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Bonnie Ballentine

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Everything posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. I have so many pictures of the cats in boxes, drawers, laundry baskets, under things, etc. Here is one scrap layout I did.
  2. Penny must have read the newletter... She often lies on her back and between the refrigerator. Only occasionally does she get in the sink...both of these photos are from Saturday, March 11.
  3. I missed this challenge until I read about it in the newsletter. Let's see what I can do.
  4. Google found this one. Q = Q-Celtic dialect
  5. We were not able to in the pools...not enough time. It was a fun trip.
  6. In 2008 my basketball team traveled to Hot Springs, Arkansas for a tournament. It was over the St. Patrick's Day weekend. Hot Springs has all sorts of fountains which use water from the springs. It is supposed to have healing properties and other benefits. We drank a good bit of it...not sure that I noticed any benefit. Most of my basketball pages were created 10X 8 so they could be easily printed.
  7. I used Ann's template...thank you, Ann! The background was an accident but I like it and decided to keep it. I had used a different color and added a texture. Then I decided I didn't like that color so I floodfilled with the green. The texture was underneath and the green didn't fill everything. One of my pickleball players brought cut flowers and gave them to those who wanted them. My daffodils are not blooming yet...budded but not blooming, so I was happy to receive these.
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