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Jannette Nieuwboer

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Everything posted by Jannette Nieuwboer

  1. Good to know. indeed, what you said. waiting to the Corel engineers is the only solution.
  2. I think that Corel can make a handout them self very well. Even one for dummies. (I seriously hope they do once.) It must be adjusted every year when a newer edition is published. In that case an electronic book seems the best option. It seems to me that Carole just meant with paper and scissors etc. There won't be much demand for that here in Europe, for both ways. not. When i reed Suzy's reply where you al doing so when i didn't new even that it existed. Not as much scrapbooking is done here than in the States. Then there is an inexhaustible source of ideas through FB, Insta, and Pinterest etc. People will come up with their ideas. I think the best option would be something for under the Xmas tree. Something you don't really need but is nice to get. Might be something in smaller booklets or parts. Than they can safe them together or keep it by what they are really intrested in.......
  3. @Sherie Dracup and @Corrie Kinkel. Sherie and maybe Corrie: What you describe reminds me of a PC virus. You can easily test your device for this yourself. Press the windows button and the letter R simultaneously. Then there is a drop window. Write enter MRT. Then follow what is asked. Enter yes. You have 3 options to choose. Now scanning starts. This may take several hours. If you have a virus it will be indicated on the display, write down the names and try to remove it. If this does not work, please contact Microsoft for help. You CANNOT continue working during this scan, then the scanning will stop.
  4. @Michele Me too 5 are finished.
  5. The idea is nice but the actually doing it is difficult My thought is to start with a titel for example: Create memories. What's your goal with a or your scrapbook. You'll still have fun long after the party is over. that's why people put together a scrapbook isn't it? In Dutch we have a good word for it: after-fun. What i found out recently is that for next generations its not clear who are on the photo's and what kind of occasion the party was. I have a large box of photos from an inheritance. But I don't know who most of the people in the photos are. Since there is no one left alive except my sister and I, and a handful of niches and nephews, younger than me. One of these days I will have to throw them away. NAMES are important an the OCCATION of the party. The quality of the scrapbook is also important.
  6. @Susan EwartI don't no anything about cameras. My husband was used to be the photographer in this household. Now i snap something with my cellphone so now and than. Not enough to fill an whole calendar. πŸ“Έ
  7. What a marvelous work did you al do together. I can hardly keep up with you. πŸ‘πŸ§‘πŸ’―
  8. 😑 sorry. I stil had the string in mind. Hopefully I'am forgiven. I'm no that well at the moment. I'v got the NORO-virus. But that is not the reason, I did not read well apparently.
  9. @Christina and @Sue Thomas What wil the next word be???
  10. I had for a certain time InkScape. They are very strong in fontshowing. InkScape has a rather big font window. You can see immediately how your fonts looks like, in alphabetic order. My opinion is that InkScape is not as good as PSP is. They are weak in layers and in shadows. Les colors too. I missed terrible the Corel's colorpicker. And more. So I went back tot PSP.
  11. I had a look too marvelous. I didnt came further than number 2 and downloaded it. I'm scared to look further. 😜
  12. Good choice Sherie, if someone keeps trouble it's the best you can do. Keep us informed!! We are nosy.
  13. It's great Ann, πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈfine this way too.
  14. Sherie, do you have acces to the file of Doska, a member from this site? Yes? than follow the advice I gave to her, to reset your divice too.
  15. I'm glad it worked at You too. keep the answer for a next time. πŸ˜‰
  16. than we need a clubsong tooπŸ€ͺ
  17. I know a lot of them but I wonder or there are more than I know. I go many times to 1001 fonts.
  18. Dsoka this tip helped more than one persons from this club It is the officially answer of the Corel compagny to my question to them. "To reset PaintShop Pro 2023, you need to "press and hold" the Shift key on your computer while double click on the PaintShop Pro icon on your desktop, then you will see a dialogue box as displayed below -> click OK to restore the default settings." The display is not here but you get a display with the question or you will reset or not, press the YES button, and you get your reset.
  19. All free???? And where do you get it from?
  20. Carole I think Doska needs a reset like Brian had last week. May I interfere?? The question was at you adressed.
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