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  • in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #61370
      • 1558
      • Superfan

      Hi Ann : )

      Thank you so much for your concern…We were spared of this tragedy as the flood happened in two neighboring states… Even 3 weeks after the fact, there are still cities without water and electricity. Huge destruction. : (

      As you said, Climate crisis for sure!

      Best wishes

      in reply to: What are you working on (in July 2021)? #61358
        • 1558
        • Superfan

        I have been away from the Forum for a long time… Not doing much and still working with the last challenge layout.

        But all of you have been busy and created so many lovely and creative pages. Different styles and always a joy to look at. Congrats Everyone!

        My dear friend Annie, my personal and honest opinion: I have great admiration for your work. I think you have a soul of an artist, and I see nothing off with your last layout… I even liked the color, lol!… Like Sue, sometimes I would like to add more elements, as you so perfectly do, but I also find myself deleting most of it. 😀

        But I understand you, as sometimes, we can be our worst critics. : )

        Best wishes, Scrapbook Campus Friends! <3

        in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #61357
          • 1558
          • Superfan

          Hi Everyone : )

          I am almost finishing my Travel Tale layout, so I will try my best to participate in this challenge… Like Annie, I also did it before, and it was great, so many new things to learn and other techniques that I’ve forgotten.

          Best wishes! <3


          in reply to: Are you ok in Europe? #61003
            • 1558
            • Superfan

            Thanks for asking, Carole! <3  …Sorry for not answering it before;  I am a bit MIA here but will be more active once summer is over.

            We were lucky enough to be spared from the tragedy that has happened in two neighboring states. As the German chancellor said, there are no words to describe what has happened.

            My dear friend, Annie, by now you already know that I am OK. ; ) Thanks again so much for your concern. Your friendship means a lot to me. Hugs and Love <3


            in reply to: What are you working on (in July 2021)? #60551
              • 1558
              • Superfan

              Hi Everyone! : )

              There is so much beautiful work here! It’s a joy to see all the creativity and lovely layouts posted, and on many, I have already commented on FB. Great job!

              It’s been a while since the last time I posted something on the Campus… I think it was in the Travel Tale Challenge thread.. which layout, by the way, I haven’t finished yet! Just working very slowly and doing other things in between.

              Anyway, hopefully, this month or the next, I will also be posting some new work.

              Best wishes, : )

              in reply to: My retirement scrapbook #60121
                • 1558
                • Superfan

                Carole, what a wonderful scrapbook they created for you! It’s a lovely way to remember the fun moments, good colleagues/friends, and a long portion of your professional life. .. Thanks for sharing. : )… As mentioned before, I think now that you are retired, you will busier than before. ; )


                in reply to: Are you getting spam? #60120
                  • 1558
                  • Superfan

                  Carole, I didn’t get any spam private messages, but I will let you know if it happens.

                  in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #59772
                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    The Campus comments are acting up again, as I know I didn’t post the last two comments yesterday, but in Jun16th.

                    I have not had much time lately to comment or be here, but all the work I see today is just beautiful, fun, and creative. Great job, Everyone!!

                    in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59771
                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      I also was planning to be more active in this challenge, but good weather and low numbers of cases ever made us decide to be more active outdoors and enjoy summer… We never know how things will be when it starts to get cold again.

                      Everyone that posted, great work! What you all created is a great source of inspiration, information, and entertainment. That is what makes the Campus a wonderful place to learn and make friends.

                      Carole, congratulations! I am sure Xavier will see his grandma more often. Lucky him. : )

                      Happy 1st Birthday, Xavier!

                      Dear Annie, I haven’t started reading the first book yet, but I will follow suit and get the others if the books are so addictive as you are saying… I am sure they are : )


                      in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #59147
                        • 1558
                        • Superfan

                        Annie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Be sure they mean a lot to me. <3

                        I am sure we can all say you are the master of support, encouragement, and motivation. The Campus wouldn’t be the same without you. 

