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  • in reply to: Alphabet game – SEASHELLS #60226
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      N ~ Nautilus Shell

      in reply to: My retirement scrapbook #60215
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        Awwwww … Carole … that was wonderful.  Something to really treasure a few years from now when you haul it out and have great memories.  And I must say, you made a wonderful Po!  Loved it.

        in reply to: July Theme Challenge – Seashells #60180
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          Another try on the shells one.  A memory from childhood.  I was the last kid and a only a young teen when my Dad retired and we moved to Maine.  That’s a funny story in itself.  My parents put it to a family vote, thinking all four kids would vote with them to retire to Florida and all four kids voted for Maine.  So we moved to Maine until I graduated high school and THEN they went to Florida!  Anyway, my Mom and Dad lobstered together for fun in the summer.  When I turned 15 my mother and I became a lobster team, too.  One night some guys thought they might take the easy way out to make a few extra dollars and decided to steal ours.  It didn’t work out well for them.  Pop was a clever guy.

          in reply to: July Theme Challenge – Seashells #59945
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            It’s raining cats and dogs for about the third day and only in the 50’s … so much for a lovely July 4th here.  It’s totally okay with me as we sure needed the water, but it made progress come to a screeching halt on the barn reno.  I live at the beach and some of my favorite shells are right in front … sand dollars, boat shells, purple muscle’s, etc.  But after a storm I love finding a live hermit crab … or one transferring to another/bigger shell.  Sort of like we might move from house to house – or apartment to apartment – they settle in.  Anyway, my entry is just a comical simple one.  And yes, I return them to the sea.  They can last a while in the kelp where they were washed up on the beach … but it’s a long crawl for a little hermit crab all the way back down to the tide’s edge.

            in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59683
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              I have to say I am blown away by all of your postings.  Ann, your Botswana trip has been fantastic and it even makes me want to see it and I have to admit it has never been on my to-do list!  Annie … your Australia posts are always lovely, pure and true.  Always enjoyable to see what you are going to come up with.  Corrie … outstanding!  Love the history factor with your posts.  Gerry … loads of memories I bet for you (and in an ever so good way!).  Carole, congratulations on your retirement … but I hope you aren’t going to retire from the Campus!!!  We won’t let you!  I think you are going to have plenty of time to be a full blown “professional” grandmother now!  I think we are going to need a full scale video of this child’s first birthday party!  It seems it is going to be spectacular … and he won’t even remember it!  You better be busy thinking up your own scrapbook layouts!  LOL  I had full intentions of participating all the way to the end … but two things happened here.  One great and one not so great.  Computer died … had to quickly send for another one and then the dreaded two/three day process to get it loaded up again.  I had also contracted for another barn reno this summer and was led to believe it wasn’t going to happen until late summer.  But last week the builder showed up and something shook loose from his schedule and he was ready to begin!  I didn’t even have the barn cleared out as yet!  So by the time I get home from there, so sorry, I am ready to eat and collapse!  My pillow was calling my name in a big way!  I have the new computer loaded somewhat … still working on it.  But wanted to tell you all that your stories were awesome and I truly mean it!  Absolutely wonderful.  We have all come such a long way.  Where are all the rest of us Campus folks?  We would love to see their travels, too!  Have a wonderful July everyone – it’s sneaking in faster than Superman’s speeding bullet!

              in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59454
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                If you don’t know, Maine waters are COLD COLD COLD.  However, Newport sticks out into the jet stream just enough their water is CONSIDERABLY warmer than ours!  I like the beach but lately all I hear about are the sharks roaming around.  They are even tracking tagged great whites just off the coast.  I read an article from an ocean expert just this morning that said once you have gone past your knees consider yourself in the wild!  Now I am thinking POOL sounds good!  LOL  We generally tour around Ocean Drive and Thames St. and look at the Mansions which have mostly all been preserved by the historical society … and then we head across the bridge to go shopping.   When I was young there was no bridge … just a car ferry.  My sister and I used to walk downtown and get on the ferry for less than 50 cents – ride over to Jamestown and just didn’t get off and made the trip back to Newport again.  That ferry … is now a floating restaurant in Portland.  Newport was a huge Navy Base destination in those days and we spent a great deal of time on base as we were a Navy Family.  Seems like every other tour my Dad got was back to Newport.  That’s why it feels like home.  While I have been away for a lot of years, my sister married and stayed there … keeping it well in the family!

