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What did you do (in November)?


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Hi Sue, your projects are beautiful !  a great idea to have the envelope with the card...  some time ago I was thinking to do something similar by making and envelope and card for an email greeting..... you have inspired me to give it a go. I also do a lot of card making with PSP for printing out and using special photo paper they come up quite nice.  I will say it again you are very talented... well done!


best wishes,



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I have been playing with flower making to have my own created elements for my projects.  I have used Cassel's Petal and Lace edge fonts . also Cassel's freebie for eyelet 4 as a matt and Cass chain bead tube for the pearl. I couldn't resist turning  one flower into a card front.  what I did would take up to much space here if I tried to write it all out but I did use Filter's Unlimited 2 plugin filter on Pattern Generator - magic flower to get the radiating background for the flower to sit on.   I also made use of the filter for the smaller flower. on the rosette style flower I used TwoMoon filter Roto blades on the circle shape I made with the edge font.  the main reason for showing my project was to show what I did for the stamens for the flower... I have an old drawing of a flower and I extracted the stamen centre.. got rid of the white background and tidied it up a bit more.. changed the colour and painted on some yellow dots for the top of the stamen.  this idea may not be new but it was for me. and I saved it as a png to use over and over. I named the  flower patience because it took a while to do.... Cassel's lace and petal fonts  are great to use. there are so many different shape flowers one can come up with. and the edge fonts, well.. I just love them.



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I am now so addicted to frames via the "Sue Thomas" method. Somebody stop me!!!! I started with a duo-tone gradient in the sunburst mode. I flood-filled both frame borders with the same gradient and mode, but increased the number of repeats. I would have used a honeycomb pattern, but I just used one a few days ago. (The game programmers really need to stop re-using the "Honey" theme lol.)


Actually the reason I want to share this one is because I found the cutest set of free brushes. All the images with the bees and the dripping honey at the top are different brushes. Aren't they adorable?




Carole, if you don't approve of my sharing the free brushes, just delete this post or let me know and I will delete it. I thought it would be okay because they're not similar to your style; they're not "scrapbooky" at all.

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It's the 1st December already.  Which means we are one month closer to Spring. After I had completed the project, I noticed that  the dates weren't quite right, as traditionally  the week starts on a Sunday and not a Saturday, so  I  hid  the month, and copied and paste the month of June into December. Selected the date 31 from December, promoted it to a new layer, and copy and paste it to it's new place.  These calendar templates are marvelous!
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DeLoris, I already downloaded them yesterday. The trees came out really cute.


Sue, an advanced border master class would be great, but Diamond membership isn't within my budget. :( I'll have to absorb as much as I can for the month it's available. Very pretty calendar page, btw.

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