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Everything posted by Marie-Claire

  1. Corrie, I also don't want to damage my photo albums. For some photos I could scan the entire page with 600dpi by placing the album on the scanner (i can always try), and then separating the photos with psp, as Carole explains Because of the weather I have hardly taken any pictures since December, because it is not nice to go for walks, and it is not nice to take pictures either. I hope that everything will turn green again soon and that we will see flowers and butterfly's... everywhere again, I'm a bit tired of the gray and wet. AND I need photo material to play with PSP ?
  2. Carole, I haven't used all the older photos yet, but the older digital photos are too small in size, I still have a lot of photos in photo albums, I have to scan them, but it's a delicate job to separate them from the album , although I hadn't thought of that yet...I'm going to check that out ?
  3. I'm also participating, at least I'm going to try because I'm not sure about what and with which photos. It's always been so rainy and gray here lately, so we haven't been out much, and I haven't taken any pictures. We shall see..
  4. i didn't do anything special Ann. I see above your post that Michele has already posted the explanation. That's how I did it. The magic wand with contiguous unchecked, invert selection, then selection borders. then filled with the color black and then a shadow
  5. Day 7. Template : Cassel Bug : A Bugs World-DBMagnolia (digitalscrapbook)
  6. Template : Cassel Bug : A Bugs World-DBMagnolia (digitalscrapbook)
  7. Day 6. Template : Cassel Papers : Marisa Lerin (digitalscrapbook) Font : Simplefire (= monoline font)
  8. Template : Cassel Papers : Marisa Lerin (digitalscrapbook) Font : Simplefire (= monoline font)
  9. Day 5 : it's not really a scrapbook page, but I didn't like everything I tried, so I tried something else ? Template : Carole Cassel Instead of papers, I used on the bottom layer the effects - texture effects - soft plastic on the second a blend mode The font is Poplar Std
  10. Template : Carole Cassel Instead of papers, I used on the bottom layer the effects - texture effects - soft plastic on the second a blend mode The font is Poplar Std
  11. Day 4 I used Cassel's template. Papers : digitalscrapbook , commons_sharon-grant Font : Goudy Old Style Title Font : Hobo Std
  12. Template : Cassel Papers : digitalscrapbook commons_sharon-grant Font : Goudy Old Style Title Font : Hobo Std
  13. Day 3. plaid and bow: curiopantry.com, the other papers I made myself. The beads are made with cass-beadsMaker3 script.
  14. Thank you Carole, It happens that Poncho comes along, but usually I go alone, because he is a bit jealous . If I go alone, I can give the cat more attention.
  15. Plaid and bow: curiopantry.com. The other papers I made myself The beads are made with cass-BeadsMaker3
  16. Papers, flower, arrows, from digitalscrapbooking. This week I'm doing catsitting for my friends cat again. This is Pluche, you've already seen her on another project.
  17. Papers : Chantalia design and Janet Kemp (digitalscrapbook) Cassel's template Font : PanAmTextCaps
  18. I have knitted and crocheted a lot. My grandmother taught me to knit and crochet when I was very small. I've always loved doing that. Sewing, cross stitching, I did too, but not very much. Due to osteoarthritis and osteoporosis I do that less now, but I always have a knitting or crochet project that I continue to work on now and then. In the meantime I like to be busy on the PC, and I really enjoy being a member of the scrapbook campus. That's what I do most of the time in my free time. Of course walking with my dog is very important, and then I always have my camera with me, or I use my smartphone. I can then use those photos in the scrapbook campus. Photography (hobby) is also something I have been doing for a long time.
  19. I have a hard time with the things where using the scroll button of the mouse, with the pen I find that difficult. I also often move things with the pen without wanting to, such as a toolbar for example. That's a problem for me in particular, that it's easier to tap things with the pen that I don't really want to tap. Applying the right click of the mouse, to the pen is also a tricky adjustment for me.. I guess I just need to persevere and be patient
  20. I know, I should just put the mouse away. I had done that in the beginning, but sometimes I get so impatient and want to finish something, then I still take the mouse again.
  21. I also don't like to work with the pen tool Mary, but unfortunately the tablet and pen have not changed that to me yet. Maybe because I still grab the mouse too quickly.
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