                in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59379
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                  It’s only about a three hour ride from here to Newport … if you are going through Boston.  It’s a little longer to go around Boston, but that’s what I do.  Not much longer, but always a great stop in there to get a drink and snack.  Like I really need it for a three hour run … but I am not in a big hurry.  Nice to stretch you legs for a minute.  Loads of scenic views and the entire Boston area is full of historical sites.

                  in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59357
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                    Sure enough, Ann, will do.  You ever get to these parts, I will make you one (or two).  🙂  Maine is also famous for “Italian Sandwiches”.  Don’t ask me why … well, I guess I do know.  The hill in Portland … well if you don’t know, Portland is a giant hill – no matter which way you are going you are either climbing up or zooming down to or from the water.  But anyway, THE HILL (Munjoy Hill) was pretty much established with Italians.  Guess it came from there.  But many people the first things they want when they come here are either a lobster roll, or like me, the first thing I want when I come back is an “Italian”.  It’s all in the roll.  It’s funny … in all the places I have lived which are many, they are called a variety of different names.  Hero’s … subs … grinders …  hoagie’s … etc.  I wonder how many regional ones I don’t know?  That might make a good travel tale … testing all the sandwich shops!  LOL  Good work if you can get it!

                    in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59339
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                      Once I get north, I have to admit, I don’t travel too far.  After coming 1600 miles to get here, I am content to stay around the area as I am here for such a limited time.  That doesn’t mean I don’t get around favorite haunts though.  So that’s what my travel tale will be about.  I grew up in Newport, RI … and my sister married and stayed there, so I have to get there.  New Hampshire has great shopping … so that’s a given.  Otherwise I am quite content to be right here with my wildlife, the ocean and fishing!  🙂  I’ll probably hit on all those places.  I am located right beside the red star on the map.  Not in Portland, but Cape Elizabeth … right at the mouth of the ship channel.  I get all the ships, tankers, cruise lines, fishing boats, tourists, etc. going by.  Today was a most unusual sight out there … a tug boat hauling a monstrous barge with an enormous ship drydock on it.  If you know how big a drydock is, you can appreciate just what kind of sight that was!  Looking forward to everyone’s tales!

                      in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #59180
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                        Hello all —  gals and guy!  🙂 … Just got a chance to browse through and see what everyone has been doing and as usual you have all been very busy with great stuff.  Some pretty things, happy events … and some sad.  Sorry you lost so many plants, Sawnie.  That was an awful time in Texas and it’s heartbreaking when you lose some of your favorites that you have nurtured for so long.  I know when I leave Florida I worry about many of mine making it through the hot summer.  Meanwhile, “back at the ranch” here in Maine … I am finally getting settled in.  There was so much to do and catch up on here after 8 months away.  Thankfully … a new handyman has really been a godsend for me to catch up both inside and out.  Maybe I can even find time to play again … and just in time for the Travel Challenge!  I hope you are all well and looking forward to seeing and playing with you all again.

                        in reply to: Alphabet Game – CONTINENTS #58779
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                          Annie T 🙂  My first thought, too, was this game won’t go far with only seven 🙂  … but then reread Cassel’s instructions which broadened it up to “words associated with continents, countries, and geography”  which I suspect could lead us going for quite a while!  LOL  We are rather spread out in here.  🙂


                          H for Havanna.

                          in reply to: Alphabet Game – CONTINENTS #58757
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                            in reply to: May SKETCH Challenge #58266
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                              I tried again on a subject not so “squirmy”.  LOL  I was thinking how lucky we are to have resources available to us to “visit” foreign places without ever leaving our chairs and without opening our wallet.  Of course it will never be the same as actually being there … but with the world situation, I suspect loads of people are not too excited about leaving their confines anyway – especially long distance travel.  I have always dreamed of going to some of the beautiful places on the globe … but with age and walking limitations, I have a healthy skepticism that I will fulfill that dream.  Google images goes a long way to letting you see amazing things … Earthcam lets you see some of it in VR.  And our own Annie T let’s us see that colorful wildlife that she shares with us!  Probably every tourist place has it’s downside, too … and you are not likely to see those broadcasted all over google – but seeing and dreaming isn’t the least bit hurtful to the body, mind or wallet!  I would have a hard time honing down to just where I would want to go.  Where would YOU go?