                        in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #59146
                          • 1558
                          • Superfan

                          Annie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Be sure they mean a lot to me. <3

                          I am sure we can all say you are the master of support, encouragement, and motivation. The Campus wouldn’t be the same without you. 

                          in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59486
                            • 1558
                            • Superfan

                            Great work, Everyone! I learn so much about all corners of the world through this challenge… Each layout is unique and an opportunity to get to know places that otherwise, I wouldn’t.

                            Ann S., I didn’t know this book/author, and I was curious about it… So, I already order the first one at Amazon. : )

                            For this challenge, I will use photos from two different trips we went on years ago. I’ve already showcased one of the trips in the 2018 Travel Tale Challenge, but only part of it.

                            This is what I have so far… not much, as this is a work in progress. : ) I created two different Route elements, similar to what I have used in previous Travel Tale Challenges.

                            I am using the Day4 layout 335 from Marisa Lerin.


                            in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #59258
                              • 1558
                              • Superfan

                              Wonderful to see what everyone is doing… The Campus for sure never sleeps!

                              Bonnie, this is a beautiful love story, and you created a very nice layout to showcase it… Lady22 has great templates, and I downloaded a few thanks to your layouts… The last one was now, no 40, from 16Jun… It reminded me of one I used for the Love Story Challenge, which I liked very much… I didn’t know that lady22 (Bourico Casper) belonged to the Creative Team of Pixel Scrapper (now Digital

                              Michele, this is a very nice layout, and the use of the chalk script enhanced it… I didn’t remember or know this script, but there are so many great scripts that I lose track of all of them… I am always amazed by Carole’s creativity.

                              Sawnie, so sad to hear you lost most of your plants… Even more, having them for so long… Although sad, you created very nice layouts with the photos.

                              Minka, good to know you are all settled in… Luckily you found someone to help because there’s always something to do in a house, even more after 8 months’ absence… Looking forward to seeing your work again.

                              Shirley, another lovely scrapbook page of your daughter. Everything looks perfect to me… She will love the result.

                              Corrie, what a colorful and lovely layout… With Sue’s frame template, Annie’s Alpha, and those beautiful photos, nothing could go wrong.

                              Ann, very nice and effective ad. Who wouldn’t want to win such a great treat?!

                              Susanne, very nice work; I like it very much… I am not a big user of plugins, but sometimes they really come in handy.

                              Karon, thank you for your kind comment and words of encouragement! They are very much appreciated. <3   : )

                              I do love templates, and I think they are a wonderful tool… We have seen many wonderful layouts created with them on the Campus… Right now, I lack the inspiration to create my own, so I take advantage of my stash. ; )

                              in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2021 #59149
                                • 1558
                                • Superfan

                                Count me in! : )

                                in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #59148
                                  • 1558
                                  • Superfan

                                  Annie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Be sure they mean a lot to me. <3

                                  I am sure we can all say you are the master of support, encouragement, and motivation. The Campus wouldn’t be the same without you. <3 Hugs and kisses!

                                  in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #59115
                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    You all have been so busy! Susanne, Sue, Ann, Anne, and Michele, it is always a joy to see what you are all doing! <3

                                    I am still slow but managed to finish the Lab11-M01 layout to practice the Pencil Shaving, Circle Doodle, and Book Shelf tutorials.  I want to try so many new techniques/challenges, but this will have to be at a later time.

                                    I am still not very creative, so working with templates helps me a lot. This is from Lynn Grieveson’sMessy Pockets_Noted3_1“, and I tweaked it a bit to fulfill my needs… Even the shadows are from the template.

                                    Background paper by PixelScrapper/DiHillerSchool of Art” 2018Aug.

                                    Now on to Lab11-M02. : )


                                    in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #58958
                                      • 1558
                                      • Superfan

                                      Hi, Michele, I have noticed your absence and was wondering how you were doing. I hope you are feeling much better now.

                                      Judging by your layout, I think you are! : ) I love this kind of template, and what you did, the colors and, of course, the font… Fits perfectly… Great job!

                                      in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #58938
                                        • 1558
                                        • Superfan

                                        Sue, beautiful photos as usual… I love, love the Fox cub layout!

