
New Script – Word Frame 5

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  • #77278
      • 199
      • Junior

      Hi,  all,

      I’m sort of new here — and sort of really, really old here. 🙂   I use PSP and Cassel’s scripts, just not for scrap booking, so I’m not around much, but I want to tell you all about her newest script, Word Frame 5!

      I had asked her to make it for me so I could use the script as captions in some daffodil newsletters I edit. So the name of the collection would be in the frame – they would all be the same, and my newsletters would look awesome. Readers would think I’m a super star, not realizing Cassel did all the work. See?

      The second pic was just for fun.  There are more on Facebook, but there are multiple choices in her script — text on the side, top (as shown) and bottom, thick frame, thin frame, with a rounded corner, or not…I can’t think of all the choices, but take some time to think about the font you want to use….

      The last pic shows what we in the daffodil world consider a serious thing — the Awards Table, yet the babyish Garden dingbat I used didn’t really show what I wanted it to show — so I will redo it and use that frame for something else because it’s adorable just mot for that pic. so font choice is important!


      • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Suzy.
        • 2522
        • Superfan

        Suzy, you might be new HERE but you are a veteran in the store!!!

        Great samples you are showing!

        Susan Ewart
          • 763
          • Superfan

          Thank you Suzy!  Those are beautiful layouts.  I am fairly new with PSP, just over a year.  I love that script and will have to take a look in the store for it.  This would be great for covers for layouts in the workshops we do and well, pretty much any type of themed layout grouping.

            • 1558
            • Superfan

            Suzy, this script is great and, I think, a big hit in the store. Thanks to you, all of us will benefit!

            Susan Ewart
              • 763
              • Superfan

              I agree Cristina. It’s so easy to use as well, so a newbie gets a winning outcome right away.


                • 2522
                • Superfan

                Yes, this script has been a big hit this week so far.

                I am thinking that maybe I should have a new section in the forum for store products as many visitors here might be interested in seeing what is available in the store, and mostly, how they can be used in their projects. What do you think?

                  • 1558
                  • Superfan

                  I think it’s a great idea… Here is a great place to advertise what the store has and, at the same time, a source of inspiration for everyone who buys it.

                    • 2522
                    • Superfan

                    OK, I added one section under the Showcase area, HERE.
                    I will move this thread there, in a bit.

                    In order to help other viewers, we can have a separate thread for separate products.

                      • 199
                      • Junior

                      Hi, again!

                      Edited to add Note: It took me so long to type this out, Cassel had posted before me!

                      I had trouble logging to respond to the comments — I think I have it set now, but only on my big desktop computer.

                      Yes, I am an old veteran with PSP in general, my first version was JASC freeware, and all I ever did with it was open photos with about any file extension, even ones I had never heard of. The program would open anything!  So many years using it, and yet I doubt I know 1/20 of what you know, Cassel!

                      Yes! Cassel, if you would set up a main tab, we can add products and samples as we use them, or as we find them (on our hard drives).  Posters should be sure to link to the product because the store search by name will yield lots of choices.  I have examples of about one-third of the scripts in the store because, well, they’re fun. and it’s fun to see how far you can stretch them beyond the obvious.  As Susan already noted, you don’t need any serious expertise, and in fact you don’t even need to use full concentration.  I also have a lot of fonts, and I like seeing them in circles and other shapes and determine their legibility, but I really don’t like setting text paths and/or working too hard, LOL!  (I am a gardener, not a computer person. It just so happens I am more of a computer person than most of my fellow daffodil gardeners!)

                      Christina, I agree – more sales, but also a heads up to users on the value of less glamorous scripts.  Some of my absolute must-have scripts are ones you might never give a second look at, so I would probably start with those.

                      I prefer this to facebook I think.







                      • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Suzy.
                        • 1558
                        • Superfan

                        Suzy, if you feel like it, you could share your lovely work with us.

                        We have a friendly community here that supports and encourages each other.  Take a look at the “What are you working on” thread.  Every month a new thread.

                        We are all here learning from Carole!

                        Brian Dowling
                          • 29
                          • Rookie

                          Here is the ‘Word Frame 5’ from my website.  LB2-008 has a worn texture added to the frame so ‘Copper It’ can pick up some variation.  LB2-009 is a straight ‘Brushed Metal 1’ with gold (this picture incidentally has been modified with ‘Pencil Sketch’).

