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Importing .abr brush files

Mary Solaas

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21 minutes ago, Mary Solaas said:

I downloaded the neon brushes from photoshop and I cannot open the abr file to import the brushes.  Help.

There are SOME brushes that won't open in the Import dialog window. I am not sure if it has to do with the version of Photoshop used to create them, or other settings. However, can you point to where those brushes are and I can direct the team to check them in case there is an explanation or an alternative?

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2 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

I downloaded the neon brushes from photoshop and I cannot open the abr file to import the brushes.  Help.

I have had this issue too.  I wonder if it's because they are really big files and there could be a lot of brushes inside them?  Sometimes ABRMate can extract a few of them but not all.  Mine were bought from photographers using the newest version of PS.  some of the files are 300,000 to 445,000 KB.  Is that huge for abr brushes?

Edited by Susan Ewart
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9 hours ago, Cassel said:

There are SOME brushes that won't open in the Import dialog window. I am not sure if it has to do with the version of Photoshop used to create them, or other settings. However, can you point to where those brushes are and I can direct the team to check them in case there is an explanation or an alternative?

Can I just send you the file?  I'm not sure what site I was on when I decided to download the zip file.  I can send the zip file - where can I do this?

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1 hour ago, Mary Solaas said:

Can I just send you the file?  I'm not sure what site I was on when I decided to download the zip file.  I can send the zip file - where can I do this?

Sure you can email me the file if you want and I can take a look.

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I just happened to be working on the same thing and found this on the internet. here is a link in English. I learned from this that PSP does not yet have all the rights at the moment. Only in Corel's Video studio, it's possible. 

Edited by Jannette Nieuwboer
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  • 2 weeks later...
10 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

I just received an answer from Corel technical support regarding abr files.  there answer: 

. I'm afraid there are no options in PaintShop Pro that can convert these brushes from PhotoShop. Thank you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions.

Hum... this is strange because although PSP cannot USE abr files directly, PSP can IMPORT them.

@Jannette Nieuwboer would you mind forwarding me the response you got? I could try to follow up with the team as it is possible that one "support person" might have incomplete information about this.

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1 hour ago, Cassel said:

Hum... this is strange because although PSP cannot USE abr files directly, PSP can IMPORT them.

@Jannette Nieuwboer would you mind forwarding me the response you got? I could try to follow up with the team as it is possible that one "support person" might have incomplete information about this.

I can't get them to work

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1 hour ago, Mary Solaas said:

Since I'm sticking with 2022 Ultimate, I'll just pass - the neon idea is what got me to download them (I've since deleted the download).  Will work with your neon instructions.

I have had the odd photoshop abr brush file that wouldn't  allow me to convert  to PSP. The Neon tutorial in the creative scrap,  is  fun, quick and easy and to do.  

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20 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

Since I'm sticking with 2022 Ultimate, I'll just pass - the neon idea is what got me to download them (I've since deleted the download).  Will work with your neon instructions.

Did you try ABR Mate.  It works on some but not all PS brushes.  And converts them to PS7 and from there I import to PSP and PSP does whatever it does to conver them.  Very big PS files have never worked.  I bought some from photographers I like, sometime I can get one extracted but not all of them and other times I can get more.  Some PS brushes I've gotten have both a newer version and older PS7 version for download. What I thought I noticed before was the newer brush  files (from current versions) are really big.  Not sure if that makes a difference or not.  The neon tutorial sounds interesting.  Hmmm....could a script be written for this I wonder.  

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What I get when I convert them (in ABRMate is PS7 files) then I import/export (which ever is the right word) them into PSP.  First I try the original file in PSP (always) and if it wont import (nothing shows up in that box) then I try ABRMate, which converts it to PS7 if it can do that (sometimes it can, somtimes it cant - like newer version PS brushes doesnt always work).   Here's a file that only had the one file and ABRMate converted it to PS7.  It's in my folder I call "Done - Imported"  that means it's in PSP as a brush.  I check them once I import them.  Does this make any sense?  It sounds like something I'm doing is wrong, but I am getting brushes somehow.   The 5 and 3 in the picture is the start of the date modified, not how many brushes there was (there was about 20 brushes).

Ps brushes converted to PS7.JPG

Edited by Susan Ewart
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2 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

What I get when I convert them (in ABRMate is PS7 files) then I import them into PSP.  First I try the original file in PSP (always) and if it wont import (nothing shows up in that box) then I try ABRMate, which converts it to PS7 if i can do that (sometimes it can, somtimes it cant.   Here's a file that only had the one file and ABRMate converted it to PS7.  It's in my folder I call "Done - Imported"  that means it's in PSP as a brush.  I check them once I import them.  Does this make any sense?  It sounds like something I'm doing is wrong, but I am getting brushes somehow.   The 5 and 3 in the picture is the start of the date modified, not how many brushes there was (there was about 20 brushes)

Ps brushes converted to PS7.JPG

Edited by Susan Ewart

When you go the ABRMate route, that will create PNG files. Then, you don't IMPORT them, but instead, you need to EXPORT as a Custom Brush.

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57 minutes ago, Cassel said:

When you go the ABRMate route, that will create PNG files. Then, you don't IMPORT them, but instead, you need to EXPORT as a Custom Brush.

I'm not sure how I got there, might be (likely) that's exactly what I was doing only I didnt know.....as you know (with scripting) I seem to have my own illogical logic.  I know that I would have initially followed one of your tutorials.  I'll have to download some to see just how I did it.  Memory is fine line isnt it.  Thanks for clearing it up.  

The more I read what you say the more I think that's what I do when using ABR but didnt realize it was making pngs.  I just now imported ones with PSP by going:

File<Import<CustomBrush<dialog box pops up; choose Open<get the file which adds the brushes to the dialog box(Brushes)<add all (adds to Selected for import)<OK   -  this sounds like a script! There must be some if/else structures in there. ?  Is PSP also written in Python? Does Python talk to other coding languages?

Edited by Susan Ewart
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12 hours ago, Cassel said:

ABRMate will convert the abr files to png files. Then, you would need to export them into a brush.

2 questions about this. 1/Where can I find a trustworthy site to download this?  2/ Which PS P version is best to put this in since I have two versions running, 2018 and 2023. (I don't want to download anything from filehippo)

Edited by Jannette Nieuwboer
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4 hours ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

2 questions about this. 1/Where can I find a trustworthy site to download this?  2/ Which PS P version is best to put this in since I have two versions running, 2018 and 2023. (I don't want to download anything from filehippo)

1- You can download ABRMate here: https://abrmate.software.informer.com/1.1/

2- ABRMate is a standalone program so it won't be installed or associated with PSP itself. Once you create the PNG files, you will need to open them in PSP and export them. If you have many, you can use Suz' script Making Custom Brushes from PNG

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3 hours ago, Cassel said:

1- You can download ABRMate here: https://abrmate.software.informer.com/1.1/

2- ABRMate is a standalone program so it won't be installed or associated with PSP itself. Once you create the PNG files, you will need to open them in PSP and export them. If you have many, you can use Suz' script Making Custom Brushes from PNG

Thanks, Carole. for your info. I will install it. 

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