                              in reply to: May SKETCH Challenge #58207
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                                I played with this one.  I remember seeing a story on tv once about a place in Canada where over 70,000 snakes come out of the ground pretty much all at the same time.  It’s a snake persons mecca and they congregate there to watch, see, and handle.   Anyone ever been there?  Well, I am from a place that all snakes are okay … so we played with them.  But now that I have moved to Florida, I do not know their snakes so I play with none.  I know they have just as many bad ones down here as good ones.  I did have my first run in with one just last week.  Went to step outside the door and he was writhing all around on the back step.  Apparently in the process of shedding and using the edges of the bricks to help pull the skin off.  Smart snake, huh?  Interesting to watch and I have to admit I filmed it with my ipad.  Knew my brother would like it as we were snake kids.  Not so down here.  Anyway, I have been trying to learn more about Florida snakes and which ones are okay and which ones you want to urge to go away or at the very least not have anything around that makes him want to linger.

                                in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2021)? #57769
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                                  I made this for purely personal reasons … my niece’s children haven’t been to school in a year and a half.  They are depressed and anxious.  I can’t help but think many children are in the same boat – not only school but the socialization school and school extra activities provide.    They are on overload with news accounts from the world, too.  So are we, but they are kids.  Little ones just starting out haven’t even been to school.  It makes for loads of pressure on parents to keep their children focused and upbeat and at least a little JOYFUL!  Obviously we can’t discount what is happening in the world, but we must remain vigilant as depression in kids is at an alarming high.

                                  in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2021)? #57759
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                                    Sheila … excellent job!  It’s lovely.  I am curious – did you work with a mouse or a graphic tablet?  Whatever, the result is terrific!

                                    in reply to: May Theme Challenge – FRAMES #57745
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                                      Bonnie … just love it.  Loved every darn thing about all of them.  A lady 91 that looks THAT GOOD, you know she is doing something RIGHT!  Loved the friendship sentiment on the blue one, too!  You always inspire with your PP “PickleballPosts”!

                                      in reply to: Art Media Painting #57744
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                                        I am going to be honest here.  I wanted to like playing with these … but I didn’t.  I paint in real life and making the transition from brushes held in hand and mixing my own paints to poking keys on a computer just doesn’t fly much with me as yet.  Concepts visualized in the head don’t always play out on the monitor!  NOW, I have to admit, I am not home this weekend and I am working on a little tiny laptop with not much on it – and no WACOM.  I might have liked it better with that.  But still, I had fun playing and while it’s dumb, I guess I will share what I made.  Also, I have invested heavily in Painter 2021 and after playing with their brushes, textiles, patterns , overlays, etc … not to mention some of the convenient and awesome things that offers, this was pretty minimal and did not compare.  I am NOT making a criticism of Corel, because I don’t think this is what Paint Shop Pro’s goal is – better to leave that to Painter.  The two programs are vastly different and while both are fun … I think I will leave the actual transitioning to painting  to Painter 2021.  Paint Shop Pro is great to have included this, I think … and I guess I will give it another go when I have a graphics tablet onboard!  Mousing paint was tedious and rarely got the effect I was after.  It did while away the time while I had to watch :::listen really::: to a very boring HOA Zoom meeting.  LOL  I have not enough working experience with these tools … but it did seem to me they did NOT resize down well at all.  Am I imagining that?  Anyone have knowledge on that?  No matter what, they blurred.

                                        in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2021)? #57721
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                                          Ann … Go to View > Palettes > and down to Instant Effects

                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2021)? #57720
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                                            It’s only the 8th, but I am already in pack down mode to make my yearly trek back to Maine.  Closing down two places is a bit daunting by myself as both have to be left hurricane ready.  This year I smartened up and hired some help to come in and do all the heavy lifting toward the end of the month, but I still have to do the cleaning out of refrigerators, freezers, porches, etc.  that kind of thing.  Can’t even leave solar lights outside as they would be a quick missile through any window.  As the years go by, I THINK I am getting it down to a rhythm — but I’ve also learned of many new resources this year that will gladly accept any surplus food items, clothing or even small appliances and furniture.  Seems with such a long term effect of Covid-19, there is need for a lot of things.  I am so happy to put them there!  They told me that one of their most requested food items was kid type cereal.  I guess I can make sure there are a few of those in there. 🙂  Even the post office has a huge drop box for any unopened foodstuff!  Still, there is work to be done and my playtime has been seriously cut.  All for a good reason though.  Maine, family and home await. 🙂  This project is kind of busy, but to tell you the truth after the very STILL past year and a half –  I CANNOT WAIT to be busy again.  I am used to a busy life and surroundings.  I am a go with the flow gal … and that often means there wasn’t anything penciled in … just fly by night and get in the car and GO! As people are moving around more it seems so uplifting for the spirit!

