illustrations and the Cookie jar and talk bubble elements from Laurie Furnell on Etsy.


I had a great time this week and learned so many new things.  I am feeling much more comfortable using PSP.  I'm sure I will be using it a lot more now that I understand the basics.


Thanks Cassel - You are a great teacher!

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