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Quick-Page Workshop - June 2023


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22 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

Quick Page Extra Lesson 5

having hamburgers a couple weeks ago I was slicing pickles and well, there you have it, very judgy pickles.  How rude.  ?

Fonts: The Chocolate (Creative Fabrica) and Arial (Windows)


QP Extra -5-vocal pickles-600.jpg

How lucky you are ? LOL

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12 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:


Quick Page Extra Lesson 6

I'm starting Lesson 6 with the extra.  I love the layout of this quick page (I mean the QP as itself).  For such a small area for the photos you eye is really drawn to that spot.  I dont deny it, this is a challenge for my shooting style where it's hard to get photos that fit into a square.  It's a good challenge for me.  I dont have a great lens for moons, they are tiny in my images so i have plenty of space for getting that square layout.  I took some creative liberties with the backgrounds going from the darkest blue of the full moon to the lightest blue in the less than full moon the lightest one is.   Three of the moons were actually shot in the day...I call them Day Moons.  The full moon was shot at night.  I had to extract it and put it on another moons background (with permission of the "other" moon of course).   i like using the selection to put the quotes in.  I changed the colors using the Hue Map, it took several times going back to it. 

Photos: mine

Fonts: Gill Sans Ultra Bold and Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed (windows)


QP-Extra6 Moons-600.jpg

A cool quote and cool moon photos. I don't have a special lens for moon photography either, but that doesn't stop me from going on...

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17 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

In general I do not like to use very small photos and therefore I placed only 1 photo in the frames. The color blue in the template invited me so to speak to use this photo of a bluebird, a beautiful bird that we don't have in the Netherlands. At first he/she was sitting on the ground between some grasses and I only spotted some blue and when I went to have a better look he flew up and settled in a tree to look what I was up to. I could come rather near and got a couple of photos of him or her. I don't know if there is a difference between the male and female birds. If someone knows, please tell me.


I found a link for you Corrie: https://a-z-animals.com/blog/eastern-bluebird-male-vs-female-how-to-tell-them-apart/

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2 hours ago, MoniqueN. said:

Text font on the left side at the top = Anton Pieck (Very famous artist) Anton Pieck


In short translated: This is a very old door of a shed, maybe Anton Pieck got here his inspiration from, he liveda half hour from this place.


I knew already this artist and love his illustrations. I just looked for a website in english: 

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11 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Thank you very much. I searched when I returned home but not extensively. On the base of this link I think mine is a male because it had those intens blue tailfeathers.

That's what I thought before, male have most intense colored feathers.

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This is a card for a friend who has to have a complicated operation next week. It is not her first and she always says she hates all those very colorful or "funny" well wishing cards. So I made her a purple one by changing the colors of the card into something more monotone based on the purple of the flower. I hope this is more to her taste!  It says that we are thinking of her.


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Clearly I am in a purple mood and after making my card I did the Extra 7 layout also with those lovely purple/lilac/pink flowers and then had to change the template accordingly to accommodate them. Hue, Saturation and Lightness did the job here too. I didn't put much text on it, the flowers speak for themselves. The font is Bremlin.

Yesterday my album came back from the printerservice and I will make a page with the unboxing of it and show it in What are you working on in June. See you all there.

Carole thank you for this QP-Workshop, although it was the 3rd time for me it always brings new ideas seeing all the work of the participants and helped me to readjust at home after my trip.


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I used the QP-7 extra layout. I thought it might take me hours to find and download multiple photos on a theme, so I cut corners by using only two. Both are from Pixabay.

Having a nice manageable project to work on each day is such an enjoyable task. I will miss not having one tomorrow! The dreaded blank canvas will be in front of me once more.

MY QP-7 extra_600.jpg

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34 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

This is a card for a friend who has to have a complicated operation next week. It is not her first and she always says she hates all those very colorful or "funny" well wishing cards. So I made her a purple one by changing the colors of the card into something more monotone based on the purple of the flower. I hope this is more to her taste!  It says that we are thinking of her.


Nice touch for a card with your logo on the back.

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6 hours ago, Sharla said:

My Day 6 are Water Lillies at Burnby Hall (2012). I chose these photos becasue I thought they sat well with the background colours. I added a bit of text - each letter was typed individually and then positioned.


Day 6 600.jpg

Wow! those are so beautiful.

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For our 55th anniversary, we traveled to Windsor, Ontario. I took this photo of Detroit from our hotel room window. I changed the hue to better match the photo and changed the white frame to also match. The frame was beveled. Since there was still a little white showing, I added a heart that I created using a cass script offset cutout. The font is itsadzokeS02, an olf font.


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With every workshop I'm so pleased/enthousiastic (sp?) to see the same base lay out we get from Carole and everyonen has a complete different project as a result, I love it every time!?

Here is QP7 Font is Annabel script. Photo's taken at castle and castle gardens over here in the Netherlands.




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Yesterday I spent some time photographing my day lilies, one of my favorite flowers. I changed the background color and added one of my plaids to the frames. The font is Beon to which I applied the cass neon script. For the text, I used individual letters, but got too impatient with lining them up to fit the squares.


Edited by Donna Sillia
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On 6/24/2023 at 5:14 PM, Donna Sillia said:

I didn't change the heart shape at all, and the flower mask layer is over the heart. I think some of the mask was so light that it didn't show giving the appearance that it was under the heart. I never noticed the effect until you mentioned it. 

Thanks Donna. Think I understand as your flowers in the heart shape are cut outs so you don't have a hard edge that you would with square images.

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I was in the mood to do something with QP Non Scrap 4, but it took me time to make a choice for the pics.
I used the Brush Script MT-Font - I found again thanks to Carole who "enlightened" me last day, LOL.
Fotos are all mine.

For 2023 I used the log digits made by Carole, just adjusted the color. For those of you who are interested, you can find it there at the end of this page and request them: https://scrapbookcampus.com/2019/07/theme-camping/




Edited by libera
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