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Bonnie Ballentine

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Everything posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Girl's Weekend included a pickleball tournament, the beach, ice cream and more! The tournament raised over $31000 for Cystic Fibrosis.
  2. Just playing with this one. This is a favorite photo which I "misplaced". When I found it, I created a layout. Template 167 from Lady 22. Background paper by Marisa Lerin, paper 38, Coastal Papers Painted. Gulls 01 felt by Marisa, Coastal Elements. Teal starfish, White starfish and sanddollar by Sheila Reid, At The Beach Elements. Photo from May, 2010.
  3. 77th birthday for our friend, Judy. You may remember I asked about the font some time back. The text and the pickleball girl were on her birthday card, so I just added to my layout of her friends who gathered to celebrate.
  4. X = Xenial Definition: hospitable Synonyms: hospitable, welcoming
  5. I live in Virginia near Washington, DC. We can smell smoke and there is a haze. The sun has been hidden. I think the wind is suppose to shift tomorrow and perhaps blow the smoke somewhere else. Air quality is awful.
  6. Yes, my Dad drove a City Bus. Dad worked 2-11 and I was in school until 3 or so...we were not home or awake a lot at the same time. I would walk to the bus stop (Dad drove the route through our neighborhood so it was a short walk) and ride a trip with Dad...about an hour's ride. Sometime we had ice cream!
  7. B = blessed...I am blessed to have the Father I had. Miss him every day.
  8. Downloaded folder...it was empty. It was the only folder I was offered access. Love the kit!
  9. Susan, 7Zip is a free program that will open your 7Z file. It is a decompression utility like WinZip and all the others. Love your layout.
  10. V = Verses we write or send in cards
  11. Q = questioning...Do you know your spelling words? Did you complete your homework? Is your room clean? What did you do?!
  12. Late...but done... I have another font very much like this and I used it on a layout just before Carole posted this challenge.
  13. I think this serves for 2 challenges...DIY and April's Font Challenge...although a little late. The Blue-eyed Grass volunteered in my yard and I love it! There is also a white variety and I think we have a small cluster of it...the white is rare, they say. Blue-eyed grass is deer resistant and drought tolerant. It is a wildflower but they say you can buy it in nurseries. It should be planted in early Spring...I've missed that deadline for this year. Last year I tried to transplant it but critters dug it up. I hope to buy some plants next Spring.
  14. Hey, Everyone...I am so happy to hear so many of you have the font!
  15. Many years ago voles invaded my lawn. There were tunnels everywhere. One of my cats was a hunter and I told him if he caught a vole, he could have it. Well, he caught one and was very proud of himself. A friend noticed he had a vole, chased him down and took it from him...not fair...he was told he could have it. The vole was in my friend's hands and raised his head to see where he was. He promptly bit her, jumped down and ran away. So much for rescuing him...no appreciation on his part.
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