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  • in reply to: June TUT/TECH Challenge – Multicolored Text #78156
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      • Junior

      I am on this!!!  Wow! Thanks! It was an inspired choice for your project!

      in reply to: June TUT/TECH Challenge – Multicolored Text #78144
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        • Junior

        Pirkko, that is fabulous! What is the fill? I think those itty-bitty, see thru flowers take it from smashing to brilliant!

        in reply to: Need ideas for captions for a storyboard array of photos #78116
          • 199
          • Junior

          Ok. I was just going through my templates to try to find some that are lined out in a grid, but not much luck– I have thousands of templates, and they are all worthless because I can’t spend hours looking for the perfect one. I should just delete them all!

          Soooo, next stop was the Creation Cassel Script Store (LOL) and I found not one, but TWO scripts for making templates…because I am not measuring every cotton pikkin’ square out pixel-by-pixel for every photo.

          The problem with the daffodil photos is that they tend to be different sizes.  Big collections are usually bigger than singles for example, and there is a lot of text with the names of the flowers.

          I wish I had started with the winning daffodils and saved this stupid thing for last….it’s not even a good article, but there were so many people there wearing masks I thought it might be useful for posterity —   But I might just buy the scripts to have.

          I’m tired, but will address this in the morning…thanks, Sue!

          in reply to: Need ideas for captions for a storyboard array of photos #78114
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            • Junior

            Those are lovely – and exactly what I’m doing! So how’s that for service? Thank you, Sue!

            Tell me about the background treatments on the Rose and the bees and butterflies  — those look like gradients.  How do you get them so subtle? I think it adds quite a bit to the design, but I do not think I have anything like that in my presets…mine are all sort of violent colors, maybe orange to purple back to orange again. Magenta and Neon Yellow.

            This is what I was doing this afternoon…. It was using the Photo Effects. This is Dark Vignette Photo Effect. Maybe too subtle on the settings, though. I’ll know more when it goes up here.  Sadly, it took me a very long time on PSP 2022.  I am not handling the switch to 2022 very well. :((




            in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2022)? #78098
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              Susan, that is WONDERFUL!  Cassel should have your LO in the Lab, it is so perfect! If you put a photo that, and I think you should, even if two or three “i love you”s are covered, that leaves 3 or 4 uncovered! Plus you could size it a bit smaller and tuck it under your eyelet ribbon.



              in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2022)? #78093
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                Sue and Linda – WTG!!!  That is a biggie, so congratulations!

                Colin, Nice Job!

                So very nice to see these, Mary!  Really I thank you a lot. I have been wasting time today on some little “paper” caption tags, and I think the answer might be in the AI section of the Instant Effects.  I’m going to try it, anyway.  I have a request in the Feedback thread, but it is awaiting approval, so this gives me something to do in the meantime. (And I love the sprinkles on your LO! LOL!)





                in reply to: hi new member #78030
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                  • Junior

                  Hi, Rjay,

                  Welcome to the group!


                  in reply to: Photo Circle #77807
                    • 199
                    • Junior

                    Such attention to detail! Well done!

                    My across the street neighbor was a Dowling (no natural children tho).  He was a phenomenal person. Played tennis until he was 90, usually every day. I would come home from work and he’d be waving to me in his tennis whites.
                    Frank Stewart Dowling 1895–1986
                    Birth 12 DEC 1895 • Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA
                    Death 22 FEB 1986 • Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, USA
                    Father Samuel Dowling
                    Mother Margaret Dowling

                    in reply to: Accordion #77740
                      • 199
                      • Junior

                      MOST excellent use of accordions…. So very clever, while also being useful.

                      in reply to: Admission Tickets #77739
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                        • Junior

                        These are all just excellent,  but I’m going to comment on them all because they all deserve it.

                        in reply to: Bronze It #77738
                          • 199
                          • Junior

                          I must say, that is pretty darn amazing! Well done!

                          in reply to: New Script – Word Frame 5 #77712
                            • 199
                            • Junior

                            Hey Brian, looks great!! We are cousins! (R1B cousins!).  ?  Sorry had to edit. The split migration path of mine is different from yours.



                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Suzy.
                            in reply to: Subway Art Script – a Blast from the Past #77628
                              • 199
                              • Junior

                              So perfect! That Christmas poster is wonderful! Thanks for the heads up on Hitachi and the blog post. I was able to figure it out just by reading, so that’s really cool, but I haven’t done it as yet.

                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – HORSES #77617
                                • 199
                                • Junior

                                I had Google help, too.

                                Xenophon: General in the Greek army (c. 430-356 BC) renowned for his work “On the Art of Horsemanship” which described a progressive system of training horses and which became the basis for classical riding as we know it today.

                                in reply to: Alphabet Game – HORSES #77600
                                  • 199
                                  • Junior

                                  r=Red Roan

                                  Red Roan, Blue Roan. Nancy Drew rode one of these in the Case of the Missing Horse Mystery

                                  in reply to: Subway Art Script – a Blast from the Past #77544
                                    • 199
                                    • Junior

                                    Yes, a lot of saved time, but not as unique a final product.  That is just gorgeous!   I think the telling thing, though is that you “thoroughly enjoy creating”, while I am looking for the end product, and fast.  No one is going to say to me, “Oh, did you make that yourself?” or “Oh, did you just spend 8 hours putting that one graphic together? I can really tell you worked hard on that!”.

