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March WORDART Challenge (2024)


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We all work with a graphic program and can create very interesting projects. How about creating a wordart from a fun quote related to PSP or scrapbooking? Who knows? Maybe we can turn them into frames, mugs, t-shirts, etc.

The quote to use now is:

"Life is like a digital scrapbook; sometimes you have to crop out the negativity."

I will look for places where we can use those wordarts for merchandise!

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So far I could only come up with the quote in different colors on a spiral. I put it on a T-shirt just to see if it would work. It is not very original, but I have more pressing things on my mind at the moment. As no one else has posted something here yet I want to give it a start, maybe somebody else will follow. Depending on the outcome of eye tests tomorrow in hospital I'll try to come up with something else. Hopefully my eye only needs a laser treatment which will be the best option, otherwise there is something seriously wrong and my trip to my daughter is in 3 weeks...... Keep your fingers crossed for me!


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15 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

So far I could only come up with the quote in different colors on a spiral. I put it on a T-shirt just to see if it would work. It is not very original, but I have more pressing things on my mind at the moment. As no one else has posted something here yet I want to give it a start, maybe somebody else will follow. Depending on the outcome of eye tests tomorrow in hospital I'll try to come up with something else. Hopefully my eye only needs a laser treatment which will be the best option, otherwise there is something seriously wrong and my trip to my daughter is in 3 weeks...... Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Oh no Corrie.  I hope laser is the treatment you get to have.  Sending you positive vibes (and a hug for good measure) for your appointment.

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On 3/28/2024 at 3:11 PM, Susan Ewart said:

Oh no Corrie.  I hope laser is the treatment you get to have.  Sending you positive vibes (and a hug for good measure) for your appointment.

Thank you and after a day in the hospital for tests that involved scan, eye pressure, lots of different eyedrops, testing, talking with the doctors and so on, the doctor couldn't explain what the problem is that caused my eyesight to drop 25% in a short time. The scans showed no difference to last year, my lens is clear, so no laser treatment. The only thing that came up was the fact that my eyes were rather dry despite the eyedrops I use. Therefore I got not drops but a gel that should moister better. I have to use that 7x a day for 2 weeks and then 6x a day until I have to come back after 2 month and blink my eyes a lot. Hopefully it is going better and if not or not enough, more testing and scans. Luckily I am allowed to fly with more drops during the flight, I can go!!!! But it is a nuisance I can only read with 1 eye and being at the pc is also awkward, maybe it isn't bad that I don't take my laptop with me! I will be kept busy by the girls and the dogs anyway.

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On 3/27/2024 at 6:45 PM, Corrie Kinkel said:

So far I could only come up with the quote in different colors on a spiral. I put it on a T-shirt just to see if it would work. It is not very original, but I have more pressing things on my mind at the moment. As no one else has posted something here yet I want to give it a start, maybe somebody else will follow. Depending on the outcome of eye tests tomorrow in hospital I'll try to come up with something else. Hopefully my eye only needs a laser treatment which will be the best option, otherwise there is something seriously wrong and my trip to my daughter is in 3 weeks...... Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Corrie, I will be thinking of you and praying for the success of your eye treatment. My eyes are very bad, and ebooks and the computer have been a Godsend for us vision impaired individuals.

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1 hour ago, Donna Sillia said:

Corrie, I will be thinking of you and praying for the success of your eye treatment. My eyes are very bad, and ebooks and the computer have been a Godsend for us vision impaired individuals.

Thank you Donna and yes I don't know what I should do without the modern appliances! I for certain wouldn't have taken up scrapbooking. Think what we would have missed, all the great people that make this community much more then a scrapbook site! 

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