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Everything posted by Marie-Claire

  1. @Cassel I found the maps of the first layout on pngwing.com
  2. @Cassel second attempt of day 1. This time I used google maps, and I think I followed the explanation well. ?
  3. I tried with google maps, but yesterday I didn't understand very well how to make the outline. I read the explanation several times but maybe I was too tired, didn't understand it. I used existing silhouettes and the map below is also not from google maps. I have read the explanation several times today and I think I now understand better what the intention was.
  4. Day 1. In 2017 we went with friends to Innsbruck in Austria with our dogs. Poncho and his brother Pacco, who lives with our friends with another dog, were 1 year old at the time.
  5. @Cassel Also the freebie templates from the Lab?
  6. - Rain drop Picture Tubes (drops on the cricle) - Film Strip Template
  7. Freebies from the Campus Blog : Rusted Alphabeth - Honeymoon Template - Acrlyc hobbies tags
  8. did the patch - restart my PSP - reload my workspace - have PRO No Haze Removel add it from the Customize menu saved my workspace it works !
  9. It would be an honour to me and Poncho, sure you can ? !
  10. Lesson 7 The last two lessons went easier, but I'll have to practice with those nodes and arms Most importantly, I now have a better understanding of how those nodes and arms work. Thank you Carole, this was once again very well explained.
  11. Lesson 5, and I've fallen behind again, and so much has been added in the meantime, nicely done everyone!
  12. oh yes! Carole, I have a hard time with vectors, I still struggle with the nodes
  13. I'm going to have to practice a lot! if I want to do anything with vectors, it is a struggle ...
  14. Lesson 3...Oh Boy ..... ?
  15. What a thoughtful and lovely surprise !
  16. After working on this for a long time, I succeeded, and also to save them as basic shapes in 1 file, but I still struggle a lot with those nodes. I'll have to practice a lot!
  17. I just now see that the arrow is not good yet. I'll have to work on that some more
  18. Hi everyone, The heart went easy, but then suddenly with the arrow I couldn't do it with the nodes anymore. But the persistence wins. The difference between the nodes symmetric, asymmetric and cusp has now become clearer to me after this explanation. Thank you Carole !
  19. What a beautiful reward for your work, to see your daughter's reaction. ?
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