                                    However, if you ever want to share the name of the font carrying the text “is like a” and “capture the good”, and how you were able to add swashes as alternate characters in PSP, I am all ears.  I know Cassel has a class on fonts, but I am going to spring for a few more scripts and then join the Diamond membership (where the class on fonts and swashes is included) after PSP Bootcamp.

                                    For today, I have ruined all my folders of brushes and scripts and am trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.  It is not going well.  🙁   So instead of being creative, I’ll spend my 8 hours trying to find all my lost and missing scripts and brushes.

                                    This came in my email last Tuesday — from a hipster photo editing software company. What’s old again is new again.

                                    Hipster Graphic Like SubwayArt Script




                                    in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2022)? #77530
                                      • 199
                                      • Junior

                                      You all are putting me in the shade.  Sadly, I have upgraded from PSPX2 and am in mourning. I have upgraded three times prior to this, but it never “took”.  I kept going back to my beloved PSPX2.  Now, to make it work, I figure I have to switch all my stuff. So here’s what I’m working on, LOL! A tutorial. And it might take me til the end of June, too!  I have a lot of junk.

                                      What I'm working on

                                      However I want to make some comments, and the first is about the BIRDS! Ann, we have Cedar Waxwings here, and they are dull — more of a taupe? I’d say, and much thinner.  Your Merlin birds look like stuffed animal birds, LOL!  No, what I really wanted to comment on was the gradient. It’s gorgeous, and I never  would have guessed it would look so classy.  Your plaid for the Scarlet tanager is classy, too. Veddy nice!

                                      Marie Claire – Didn’t you just love the Mamie Eisenhower bangs?  (And to think Jackie Kennedy was First Lady in Jan 1961  and everything to do with style changed in an instant!) I like the green lines that look handpainted on the embossing, too.

                                      Colin, I really  like what you did with the dogs — their little faces are still perfectly recognizable! That is either a fantastic program or you are really skilled.  (I just hope Picture to Painting is on my new version of PSP!)

                                      Lynda, I didn’t recognize that Word Frame 5 with the title that didn’t match the frame!  I hadn’t even thought of that!

                                      And Mary, you’re the one that puts me most to shame…I just buy something like a brad, or ask Carole for a script. In fact, if I had to make a circle with an arrow, I’d use her Word Frame Round script and a line of arrows I typed. The offset is nasty business.  One little number or two and it’s inside the circle! LOL! I thought your little striped confetti added a lot.

                                      Back to the salt mines of corralling 25 years worth of PSP brushes and presets into their new home.



                                      in reply to: New Script – Word Frame 5 #77391
                                        • 199
                                        • Junior

                                        Brian!  That’s amazing, and it all goes together so well! The colors, the styles, the font — it’s just perfect! I never would have thought about weaving anything with the text.  I think you should move those examples to the new “showcase thread” Each element posted separately under the name of the script.  I had never even heard of Copper It!  And I wouldn’t have expected the results you were able to get, and same with Brushed Metal 1.

                                        Ann, it was smart to just leave the spaces open…no way you could get all that text in!  But it makes a nice frame for all that information, doesn’t it? And the little Chimney Swifts at the top are inspired (educational as well as beautiful since they show the silhouette in flight). I went to the Merlin website. I’m going to get the app as soon as I find my phone. (I have a house phone, so the mobile doesn’t get the respect it deserves here. For that reason (that it’s not joined to my body as another appendage) I’m a little worried about accidentally leaving it out in the garden. It would be a few days before I even missed it. I think I have an alarm on it, but that only works as long as it has power…but I’m going to man up, take responsibility, and try to identify some of these bird calls. And owl calls, er, hoots.

                                        Libera, Cassel meant I was invoice 24 in the store, so her 24th order (and 30th, and a few more) was to me. So, not her very first sale, buy early on.

                                        That’s all from me. I am on house cleaning duty this afternoon. :((





                                        • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Suzy.
                                        in reply to: New Script – Word Frame 5 #77358
                                          • 199
                                          • Junior

                                          Hi, again!

                                          Edited to add Note: It took me so long to type this out, Cassel had posted before me!

                                          I had trouble logging to respond to the comments — I think I have it set now, but only on my big desktop computer.

                                          Yes, I am an old veteran with PSP in general, my first version was JASC freeware, and all I ever did with it was open photos with about any file extension, even ones I had never heard of. The program would open anything!  So many years using it, and yet I doubt I know 1/20 of what you know, Cassel!

                                          Yes! Cassel, if you would set up a main tab, we can add products and samples as we use them, or as we find them (on our hard drives).  Posters should be sure to link to the product because the store search by name will yield lots of choices.  I have examples of about one-third of the scripts in the store because, well, they’re fun. and it’s fun to see how far you can stretch them beyond the obvious.  As Susan already noted, you don’t need any serious expertise, and in fact you don’t even need to use full concentration.  I also have a lot of fonts, and I like seeing them in circles and other shapes and determine their legibility, but I really don’t like setting text paths and/or working too hard, LOL!  (I am a gardener, not a computer person. It just so happens I am more of a computer person than most of my fellow daffodil gardeners!)

                                          Christina, I agree – more sales, but also a heads up to users on the value of less glamorous scripts.  Some of my absolute must-have scripts are ones you might never give a second look at, so I would probably start with those.

                                          I prefer this to facebook I think.







                                          • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Suzy.
                                        Viewing 19 posts - 181 through 199 (of 199 total)