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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Great pages, Rene and Corrie. I created 2 pages for B...


    Alpha book challenge...B has 2 pages. The green page if of my high school days and the red page is my senior exploits. Basketball was the only sport available to girls when I was in high school but we were lucky as most schools did not offer girls sports. I made the team when I was in 8th grade so I played 5 years in high school. Intramurals in college and recreational play as an adult and finally senior competition. My Mom also played high school ball. Some of my best memories are of me shooting hoops with my Mother. The photo on the upper right corner of the red page is the 5 founding members of NOVA United, our senior women's basketball association. I designed the logo for NOVA.

  2. This was harder than I expected. I am missing ideas for 6 letters...think I have one of them figured out.

    Many of the photos will have to be scanned...I'm going to tackle the scanning one letter at a time...too much to do all at once + I haven't decided which photos to use...will do that with each letter. Already expect some letters will be a double page layout.

    Here is A...for Agnes, my Mom. I struggled with this also...selecting the photos...brought back great memories and created some new ones also.

  3. I'm going to try this...just as soon as we get power. We have a generator and that's great except it stopped working just before dark last night. We had a snow "storm"...about 11 inches...I know, nothing compared to what some of you experience...but a good sized storm for VA. Lost power...generator kicked in...for some reason it stopped. Long night last night...keeping the fire going...driveway now clear, road plowed...and generator working again. We'll get it checked when the "real" power comes on. Once all of that is straightened out...I'll get back to scrappin'....maybe, I'll scrap anyway.


    I do like the idea and, Mary, I love your alphabet soup idea!

  4. Beautiful work, Trish...and Everyone. Thank you Anne and Corrie for the frames in today's Countdown gift! Thank you, Everyone for the frames. Thank you, Carole, for all the Countdown gifts. I have been traveling and have not been around much. Internet was often spotty; however, I have managed to pick up the gifts each day...a bright spot in my day for sure. I am home now scrambling to catch up with everything. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
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