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  • #10673
    Judy at Dogs
      • 14
      • Rookie

      A little something for Labor Day.  I made this using Cassel’s script “Word Frame Round”.  This is a super script with lots of possibilities for variations.  The best thing I liked about it was that it automatically knows whether you’re working on a square canvas or a rectangular one.  And if it is “rectangular, it also knows whether it is “vertical” or “horizontal”.  I’ve had a lot of fun with this script just playing with all the different things it will do.  Here is my Labor Day tag.

      P.S.  I didn’t bother to put this on the Pinterest Board, as it seems to be more trouble than it’s worth.  Sorry.


        • 396
        • Enthusiast

        That’s really cute.  Those look like pretty happy workers.

        I haven’t tried posting anything on Pinterest lately…sounds as if it may still be acting up.  I hope they are working on resolving the issues.

        Judy at Dogs
          • 14
          • Rookie

          Hi Dianne …………….. Thanks for your nice comment.  I didn’t even try to put it on Pinterest.  They irritate me that they can’t — or won’t — fix the problem, whatever it is.  I have no use for sloppy webmasters that don’t take care of their sloppy websites … !!!  I am of the understanding that they do “fix” it periodically, but apparently just half-a$$ because in a day or two, it is messed up again.  Grrrrr!





          Sue Thomas
            • 1598
            • Superfan

            I know the presentation was all about perspective, but Cassel did use the mask tool. These are two which I did quite some time ago, merging two photos together using the mask tool. In the fledged Robins photo, unless you look closely you can’t see where the two photos were merged together.

              • 396
              • Enthusiast

              Ah, Sue, so nice done.  Like the idea of the transition in one photo. You’re right about the fledglings…I would have thought that was one photo if you hadn’t written anything about the blending.  Lovely.

                • 2522
                • Superfan

                Very well done on both of those photos, Sue! Good application of a technique!

                Judy at Dogs
                  • 14
                  • Rookie

                  Oh dear, this is probably the best example of LACK of ingenuity on my part in any PSP tag I’ve ever made.  I don’t “garden” at all so, while I think Cassel’s little fruits are great, I just couldn’t wrap my head around any clever ideas for what to do with them.


                  Sue Thomas
                    • 1598
                    • Superfan

                    Judy, your gardening post is absolutely delightful! I downloaded the free flash cards, and after a little thought, I used the photo of the Mountain Blue bird I took a few days ago to use as an example of a word which I have used quite often. Along with it’s meaning. Very apt I thought for the Mountain Bluebird. Cerulean.

                    Sue Thomas
                      • 1598
                      • Superfan

                      I used a selection of flowers from my garden, using many techniques, like out of bounds, which I’m addicted to. Used Cassel lifted script, and freebies. To adorn my flowers.

                      Sue Thomas
                        • 1598
                        • Superfan

                        Thank you Dianne and Cassel for your kind comments on my merged photos.

                        Judy at Dogs
                          • 14
                          • Rookie

                          Hi Sue …………. Thanks for your compliment.  Your creations are lovely too.  The blue bird is very pretty.  Cerulean has always been one of my very favorite colors.  Love what you did with all the nice flowers.  Great work by you!


                          Judy at Dogs
                            • 14
                            • Rookie

                            Using Cassel’s wonderful freebie “Flash Cards” as a base model, I tweaked them a bit and made these “plant/garden” themed cards.  Big THANKS to Cassel for her nice gift of the flash card set.  (Sorry about the messy spacing of the images.  I didn’t do it.  The system did it and I don’t know how to fix it.  Never before have I posted more than one image at a time and, obviously, I don’t know the proper procedure.  Again, sorry!)


                            Sue Thomas
                              • 1598
                              • Superfan

                              Fantastic Judy! I particularly like the out of bounds flower one. I’m currently working on making a of set bird flash cards, like the one I posted. Categorizing bird of prey, finches, and warblers.

                              Judy at Dogs
                                • 14
                                • Rookie

                                Many thanks to you, Sue!


                                  • 396
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  I combined Cassel’s script for making a triangles background with the flashcard.  What I love about Cassel’s scripts is that they are so flexible…I can happily combine patterns and gradients as well as using plain colors.  Makes it so versatile.

                                  Here’s an odd thing.  I cannot seem to load a graphic directly to Pinterest but if I upload it elsewhere, including this thread, then I can pin it to the boards.  Rather a crazy thing, isn’t it?  Seems to defeat the point of Pinterest if anyone else is having the same problem.

                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    So many creative and nice images above! As I am totally new to scrapping, is very inspiring to see somebody’s else work.

                                    Cassel, this image below I did based on your post from September 5th about Alphas. I used the free Flubber Font and a pattern from PSP.

                                    I learn a lot with all your posts and tutorials. Thanks!


                                      • 396
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Cristina…that’s a delightful use of Cassel’s tutorials. Good job!

                                        • 1558
                                        • Superfan

                                        Hi Dianne 🙂 Thank you so much for your nice words!

                                        Judy at Dogs
                                          • 14
                                          • Rookie

                                          Oh Cassel, what lovely “Laser Cut Doilies” you gifted us with in a recent newsletter.  Thank you so much for your generosity!

                                          I love them all, but chose #04 to work with.



                                            • 2522
                                            • Superfan

                                            Can i ask you a “favor”?

                                            On Friday, Sept 30th, Alex will be showcasing some submission to their #FanFriday event, and since it will be DSD this Saturday, would you mind posting some scrapbook project on their FB page?

                                            Go to and upload one scrapbook project. Then in the text, just tag #FanFriday, so he would be able to see them. Let’s show others that PSP can also be used effectively for scrapbooking (and not JUST for photo editing).

                                            Can you do that??

                                            I submitted one. Now it is your turn!

                                            Sue Thomas
                                              • 1598
                                              • Superfan

                                              I submitted a scrapbook page as requested, chuffed to bits that it was selected for the gallery.

                                                • 2522
                                                • Superfan

                                                And Sue, your layout was picked up by Corel!

                                                Check this thread:

                                                  • 396
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Congratulations, Sue!  Well deserved recognition.

                                                  Sheila Hogg
                                                    • 468
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Still playing with the lace script I bought from Cassel on saturday’s sale bargains and made this by using mainly preset shapes with a few brush dot shapes. Hope you like it.

                                                    Sheila x

                                                      • 396
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Sheila, that is so dainty….love it!  Appreciate you sharing it.  Dianne

                                                      Sheila Hogg
                                                        • 468
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Thank you Diane, its quite an addictive script and I haven’t played with any of the others I bought at the same time yet. Lots to keep me happy, just need to do a project with it now.

                                                        Sheila x

                                                          • 1558
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          This is really beautiful, Sheila! Love it too!

                                                          Sheila Hogg
                                                            • 468
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Thank you for the nice comment too, Christina. x

                                                            Sheila Hogg
                                                              • 468
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              I bought the square doily script to go with the round one, well it would have been rude not to, my excuse and I’m sticking to it should my husband ask why. Anyway, I have been playing and got this idea and thought i would give it a try and I am pleased to say I liked the result. My daughter loves to craft , as do I when not doing things with PSP and she made me a lovely tree of life from wire and beads which hangs in a window to catch the light. i thought i would do a version with Cassels brilliant script and this is how it turned out. Hope you like it and TFL.

                                                              Sheila xx

                                                              Sheila Hogg
                                                                • 468
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Didn’t load for some reason so here is another go.


                                                                Sheila xx

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