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  • #11072
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      That is very interesting, Sheila. I never would have thought of making a “recognizable” shape like that. Very well thought out!

      Sheila Hogg
        • 468
        • Enthusiast

        Thank you Cassell. It works well with PSP shapes too after converting to a raster layer when done with the pattern you want. off to see what text will look like next.

        Sheila xx

          • 396
          • Enthusiast

          Clever Sheila.  That takes Cassel’s great script and makes it even more useful.  Good job!

            • 2522
            • Superfan

            You are all making me look so much better when you are creating incredible projects like this.

            Thank you!

            Sheila Hogg
              • 468
              • Enthusiast

              Thank you Dianne. Cassel, without your wondrous and clever scripts we would find it very difficult to produce something as good as we can by using them. Wish I had your talent.

              Anyway, I did another one using a font and I think the result looks like a lace hanky.


              Sheila xx

                • 396
                • Enthusiast

                Oh, I do like that too.  I agree about how it looks like lace.  So pretty.

                Sue Thomas
                  • 1598
                  • Superfan

                  I’ve only been a Diamond member for 5 days. Already, my imagination and skills have been stretched beyond it’s normal realms of creativity. All due to watching some of the tutorials these past few evenings. As for the doilies Cassel, well you really have excelled yourself, they are positively delightful. They compliment any layout, whether it’s an indoor activity or outdoor. I shall never look at another doily again in the same way, when I use them for serving plated delicacies. I shall be including at least one of them or may be all three to my wish list, meanwhile I shall make my own using your tutorial, which I’ve already glanced at.

                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    Amazing examples above of what can be done with the doilies scripts. Lovely work, Sheila and Sue!

                    I am not yet a Regular or Diamond member, but I have learned so much with the tutorials I bought so far… Not only about scrapping but also the PSP programm. It is remarkable the knowledge that you have, Carole, and the way you pass it on in your tutorials. I am glad to have found your site not long ago.

                    Sheila Hogg
                      • 468
                      • Enthusiast

                      Some great stuff going on here and some really lovely supportive comments.

                      Anyhooo, I have been playing again and after browsing some tuts by Ladyfox I noted she had a flower one using a template. It got me thinking ( a dangerous thing that) and I wondered (another dangerous thing) if Cassels round Doily Script would do a similar thing so I had a go with it and it worked. After tinkering, shading and stuff that cassel has shown us I came up with these. Now, it did take a bit of time but that’s absolutely ok by me. TFL.

                      I coloured the 3 bigger ones using the manual colour correction tool after grey scaling them.

                      Sheila xx

                        • 396
                        • Enthusiast

                        Those are very pretty.  How clever of you. Not dangerous….creative.  🙂

                        Sheila Hogg
                          • 468
                          • Enthusiast

                          Thank you Diane. They are PNGs and if anybody wants them they are savable with a rt click and save as.


                          Sheila xx

                            • 858
                            • Superfan

                            hello to  everyone….Sheila those DaisyFlower are very creative. As I am new to the Forum I have been looking on back pages and have be encouraged by so many creative people. Well done to everyone .

                            Sue Thomas
                              • 1598
                              • Superfan

                              Cassel, I would like to take this opportunity to say how much I’m enjoying the tutorials. Wishing you and everyone a Happy New Year! This is a simple greeting where I used the cutout word tutorial,on one of my photos.

                              Marlene Lingham
                                • 241
                                • Enthusiast

                                Here is a page I did to welcome a friend’s new baby. I used the Lab 6/10 Template as my starting point then changed the one small photo to two half-sized ones. I made the name-plate myself, and used elements and ribbons from various sets, changing the colour to match the green in the shawl.

                                  • 2522
                                  • Superfan

                                  That is very nice, Marlene! Thanks for sharing!

                                  Marlene Lingham
                                    • 241
                                    • Enthusiast

                                    Loved the WordSlats script, which I have just won, I will post something when I have used it. In the meantime your freebie inspired me to use one of my photos from our recent trip to Western Australia – here it is.

                                      • 396
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      That’s very nice.  Australia is a country I’ve often dreamed of travelling to.

                                      Marlene Lingham
                                        • 241
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        I’m sure you would enjoy coming here, there is so much to see and do there is something for everyone. The only problem is that it takes so long to get anywhere: that Western Australia trip was 15 weeks and we still only scratched the surface. No wonder a lot of people here are buying caravans and travelling full time!

                                        Marlene Lingham
                                          • 241
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Here is something I did with the WordSlats script. I used three different photos, all cropped to the same width, copied onto a 3600 wide page and then merged. Obviously the colours were very slightly different and there was a line where the photos joined, but I was able to work out what text to use to put the gaps where the lines were. Using spaces to even the text out worked really well.

                                            • 858
                                            • Superfan

                                            Lovely photo of the Pentecost River and it looks great done that way.  Marlene,  I agree there is so much to see in our country of Australia. Thanks for sharing the photo  because some of us  can’t travel around this great land of ours, and just seeing a pic  brings joy to the heart.

                                              • 1558
                                              • Superfan

                                              This is a page I made using some of the goodies I got on Cassel’s birthday.

                                              I used the Curved Photo Script, Lifted Photo Script and the Twisted String Picture Tube. For the title I used Cassel’s Wooden Alphabet freebie.

                                              Papers and other embelishments are from Enchanting Autumn (freebie) by DiHillerDesigns. I added some overlays on the papers.

                                              I love everything I’ve got and already working on my next wishlist!

                                                • 858
                                                • Superfan

                                                Cristina, nice page, loved looking at the photos, it is nice to see pictures of other parts of the world. The photo scripts you used look great. I have not got them yet but I will put them on my want to get list. Look forward to seeing more of your page creations.

                                                  • 1558
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Thank you, April! I also like to see all the pages that are posted here. It is a technique that I don’t known , photos from different places, birds and plants that I am not familiar with…I enjoy being here.

                                                  DeLoris Musick
                                                    • 264
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Ribbon Factory Script

                                                    I asked for the ribbon script and Cassel took it a step farther by making the Ribbon Factory.  It gives sooo many option and I love it!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

                                                    I ran the script, saved the files and then ran her Ribbon Tag Border Script with the ribbons I made.  I added it to a QP I made for my grandson.  You can download the QP here for your personal use, if you would like it!  Download HERE.

                                                    I made a sub-folder in my Pattern Folder to put the pages to the scrap kit I was using.  Then at the prompt for color/gradient/pattern, I chose the scrap kits papers for my ribbons.

                                                    I hope you enjoy the QP!




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