                          That was nice enough but noticing the gap between the words and the frame’s bar made me think of threading a ribbon through it.  I erased the bar so it looked like it was underneath, then I lightened the area on the ribbon above the frame’s bar.

                          The ribbon, from Ribbon Factory, had Frayed Edge applied to it (the fraying had to be erased from top and bottom).

                          It may well work nicely with some vines or lace woven underneath.


                            • 2522
                            • Superfan

                            Nice ideas we have here. I guess we’ll have even more activities in this forum and more inspiration!

                            I am happy to see Suzy in the forum. She has been a store customer from the first month it opened (her first invoice in the store was #24!) and a quiet member of the Campus since before the membership opened!


                            Ann Seeber
                              • 1372
                              • Superfan

                              Trying out Word Frame 5, I decided to go with a series of birds that the app Merlin has identified for me by their birdsong while I’m out in my yard. This has enlarged my list of local birds. I saw a pair of these swooping around in my front yard yesterday and Merlin ID’d them as Chimney Swifts. New for me! The photo is from Merlin. I extracted the bird and gave it a Negative image and the resulting white birds are at the top. I used the script but was unhappy with being unable to control the text, so I added my own. The font is Foglihten No 7. I have several new birds now to practice with!

                                • 734
                                • Enthusiast

                                Obviously –thanks to Suzy– Word Frame 5 became already something like a hit 🙂 I discovered it on sunday and bought the script immediately after…

                                … and as I can see very inspiring, looking at all the creations till now!

                                Is #24 a preset?

                                  • 199
                                  • Junior

                                  Brian!  That’s amazing, and it all goes together so well! The colors, the styles, the font — it’s just perfect! I never would have thought about weaving anything with the text.  I think you should move those examples to the new “showcase thread” Each element posted separately under the name of the script.  I had never even heard of Copper It!  And I wouldn’t have expected the results you were able to get, and same with Brushed Metal 1.

                                  Ann, it was smart to just leave the spaces open…no way you could get all that text in!  But it makes a nice frame for all that information, doesn’t it? And the little Chimney Swifts at the top are inspired (educational as well as beautiful since they show the silhouette in flight). I went to the Merlin website. I’m going to get the app as soon as I find my phone. (I have a house phone, so the mobile doesn’t get the respect it deserves here. For that reason (that it’s not joined to my body as another appendage) I’m a little worried about accidentally leaving it out in the garden. It would be a few days before I even missed it. I think I have an alarm on it, but that only works as long as it has power…but I’m going to man up, take responsibility, and try to identify some of these bird calls. And owl calls, er, hoots.

                                  Libera, Cassel meant I was invoice 24 in the store, so her 24th order (and 30th, and a few more) was to me. So, not her very first sale, buy early on.

                                  That’s all from me. I am on house cleaning duty this afternoon. :((





                                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Suzy.
                                    • 1424
                                    • Superfan

                                    Love what you did, Suzy. Hope to see more of your work. I’m not a scrapbooker, but I share what I do in the What Are You Working On thread.

                                    Brian, great idea to thread that ribbon!

                                    Wow, Ann. I don’t think I have many different birds where I live, but I love listening to them in the spring.

                                    Brian Dowling
                                      • 29
                                      • Rookie

                                      In this website decoration Word Frame 5 is used to frame a postcard TWICE!   The two frames fitted together and merged.  A US flag was then opened, used as a pattern at 45 degrees and 3D’d.

                                      Also Date stamp and Stamp scripts used to the right


                                      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Brian Dowling. Reason: sticky fingers
                                        • 1424
                                        • Superfan

                                        Very cool, Brian.


                                        Brian Dowling
                                          • 29
                                          • Rookie

                                          This website decoration features Word Frame 5.  The frame of the picture was created in Word Frame 5 and then the Stone script was applied to the frame as befits its stone-age relevance.


                                            • 199
                                            • Junior

                                            Hey Brian, looks great!! We are cousins! (R1B cousins!).  ?  Sorry had to edit. The split migration path of mine is different from yours.



                                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Suzy.
                                            Brian Dowling
                                              • 29
                                              • Rookie

                                              R1B is a very big haplogroup.  More detailed results should equal a more accurate path.  Mine probably took two steps backward for every step forward!  and no doubt a stop-off at the local hostelry!

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