
Bootcamp – January 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Bootcamp – January 2020


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    Dorothy Donn
      • 202
      • Enthusiast

      Bootcamp Day 7:

      This was a hard one for me until I gave up the initial layout I had in mind.  Cassel, I had done cut and paste text a lot in my life time,  but I really had to fight my way through it.  It got me so mad I had to do it twice. Once while watching the video and again on my own.


      PS-It’s been a long day with Tax season warming up. I do want to take your next class after tax season slows down here in the states. My sincere thanks for all your help and guidance thru this bootcamp. It was a lot of fun!!

      Aletha Shafer
        • 19
        • Rookie

        Day 7 Lesson:

        I used My pic. of My Daddy & free Items off google sites.

        I played with the fish in text to get 2 of them to look like a S, Enjoyed the Lesson.

        My Dad Loved to Fish & have Fish frys for everyone around.

        He lived by the Sulphur River, if you couldn’t find him he was always fishing & running his lines.

        He is with the Lord in Heaven, he died at 66 to young, He died in 1998 & I still miss him so much, he taught me so much about life, surviving & having fun in the wildness.

        Thank you

          • 28
          • Rookie

          I put all the tric’s of the other lessons into this one.

          New was: to get the text from a Word document  automatic in the selection area of the psp-image!

          It needed me much of CONCENTRATION.

          With files from lessons in evening school for adults in 2009 (That was long time ago and under dust!!!)  was I again capable to make the letters with fill from the original photo.

          This bootcamp was FUN, thank you Cassel!!!!

          PSP is a wonderfull program, I will recommand it to others.


          Gerry Landreth
            • 173
            • Junior

            **I’m not sure if I clicked the Submit button before. If this is a duplicate, I apologize.**

            Thank you the instructions on creating a custom fill. It’s a technique that has lots of possibilities.

            RE: the paper that I used in Project 1, it is from a bundle called Lavender Fields by jessicaD from Pixel Scrapper. It has lots of great things in it.


            Hello Cassel and BootCampers

            I didn’t think I would actually finish all five projects and in good time. My wife has been somewhat lonely during this time. I will take a little break but then get right back at practice. Cassel, I have learned a lot. I wish I had done this years ago. While I am going to carry on with scrapbooking, I will also redo some of these lessons as long as they are available. Thanks again.

            Lynn Young
              • 62
              • Junior

              Day 3: These last two weeks were Drs galore so just got free yesterday to start these. A lot of Pixel Scrapper stuff except for your ribbon Carol from one of the Ribbon Factory groups. The cow is a friend’s “New”. I completely redrew the frame because I needed it bigger and it only came as a Pixel Scrapper png, wanted it peek-a-boo with the background.

              cindy harris
                • 449
                • Enthusiast

                Hi how bout some cheese with this whine,

                its my settings a couple times I got to open multiple files and sometimes I couldn’t use the square to cut anything but a

                big square then I could finally cut a rectangle. I am confused a lot its my settings. its a wry again… Why cant it come

                with a downloadable small book? and tell you how to set it up I bought the new one so frustrating. But I am going to try to go

                over all Cassel has showed us wished it was as easy as she makes it look.

                love everyone’s art.

                cindy harris
                  • 449
                  • Enthusiast


                  Leslie Gifford Cook
                    • 39
                    • Rookie

                    Fellow Bootcampers -I really liked this set of tutorials.  I’ve had the software for over 4 years and never learned how to use it.  I’m sure there are many things to still learn, but now I can get started and do what I have wanted to do all along.  Thanks Cassel for these videos and your great ideas.  As for what I learned – all of it.  I couldn’t quite get my head around the layers piece; was having trouble with the text functionality (not sure I’m clicking on the “accept” button); I like the drop shadowing……  all of it.

                    I have pictures from two recent trips (over the past two years) that I have yet to do anything with.  Now I have my projects set out for me.  I also want to create a pictorial inventory of my turned wood products.  I expect there will be at least two versions – “inventory” pics and “items for sale” pics.  Now I can make them look much more professional.

                    Thanks Cassel


                    Karon Dey
                      • 368
                      • Enthusiast

                      Carole, I miss her too. But her husband has slowly been releasing some of her kits. She was a remarkable person, much like yourself.

                      Lyn deBruyn
                        • 8
                        • Rookie

                        Project 3 finished.  Starting to feel more confident.  Lots of referring to notes.  Thank you for such detailed tutorials

                        Gerry Landreth
                          • 173
                          • Junior

                          The borders around the pictures gave me fits until I remember that I had to change the setting to opacity. Of course, to help me remember, I replayed that section of the video (twice.)

