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May 2022 - BINGO game


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As we have not had a BINGO in a while, so I thought we could revisit this activity as it gives a lot of flexibility in what you want to use in your next project.


I am providing you with a card with 24 elements that can be included in a layout. You can make a bingo by using any element in a straight line that would make a bingo, whether it is a horizontal line, a vertical line, or a diagonal line. That means that you have to include 5 (or only 4 if you use the FREE in the center) elements in your layout. Of course, you can have more than one bingo if you want to create more than one layout.


Once you post your layout, tell us what 4-5 elements from the Bingo card you are using (it is just easier for everyone to check on you! ;) )


So, here is your card, for May 2022.




If you are a DIAMOND member and want to create those elements, you are more than welcome. If you are not, or if you don't want to do anything from scratch, you can also use ready-made elements. There is no rule for or against that.


The only rule: have fun and be creative!

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A quick bingo page, done without any outside elements or papers.    Photo prong, mitred corner, paperclip and three buttons.  To be perfectly honest I don't really know in what context, to use the photo prong.  Is it used as a pointer, or a clip?  I saw this  paperclip design somewhere, and had to replicate it, I like arrow shaped  paperclips.  I used a brush to create the  mitred corner decoration.  I used Carole's tut for the buttons, as I  had  completely forgotten how to  do then , it's been that long ago  since I  made any.
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Photo prongs are meant to hold photos. The round part would be pinned in the base, and the long segment will overlap the photo. So, with four prongs, the photo is held without any damage. But of course, we can use them in other ways too!
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Ah right, I understand now, so the long part holds the photo in place or can be swiveled away from the photo, to easily remove the photo, avoiding any damage to the photo. Cool! I have never seen them used. Thank you. I even Googled them, and came up blank.
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I found this a bit of a challenge but still enjoyed the process. I used my own photo for the focal point and included the BINGO grid second line down from the left. Elements to use are, Admission ticket, Chain links, Single Flower, Paperclip and Gel Element.


I used Carole's Scripts for the admission ticket, lifted photo and glittered gel. I used a font called Frank Ruhl Hofshi and staple tubes by Winni.


I used a free digi flower stamp I have had years but can't credit the artist. However, I did colour it after making it have a transparent background. The paperclip and dingly dangly chain star was my own creation probably using a tut from by someone that again I am unable to credit. I used a lot of Carole's techniques with shadowing and interlacing etc. TFL

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I had no idea what was required for this challenge. But then, BINGO, I got it!


So...under the N: yarn, checkered, etc. It was the idea of yarn that got me looking for images, and I liked the idea of a child doing some knitting (I always wished I had learned). Just a bunch of saved elements thrown together. Seeing it posted here, I think it needs some kind of outside border or edge to make it look more finished. But I'm done.

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I had the first vertical row - here is result...


I remembered the horse-drawn carriage, so ... well, those wheels ... I also included gears :)

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