                                        Annie, I love this layout, the colors, the alpha… Just lovely!

                                        Bonnie, again a lovely layout showcasing your pickleball layouts… It is really great to see life “slowly” coming back to normal!… I will feel more comfortable being around people indoors once I have the second vaccine dose.

                                        Lynda, so true… Nice WordArt!


                                        in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #58937
                                          • 1558
                                          • Superfan

                                          Ann, this is a very nice, comfortable and elegant dress. Congratulations to the bride and groom for this special day!

                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #58889
                                            • 1558
                                            • Superfan

                                            Karon, I am so very sorry to hear about this sudden loss of your daughter-in-law. Unimaginable loss for your son. My deepest sympathies to the family.

                                            in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2021)? #58888
                                              • 1558
                                              • Superfan

                                              I was absent for just a few days, and this thread is already full of wonderful work.

                                              Great job, Anne, Sue, Bonnie, Anita, Lynda, and Corrie! It is always a pleasure to come here and see what you all are doing!

                                              I am working on a layout to practice tutorials from the Lab, but it is only halfway, but I’ll get there. : )

                                              in reply to: June Theme Challenge – CONTINENTS #58807
                                                • 1558
                                                • Superfan

                                                Annie, what a beautiful layout! I agree, with the new font and color, it’s easier to read.

                                                It happens to me often that only after posting a layout here that I see things that don’t seem right… No matter how long I have looked at it. : )

                                                in reply to: May RANDOM Challenge – WordArt #58806
                                                  • 1558
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  More contributions to the WordArt challenges!  The Campus is buzzing in all threads!

                                                  Sue, I don’t envy you… already 38°C so early in the season! : ( …Summer hasn’t started yet, at least officially!

                                                  Dear Annie, I heart your comment too, my friend! <3

                                                  in reply to: May RANDOM Challenge – WordArt #58764
                                                    • 1558
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Sue and Corrie, I heart your comments. : )


                                                    in reply to: May RANDOM Challenge – WordArt #58743
                                                      • 1558
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Wow! Sue, Ann, Annie, and Corrie, your WordArt layouts are outstanding! I really love seeing all of them. <3

                                                      Sue, some time ago, I named you “Master of WordArt” because you are an inspiration for us… But I have to tell you: The competition is getting soooo close!… Watch out for Ann, Annie, and Corrie! : D

                                                      Of course, I am just kidding… I know that here is not about competition, but sharing knowledge, practicing and inspiring…We really feel happy about each other’s achievements.

                                                      I haven’t been able to keep track of what everyone is doing and posting in the different threads, let alone comment on each one’s work, but be sure I love seeing what you all are doing!

                                                      in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2021)? #58659
                                                        • 1558
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Everyone created lovely, creative, and inspiring layouts… If all of this wasn’t enough, full of informations, about nature, places, techniques… Great work!

                                                        in reply to: BOOTCAMP May 2021 #58502
                                                          • 1558
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Carole, answering your question, yes, comparing both, the layout with the larger shadow looks more realistic. Thank you!… And again, this was a great challenge to participate in. : )

                                                          I finally finished Project#5.

                                                          Credits: Kristin Aagard “PizzaPizza” kit papers and the 2 pizza elements in the title.

                                                          Fonts: Half Baked – Gill Sans Ultra Bold – heavenfield


                                                          in reply to: BOOTCAMP May 2021 #58349
                                                            • 1558
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Annie, thank you, dear friend. <3 …Your comments are always uplifting, even when I am not 100% satisfied with the result. : )

                                                            Susanne, Susan, and Kathy welcome to the Campus!

                                                            in reply to: BOOTCAMP May 2021 #58348
                                                              • 1558
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Carole, you are right; I used a paper-like shadow…I am always a little uncertain when it comes to bigger shadows.

                                                              I am posting version 2, and for the shadow, I used 20/20/60/20. Is this ok, or should it be even larger?


                                                              in reply to: BOOTCAMP May 2021 #58279
                                                                • 1558
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Here is my Project#4


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