                          I like the cutout trick, but I am not pleased with the outcome in this case. It will require more practice at another time.

                          I always check out your webinars. You do an excellent job of explaining and walking us through complicated steps. Working with projects in this course has taught me two things: 1. I knew more than I thought I did; and 2. I didn’t know as much as I thought I did.

                          Thank you for this opportunity.

                            • 48
                            • Rookie

                            Yay! I wasn’t able to post in the forum yesterday, but I cleared my cache & cookies, and I’m back.  🙂  So, this is what I wanted to post yesterday for my day 5 project.

                            Cassel & everyone,

                            Here is my day 5 project. I really liked this one too! I added another strip of paper, the dots, and I also added glitter around the blue paper. I know it’s a little busy, but since it’s about my niece, who was 7 at the time, the more color & glitter, the better.  🙂 I’m still liking the shadows I’m using, but I know I need to play around with them more.

                            Thank you for what to do with the text, that helps so much! Also, speaking of the text and also layers – when I was adding the title of Excitement, my text wasn’t showing up, even though I did everything you said. I finally realized that I was on a different layer, the base paper, so the text was actually underneath the striped paper. Before learning about the layers, I would never have figured that out. So, I think I’m really getting the hang of moving layers around. And now making sure I’m on the right layer when adding my text.

                            This was fun! I do think my eyes are playing tricks on me though, because the papers are looking a little uneven. I think it’s because of the stripes. Anyway, I still like it.  🙂

                            P.S. I just realized that all my pics so far in these projects have been from 2017. I swear I have newer pics…haha…but these were all on my computer, instead of just using my phone. I’ll need to pick more recent pics for the next couple of projects.

                            Gwen Norris
                              • 16
                              • Rookie


                              This is my try of day 6.

                              I rely on the internet for my pictures and it takes my awhile to find what I want, so I’m a bit slow.

                              Also I’m no good  at displaying things, guess I will get better as I do more.


                              Lynn Young
                                • 62
                                • Junior

                                I did scrapbooking designs years ago using Adobe. I had a freelance contract to develop some alphabet books that were 12×12 inches. The job went south before completion and I filed it all away. I recently found the files, I misplace, hardly ever lose anything. Now 10 years, two computers later, and all new software. Day 4 tutorial with all my stuff and my great-nephew. I have to go back and see how I made those plaids because I just cannot remember and the ones I did recently do not have as nice a fabric look.

                                  • 252
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Hi Cassel and friends.  I am a late starter for this bootcamp, but better late than never I guess.This cute little King Charles is  a new addition in my Grandsons home.  I have yet to meet him. What a cutie.

                                    • 2522
                                    • Superfan

                                    Sorry again, this was posted last night but it didn’t show up. I suspect this is what might happen to some of you who don’t see your posts.

                                    Dorothy, I think there are some missing shadows on some of your elements from Day 7, especially on the bottom ones. Is this possible? I will try to make more tutorials on using the Text tool as you seem to be only one of several participants who have struggled with it.

                                    Aletha, that Day 7 project with your father’s photo is delightful. I love the background “paper” that you used as it is matching the theme very well!

                                    Lydia, that project is so colorful! It catches my eye immediately! Glad to see that you were able to add the photo as a fill for the title. It goes very well with the rest. Happy that you like PSP and enjoyed the Bootcamp.

                                    Gerry, no double post! But often, the SUBMIT button is sooooo slooooow! You are definitely getting comfortable with PSP now that you learn all those tricks! And yes, you can use just about anything to fill an area! Those frames are easy to make and it reminds you of several settings that you can now adjust more quickly as needed.

                                    Henry, I have heard the expression “Football-widow” but now, you can invent “PSP-widow” 🙂 Do you think your wife would like to learn too? About your last project, I would have one suggestion: make sure that the text does not overlap two surfaces as it makes it harder to read and is not realistic (yes, I am picky about realism).

                                    Lynn, you did a great job with the frame as I would not have noticed it was “redrawn”. I see you are using shadows on all your elements. I think they can easily be a bit larger, especially for the frame.

                                    Cindy, what part of the settings seems to not work as you want? You can post that in the forum or send me an email. If PSP came with that manual, I would not have as many active participants to my Bootcamp! 😉 But you will see that it WILL get easier over time. On your layout, I think you might have selected the background when you copied the top rectangles, as it is also repeated at the bottom. Or maybe you merged once too many times? What are those images? Are they pictures of jewelry you or someone you know, made?

