
Scrap Bootcamp – July 2022

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Scrap Bootcamp – July 2022


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  • #79600
    Jannette Nieuwboer
      • 183
      • Junior

      I have ’20 and ’21 Carole. I do this job in ’21.

      Only saving doesn’t work well. PNG is ok, and JPG ok either. But the third gives me some headaches.

      The scrap kit is from BellaGrace (JustSoScrappy)

      the fonts are bleu  beach and caladea


      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        My Great-grand Magic’s mom has her at work making potions! (Yes, really, I think!) Day 7 Project, I made a template from Carole’s example and then chose a kit called Summer in my Backyard-lrd,  that I used exclusively, though I had to reduce the opacity on most of it as the colors hurt my eyes! 😀 Granddaughter-in-law Lucy supplied the title, text and photos. I’ll leave the template in the Facebook files.

        • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Ann Seeber.
          • 10
          • Rookie

          Day 7 – Project 3

            • 335
            • Enthusiast

            Susan – this 79621 is really cute 🙂

            Donna Sillia
              • 45
              • Rookie

              I downloaded a quick page from pixel scrapper in PSD format with layers and then saved it in pspimage format. I changed the papers and created my stripes in Filter Forge. I orginally was going to use the frames, but decided to line them up as was done in the video. That information was extremely useful. I love glitter and have a lot of glitter patterns already loaded. Any comments, recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

              I don’t Scrapbook, so I love to embellish my text.

              • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Donna Sillia. Reason: To correct positioning of flags
              Allen Hill
                • 5
                • Rookie

                My submission

                  • 10
                  • Rookie

                  Thank you Pirkko! ~Susan

                  Gerry Landreth
                    • 173
                    • Junior

                    These are my nieces. Interestingly, as adults, they never put their kids in dance classes. Could it be that they didn’t want their crazy uncle embarrassing their children with similar photos?

                    The kit is Midnight Dancer by Whipsy’s D’Zines from GoDigitalScrapbooking. The dancer was extracted from a photo on Pixabay.

                    Susan Ewart
                      • 763
                      • Superfan

                      Here is my project for Day 7 Project 3.  Well, it happened again.  when I was doing the journaling part the words were lagging behind my typing (I’m NOT a fast typer). I knew something was up and sure enough I couldn’t save as PSP.  I am still able to work in the project, just not save it.  So I hurriedly did the shadows and saved as a TIFF and JPG with no problems.  I also copied and pasted as a new image  each element/paper layer to see if I can recreate this page and save it as a PSP file.  My first project this happened, my second was okay.  I blame windows 10.

                      Papers and elements from Digital Scrap book.  Both flowers are two flowers merged.  I used the eraser tool to cut the corners off the glitter paper and to notch out between the photo’s, which are mine, part of a Flat Lay Photography project I am doing on Gazing Bowls.  The title font (Baby Heart) I think is Creative Fabrica (I have a font viewer and it includes Google fonts so now I don’t know whose is whose.  The Journaling is Bell MT which I think might be windows.

                      I love seeing the creative and interesting layouts from everyone.  Lots of good ideas.

                      Thank you Carole on your comment about my shadowing.  I try a lot of different versions to see what seems more realistic… and  if I get stuck then I then I go with WWCD (What Would Carole Do?).

                        • 2522
                        • Superfan

                        Harmony (#79583), good catch on the shadow! As you will see, over time, you will catch those details more and more.

                        Karen (#79587), I am glad you are learning tips and tricks. PSP is such a treasure chest that one can discover over a long period of time. I see you resized the images correctly without distortion. That is a common mistake with that project.

                        Jannette (#79600), those are precious photos. What a nice story to tell.

                        Ann (#79612), such a fun story to tell with those pictures. Good use of the shadows.

                        Susan (#79621), that is funny! I never knew that the calves would have their name on their tag. I thought it was only numbers.

                        Donna (#79628), as for terminology, if you downloaded a PSD file, that would be a template, and not a quick-page. Typically, quick-pages are in png format with holes for the photos. Nothing can be moved in a quick-page (and we will have a workshop on that in August!). Lining up the photos in this project is all about using a technique that can surely be used in various projects. Good job.

                        Allen (#79632), that is such a good idea to reuse the same photo in black and white on each side! I would suggest adding shadows to the photos and the blue mat behind them. It would add some consistency with the rest of the page.

                        Gerry (#79637), I assume, from your comment, that those are already “old” photos?

                        Susan E. (#79639), when you save in TIFF format, does it keep the layers? I suspect that as long as it is not closed, the image might retain all the layers, but if you try to re-open it later, it should be flattened. If it ever happens, try to save in PSD format, since that format will retain layers, even if you close the image/program. I am not sure if vectors would be retained though. – WWCD (What Would Carole Do?) 🙂 Check the pink paper at the bottom. I think you either forgot the shadow OR have the layer hidden.

                        Donna Sillia
                          • 45
                          • Rookie

                          Thanks for the information, Carole. I did notice that not all of the pages had the option for PSD files. I only downloaded the ones that PSD for their versatility. My first attempt simply added a frame. They were not lined up, then I realized I had missed the opportunity to learn something new and revised my project. Here is my first attempt, no pictures.

                          Susan Ewart
                            • 763
                            • Superfan

                            Yes I did forget the shadow, but it’s flattened so I cant add it now.  I had this one saved to this point before having the problem that I did add the shadow to.  I found out where it wont save from.  when I make a selection to put the text inside the selection. Once I add the text inside and click the apply button then deselect the selection and try to save that’s when i get the error message that it cant save it.  If I undo to this point ( shown below) it will save the layout in PSP image format without errors.  I must be doing something wrong.  at least I can use this one below and try and save as a psd.  I didnt know I could do that.

