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Everything posted by Marie-Claire

  1. Great that you can make a script like this yourself, Corrie! And with the possibility to choose different options 👍. I didn't dare start the course, I think it's too difficult for me
  2. I came up with this, it says location Australia Sharon Philpott email address & phone number | Department of Family and Community Services (NSW) caseworker contact information - RocketReach
  3. Get well soon Helen 💐
  4. Welcome Doska! There is a LOT to learn here, and in a nice, pleasant way. Carole is ??? , and the members also help each other when they can. This is a great place to learn, ask for help, show and share your work with others, and inspire each other.
  5. Day 7 , my self-made template.
  6. Day 6 It was difficult to find a photo for this page because I changed the size of the templates. Besides adjusting the masks, I also rearranged everything.
  7. That's true, at a certain point you no longer age in your head, it's only when you see yourself in the mirror, and also when your body can no longer do what your head would like to do.
  8. Day 4, I didn't change the color of one side of the text because it was difficult to read. Maybe because of the underlying colors. I used the OpenBook script because I like it so much. It's a bit thick for a magazine, but that's okay
  9. @Anita Wyatt Bella, her name suits her perfectly. Beautiful cat.
  10. I don't think I can draw well enough. What exactly should I look for to find these tutorials? Pen art?
  11. @Michele I thought about that too. My first 3 dogs were rescue dogs. @Ann Seeber Indeed, there are so many animals waiting
  12. I have always had animals, I also wonder if I will be able to do without them. The photo you see is from 6 years ago. I have very few photos of myself because I'm always the one taking the photos. Meanwhile, post-covid, I decided not to color my hair anymore, and now I'm completely gray. That changes a person, I still have to get used to it.
  13. They are very reserved towards strangers, they also do not like to be around crowds. But it is possible, and there are collies that are service dogs. With my previous collie I always went to visit my mother, who had been in a retirement home for the last 2 years due to dementia. I also visit the other people with him, it was always a special experience how those people revived and often started to talk about their own animal that they used to have.
  14. I love that Art! I would like to be able to do that too
  15. Thank you Corrie. Yes I love him so much, as much as my previous collie. They give so much. Thanks to my previous collie, I came out of a severe depression without any other help. Now, I fear this will be my last dog, although I fear I will have a hard time without such a friend. But this year I will be 69 years old, I hope Poncho will stay with me for a long time. But then get a dog again?...then I think, what will happen to that animal if something happens to me. Hospital, or not being able to go outside anymore, or what if I were no longer there.
  16. That's bad luck that you now have to start over, but this one is beautiful, so you paint the face yourself ? ?
  17. Yes certainly, that is not a problem here. I'm curious what you made ?
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