                                    Karon, I didn’t know Eric still managed Kim’s kits. Where about?

                                    Lyn, adorable layout for the sisters. I see that the photos are correctly sized and that makes them so enjoyable to look at. You are also quite consistent with your shadows.

                                    Colleen, glad to see you back. Yes, that thing about the text on the wrong layer and hidden under something else, is something that I do on occasion, and I also get puzzled for a few seconds. That idea of layers is so ESSENTIAL in PSP. It is amazing to me if anyone ever worked with PSP without understanding that. It must be so frustrating.

                                    Gwen, you are really getting the hang of it. Since the beads are places as if they could be threaded by the ribbon, that is when a larger shadow would give that consistency in size. Are those your photos or did you find those online too?

                                    Lynn, if you are interested in “re-learning” all those effects and patterns and designs with PSP, there is the DIAMOND membership available. Let me know if that would interest you. I love that frame!

                                    Shirley, welcome. Yes, you are a little late in the game, but you might still be able to catch up. Lovely dog in that picture. Did you create the frame yourself? If not, do you remember where you got it?

                                    Diana Craft
                                      • 44
                                      • Rookie

                                      Please forgive me if this is a duplicate, I misplaced my brain.

                                      Finally, sorry  I’ve been so slow, oodles of Dr. Appointments this month that cut into my time.   Here is my BEE themed layout. This is one of my grandsons with his baby sister (now 13 years old.) I chose these as my subject because I wanted to pay them recognition for loving their little sister more than I have ever seen before.  I had seven brothers and they certainly didn’t think that way about me.  Their love and tenderness  toward her have never wavered over the years and I’m so proud of them.

                                      LOL, Once I found this little bee everything fell together, I had my idea after wracking my brain for days.  But, I’m rather  pleased with this one and I want to send tthe sheet to her for her birthday next month.  I used some of my favorite themes for this, Pink, black+white stripes and ROSES.  I had the image of the little girl for many years in my collection so I tubed that to push the little sister idea.

                                      I’m still struggling with the layers and I am determined to master them. It’s not as easy in PSP 7 because you can’t see your layers as in 2020. I’m trying to convince my husband that I really NEED this upgrade.  I’ll post my final project after a bit and you will see why I am so convinced ( I swore it wasn’t going to happen to me, but…)  I  have been having so much fun and spending so much time related to Cassell’s sites that I’m strung up tighter that piano strings, I’m so enthusiastic and excited about what I am learning.

                                      THANK YOU, THANK YOU CASSELL, for allowing us access after our time regretfully ends. I love seeing everyone’s work and enjoy how much we all have improved.  To all our lurkers, “Don’t give up, keep working at it and you will be so pleased at the results.  I’ll be here for the next session and we’ll all be happy to meet you.”
                                      January 23, 2020
                                      Diana Craft

                                      Sally Finan
                                        • 20
                                        • Rookie

                                        Hi Cassel,
                                        Thanks to you and this class, I feel a lot more confident using PSP2020. In other words, when I first opened the new software I felt lost. Now that I took this Bootcamp Scrapping Class, I don’t feel lost any more. YAY! From the last lesson, I was able to add the glitter.png to my patterns in the correct folder. It was a little hard to find, however, I found it. I assume we can add different fonts in the font’s folder also. Right?
                                        What’s next? I would love to take more classes with you. Do you have a class about correcting photos, especially correcting exposure, lighting and different effects, and etcetera? Please remind me where I can get that information. Thanks Much.
                                        Now onto Scrapbook 7

                                          • 2522
                                          • Superfan

                                          To quickly answer Sally’s question, we have TONS of classes on different topics in the Campus. The next step, however, might be the Basic Scrap Course, which you should hear about in a following email (one thing at the time). The very first module of that course will address some ways to improve photos.

                                          Yes, you can add as many patterns in the Patterns folder, but for fonts, that is managed by Windows, not by PSP. If you want to “add” fonts to PSP, check out this post instead.

                                          Liese Strupp
                                            • 21
                                            • Rookie

                                            Hi Carole,

                                            I am again running into trouble with the text tool.  I did create a screen shot per your instructions however, now what, how do I get it into this space?  So I tried to copy and paste the image onto a word doc to attach here, but have no idea why it did not show up in my picture file or in a document folder where I tried to save it.  Maybe my problems are Windows 10 related.