                            I just tried the psd and it worked!  it did lose one of the raster layers ( the top left flower, but kept the raster shadow for it, that’s funny).  That’s minor compared to losing a whole layout without layers.  I added the journaling in the same way with the selection tool and no problems saving as PSD.  I dont know why PSP doesnt want to do that.  It’s done it before with no problems. So it must be something I’m doing.

                            TIFF was flattened, no layers?

                            I just looked at the last one this happened to (Lab 5-11 layout) and it also had journaling where I used the selection tool to make the “box” for the journaling to be in.

                            • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Susan Ewart.
                            • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Susan Ewart. Reason: added more information
                            Gerry Landreth
                              • 173
                              • Junior

                              Carole – The pictures of the girls are “old.” My eldest niece, on the left, turns 39 in September. The other two are 37 and 35.

                                • 335
                                • Enthusiast

                                here is my layout for Day 7 – Project 3

                                  • 69
                                  • Junior

                                  My third project. Photos taken by friend. He let me use them.

                                  Harmony Birch
                                    • 38
                                    • Rookie

                                    Here is my day 9 project 4, I figured the music has been drawn on in ink before the photos added so doesn’t need a shadow.

                                    Susan Ewart
                                      • 763
                                      • Superfan

                                      Harmony, I love all your color choices.  You layouts are beautiful.

                                      Pirkko, you pages are inspiring, I always look forward to them.

                                      I wish I could comment on everyone individually; I am inspired and motivated by all of your layouts.

                                        • 335
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Susan – thank you for your kind words  🙂

                                        Harmony Birch
                                          • 38
                                          • Rookie

                                          Thank you I am really enjoying this, as the keeper of the family photo archives, I have what’s left of all the photos taken by 4 generations, I am hoping to learn enough to make some good scrapbooks to preserve family history.


                                          Karen Borgmann
                                            • 13
                                            • Rookie

                                            Love learning new tips and tricks that PSP can do.  I appreciate the clear instructions and have been truly enjoying this Boot Camp.  The scrapkit I used on this layout was from Carla Ware at 3 Scrapateers, and is called “American Pride”.  It’s an “antique” scrapkit, close to 20 years old by now. Yikes!!

                                              • 2522
                                              • Superfan

                                              Susan (#79647), glad you can use the psd if the pspimage is picky.

                                              Pirkko (#79654), you did a great job at resizing the images without distortion. I like that translucent fly wing over the text.

                                              Kasany (#79659), beautiful images! Have you tried the glitters smaller to compare the effect?

                                              Harmony (#79665), you are totally correct in your reasoning that ink element would not need a shadow!

                                              Karen (#79676), I am glad you found the instructions clear and useful to learn something new. That is my goal! You will have plenty of photos to showcase, I guess. Good job on that 4yh of July layout. The shadows are all accurate.

                                              Keep them coming. We still have almost a week before the end of the Bootcamp.

                                                • 10
                                                • Rookie

                                                Day 9, Project 4

                                                Donna Sillia
                                                  • 45
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Busy bee was perfect for me since I have several pictures of bees on my flowers. The biggest problem was finding the appropriate images to use. I found a lot of useful images at I learned a lot doing this project.


                                                  Ann Seeber
                                                    • 1372
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    DAY 9-PROJECT 4: SCHOOL Daze – My granddaughter Anna, the first-born of my grandchildren, and her college friends in 2006 at UC Berkeley. She majored in Asian Studies and then went on for her MS in Speech Therapy.

                                                    I used a Pixelscrapper mini-kit called Argyle from Marisa Lerin. This kit had me struggling a bit to get colors to match, which is not my usual experience with kits. I think I’ll also post the kit preview and you’ll see for yourself! 😉

                                                    The title fonts are: Britannic Bold and Childish. The small journaling text is Agency FB. The scatters are Picture Tube bubbles. I also used the Picture Tube to add stitching on the button.

                                                    I also made a template from Carol/Cassels example layout which I will post in our Facebook files.

                                                      • 69
                                                      • Junior

                                                      Ann Seeber. I like your work:)

                                                      Ann Seeber
                                                        • 1372
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        kasany: thank you!

                                                          • 10
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          I just love looking at everybody’s work! You are all doing amazing pages!! And I have to add that when Carol posts where to find kits, its like an hour later I have to walk away or else I would be looking for paper and kits ALL DAY! I didn’t know there was so much out there! It is so much fun!!

                                                            • 69
                                                            • Junior

                                                            My friend took these shots during one of trips to Hawaii. It’s not nice face of Hawaii.

                                                            Gerry Landreth
                                                              • 173
                                                              • Junior

                                                              The two planters were attempts from a couple of years ago to bring color to the patio. The rose bush fascinates me. Even after trimming, it quickly grew back and was filled with roses.

                                                              The font is Beyond the Rainbow from Creative Fabrica.

                                                              Susan Ewart
                                                                • 763
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Ann, are you making the templates from scratch or with a script?  They are very cool.  thanks for making them.

                                                                Gerry, very pretty layout.  Your flowers look so vibrant.  I’m doing a Flat Lay Photo project with flower heads right now.  My husband thinks I’m a flower serial killer as I have to decapitate them to photograph.  I’m not good at growing things except weeds (which are pretty too, right?) and thyme, parsley and rosemary (for cooking, which I’m not at either).  ?

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