                                            in reply to: May Theme Challenge – FRAMES #57709
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                                              Thank you, Michele and Cristina. 🙂 Going to try a different one and maybe use more of those toys we all bought. You know what they say … Practice practice practice. No wait, is that only in music? Works in real life, too, I’m guessing.

                                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – PICTURE FRAMES #57688
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                                                Q – Queen Anne style frames

                                                in reply to: May Theme Challenge – FRAMES #57687
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                                                  I’m not quite certain what we are supposed to be making or sending here … but this was an old frame I made years ago … but when I made it – it was tiny. Well … repurposed a bit … resized in AI, played with a graphic I like from online as it looks like my great niece, used a lino bg we learned how to do right here and loads of colors and well, this was my result. I wanted a sort of extra bright but not quite neon effect. I think this was about as close as I was going to get. Anyway, I was tired of sitting in this chair. LOL I might play with it a bit more later. The bows of course were from “the big sale” and made from the graphic itself. Seems we all LOVED the big sale!

                                                  in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2021 #57522
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                                                    What wonderful work from all. Had fun looking. Lynda … an awesome retrospect of your family and one can tell that it was made with an abundance of love. I hope you have had more opportunities to all get together … or will have. Of course the past year and a half probably not so much. All the posts were great! Corrie, I loved your flowers, too! I am not home … and just have a little laptop with me so not much to play with … but at least it allows me to peek at everyone else’s efforts. Probably see some of you tomorrow night. Have a great weekend everyone.

                                                    in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2021 #57342
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                                                      WOW!  I sat this one out as I just had too many things going on here that I couldn’t put off.  I just went through EVERY page and I am astounded by all your results. From travel, family, birds, sports, crafts, gardening, floral, fishing, wildlife, and even a wedding!  … you covered all kinds of things!  Every one of them was a delight.  Impressive efforts from you all.  Totally enjoyable!

                                                      in reply to: Alphabet Game – ZOO #56992
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                                                        O – Otters  … I just learned this on google and thought it was sweet – Otters hold hands while sleeping to avoid drifting apart while in flowing water.  I guess more smart than sweet.

                                                        in reply to: Happy birthday, Carole! #56958
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                                                          Throwing in my two cents, too.  Hope you have a wonderful day and spend it just however you like.

                                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2021)? #56818
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                                                            Many wonderful things here to look at.  Always inspirational.  I had a busy Sunday/Monday with company and didn’t get any play time until last night … when I reflected on the day being a State Holiday (Patriots’ Day) in my home state.  If you lived anywhere near Boston you commemorated the day (April 19th, 1775) and probably recited “one if by land, two if by sea … and I on the opposite shore shall be. ”  My husband being a sports guy, you could always find us at the annual Road Race in Portland – followed by an early BBQ somewhere!  It was pretty much a ritual.  Even the dog got to come along and somehow I think she always knew where we were going that day.  I think animals have their own kind of internal clock.  I think the best thing I liked about it was a massive showing of patriotism.  Everyone, even the dog, had some sort of red white and blue on.  — I used an old scrap round in the middle, Carole’s bow makers, ribbon, and even the Squares and Angles script for the little box.  Glad my company was here when they were as it is a dreary pelting rain day today.  I’m not even sorry about it though as we desperately needed rain! Have a great day, everyone.  Keep making some awesome things to look at.

                                                            in reply to: April PALETTE Challenge #56653
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                                                              Mine is just kind of a fun one.  Have you ever “talked” a chickadee down to your hand?  It’s pretty easy if you are patient and they get to know you.  This isn’t a chickadee, but she looks like anybody’s face looks — the first time it works.  LOL  I used the colors given … a script called art which messes with them a bit, I made the background in the circle with Carole’s Airbrushed Paper script using the colors given … the round frame is Carole’s Circular Element script … and the two different bows are Carole’s Bow 16 and Bow 17 scripts.  I might try another in a day or two … but company tomorrow which I am looking forward to in a big way!  See ya.

                                                              in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2021)? #56578
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                                                                Here is my flop play with template transitioning.  I deliberately picked a very busy bg to see if I could get the little lines and it surely did.  All of the items used including the frames were grayed out templates.   In making it, they are exactly the same color as the bright yellow.  But as you can see when resized it made them different.  Maybe I did something wrong, too?  Going to try again … but not today.  On to something else today.  It was fun though.

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