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April Tut/Tech Challenge - COLORED FOCUS


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The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.


The first Tut/Tech Challenge is the Colored Focus. This technique is incredibly versatile and is surprisingly easy to do. There is a video tutorial on this technique HERE.


What will you create? Show us below. We want to be inspired.

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Wanda, what a cute and sweet little girl! Lovely!


Black Opals are really beautiful, Marlene, and I can imagine all the interesting things you have over there.


Here is what I've made. This is Ludwigsburg castle, where every year there is a Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival from September until November. These photos were taken in 2014 and the theme then was Kürbis (Pumpkin) Royal. This year will be Rome. The festival exhibition is behind this castle.

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Wanda,Marlene and Cristina, lovely photos you have done with this technique. Below is a pic of a Robin I painted few years ago when I was learning to paint in oils. I am no longer able to paint with oils  so I do my painting with colour pencil techniques for some of my card activities. Here is my post for this technique Challenge Colour Focus.
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Lovely work everyone. I too love the robin and a great gift you have April, wish I could paint and draw but my gift from god was craft-work. Anyhow, here's my go at this and I am using a photo I took from Chelsea flower Show in London a couple of years ago. I haven't the info of who designed it but think it may have been a talented student of Art.



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Thank you Sheila  for your comments but I must let you know I did not draw the robin I was never any good at that so I did a tracing with the authors permission from a book I purchased on beautiful Song Birds. However the painting of the bird is all my effort. Sheila your post really caught my eye, the colour looks great. Marlene I hadn't thought of the robin as a Christmas card, but it is a good idea thank you.


I am really enjoying seeing all the beautiful work that is being posted and to use Cassel's words...  being Inspired.



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Thank you April. I still think you are talented as the painting is fabulous and well done.


i agree it is lovely to see works being done and maybe we might see others get inspired and show us their productions too.








Sheila xx

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I took this pic a few years ago when I was on a walk around the neighborhood on Long Island, NY. This exercise was very cool and will make things easier for me now that I know how to do this. Being as OCD as I am, I used the Soften tool in some spots. LOL


Thanks for the challenge, Cassel. By the way, I bought both of your 101 Super Easy Tricks books on Amazon and I'm learning so much. I would recommend them to everyone using PaintShop.


Love everyone else's pics, especially your g-grand, Wanda. She's adorable.

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Spring now feels like it has finally arrived.  Crab apple blossoms, and the first flower to appear in the garden, the Anemone.  I used a different technique for the Anemone.  Using the smart selection brush, select the flowers, invert, new adjustment layer, brightness and contrast, and  adjust the brightness to however dark or light you want it.
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