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Bonnie Ballentine

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Everything posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Carole, yes, it looks like I forgot the shadows on Penny's layout. Off to fix it. Thanks for the catch. I worked forever with the pickleball outline. That was as close as I could get it. I did have it set to continuous. I changed the size of the balls and the step multiple times searching for a solution.
  2. Day 6 Outline with Tubes The pickleballs are so small. Here is just the title...resized to 600.
  3. Day 5, Overlapping Text. This a layout completed some time ago...I am so far behind and even though there is no pressure or time line...I am dedicated to completeing this workshop.
  4. Day 4 Text On A Path...easiest time I have had doing text on a path. It usually takes several tries. This layout was completed fairly quickly. Not sure I should have used a path on top and bottom...it did give me more practice.
  5. Fixed it. Thanks for the catch!
  6. No, Monique...it should not be far left. I'll fix it. Thanks for catching that!
  7. Day 3 Text Wrapping Short Sandy on the left; Tall Sandy in the center; Bonnie on the right. There was no way I know to get me out of the picture. Tall Sandy is tall...about 6 feet. Short Sandy is short...about 5'4 or less. Once we had 3 Sandys in our pickleball group. When Sandy 3 arrived the immediate question was, "What will we call her?" She told us to call her Fat Sandy. No way! We ended up calling her Sandy D. Even though Tall Sandy has moved away, she and her "Sister", Short Sandy stay in touch. Tall Sandy stays in touch with several of her Virginia Pickleball Friends. That's one of the things I love about pickleball...lasting friendships!
  8. We had 2 albino squirrels long ago. Sadly, they didn't survive long. I did enjoy watching them they were here.
  9. I used this in the Random Challenge also. The papers are from my Build A Kit workshop. I also used for the first time Carole's corner punches. This was Corner Punches B, I think. This is the Day 2 lesson. I am way behind!
  10. My brush work is actually corner punches by Carole. I hope that counts. Fun challenge once I got started on it. Thank you, Carole! Yes, I could be difficult as a child...still can be in the right situation.
  11. Carol, I wanted my outline (foreground) to be medium green. I came close.
  12. I had a hard time with this one. I didn't have a pattern that would create what I wanted. This is close...no page...just the title.
  13. Alpha for Build A Kit challenge. I used Before the Rainbow and Stencil Tutorial.
  14. I've done a good bit of crafting through the years. Cross stitch, embroidery, woodworking, gag gifts, stenciling...and the list goes on. When my church was doing craft bazaars I enjoyed the projects where several people worked on the same project. One would cut, one would sand, one would base coat, and one would decorate...then usually, someone sealed the project. I must have build 40 or 50 butterfly houses...then someone else completed the other steps.
  15. H = happy, especially if you drink Michele's Guinness!
  16. Thank you, Google. Z = Zozimus Michael J. Moran (c. 1794 – 3 April 1846), popularly known as Zozimus /ˈzɒzɪməs/, was an Irish street rhymer. He was a resident of Dublin and also known as the "Blind Bard of the Liberties" and the "Last of the Gleemen".
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