                                            At the top of my project it  said Promoted Selection.  the page was not acting like it does on your tutorial, so I know something is not right.

                                            I need some help!


                                              • 2522
                                              • Superfan

                                              Liese, a screenshot would typically be an image (and uploaded just like your projects), not a Word document. But if you can’t save it as a jpg, just send it to me in an email.

                                              Inam Majid
                                                • 16
                                                • Rookie

                                                Hello All,

                                                I, finally, managed to finish day 7!

                                                I had no end of trouble with the wraparound text. Still haven’t got it right.

                                                Didn’t enjoy this assignment at all. I hope all of you had an easier time.

                                                But it’s done. So here it is.

                                                For Carole: thank you so much for all your help and for putting up with us.

                                                Karon Dey
                                                  • 368
                                                  • Enthusiast


                                                  They are on MyMemories. And they have them available to download for use in other programs than just MyMemories.

                                                  cindy harris
                                                    • 449
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    I wished all Teachers were as good as you, so everyone can feel encouraged and really helped. I am waiting

                                                    for the Scrapbook course INfo to Join and I still have problems. Can I pay you to uncheck your desktop psp and then set it up

                                                    the way you have it. I CANT GET THERE. THATS when I freak out and start sweating. I getting a lot better with everyones

                                                    lessons being different at first I was freaking out, my ocd I know but if I didnt have excatally what you was using in the Plan

                                                    then to do my work with somthing elese sent me lost. I think I am starting to get it all but my text stuff and some other

                                                    things are to hard cause I cant find the things options, settings you have. thank you And how much to do that for me, before

                                                    you make it okay.

                                                      • 252
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Hi Cassel, the frame I used in my day 3 project is from 2020 psp frames.  I don’t always remember to choose the ones that are right in front of me but  I thought this one was a good match for the photo.

                                                      I have a big ukulele festival in 10 days, and a big dart championship coming in March so have been spending my time practising for those.  I don’t like getting too far behind with the psp its too hard to catch up. These revision boot camps keep me posted. Thanks to you lovely lady.

                                                      Cyndi Roether
                                                        • 62
                                                        • Junior

                                                        Hi Cassel and everyone –

                                                        Here is my last project.  It took a while to get my internet to download the video so I could work on this.  It was interesting to make text fit an area and also to substitute an element for a letter.  I look forward to trying other 3D effects such as buttonize and find out what it and others do.  I still need to go back and take notes from the different days of the Boot Camp so I can remember the processes.  Cassel – I did get the inside frames to fill with solid colors on a fresh layout but have not gotten them to work going back to Project 4.  I changed the mode from color RBG or RBK (whatever) to None and it works on new projects but not yet on Project 4.  I may need to somehow delete the frames and create them again.  Thank you for all of your help.  I am not as afraid to ‘play’ now.

                                                        cindy harris
                                                          • 449
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          If from the beginning of this course I could of started with the settings you have. that make your desktop icons

                                                          but mines all messed up. Even thought about downloading it all over again just to retry to have a desktop like you, but when

                                                          i bought 2020 it said you get 3 downloads, in case you get another computer ect. But my not being able to follow touching my

                                                          desktop like yours WAS HORRIble still not good, easy 🙁 its just my settings.

                                                          I want to See a video of how you have set up your desktop then I could follow it and do what you say without hunting and

                                                          sweating and taking 5 hours a lesson. NOT YOUR Fault its just like the rectangle took me couple hours to find the long

                                                          square setting all I could do with the square is make big ones not even little onces those things are frustrating really

                                                          horrible. I cant wait to get in the next course and redo all these I want to get it right.

                                                            • 2522
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Cindy, check your emails. I sent you something and if it works, I might post it here too.

                                                            cindy harris
                                                              • 449
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              I AM NOT YELLING, I AM JUST HAPPY

                                                              Cassel thank you my desktop now it set up like yours, I am doing the lessons over bet i do them easy now.

                                                              so EXCITED TO TRY

                                                              THANK YOU GOING TO TRY IT NOW…. THANK YOU AGAIN YOUR THE BEST TEACHER. Plus I love every ones Art pictures

                                                              Oh thats Chain maile my daughter makes stuff and gifts to friends. it another hobby of hers . Shes always said Mom

                                                              get a hobby now I have one thanks to You. Picture of my workspace loaded Big HELP>.. and my dad in the desktop its him in

                                                              1969 he did 3 tours in Vietnam.

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