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Jannette Nieuwboer

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Everything posted by Jannette Nieuwboer

  1. My attempt at numbering. I miss the Beatle's greatest hit 'ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE'!!!!! It was more difficult than it looks like.
  2. Now it's raining again, the wind was playing with the flower pots. 11℃= 51.80000℉
  3. We have no Wendy's here but I ate in there on Aruba. indeed tasty
  4. V - vacherin cheese. A very soft cheese (France and Switzerland)
  5. I completely understand what you mean. But (always a but) I live in the most densely populated part of our already small country. That is why houses here are close together. I'm glad I have a small garden. I also have 2 terraces, one in the sun and the other in the shade. That's why I garden very horizontally, In the middle of the garden. Every square centimeter is put to wise use. And that's why I have to sweep leaves every day in the fall. POOR ME. And I have to make room for the spring bulbs. They should have been in the ground by now. Due to a lot of rain recently and a persistent cold, it has not yet happened completely. this photo is from March 29 and the snow photo is from March 10. The only snow we had last winter. the house in the back isn't my house but my shed.
  6. I was practicing adding text. I got the poem from an internet site where people can submit their poems. There was no name added and it also doesn't mention that you can't post it anywhere. Only it stated that you are not allowed to publish it under your own name. I just thought it was a beautiful poem. de Font is Agency FB. I don't remember where I got the pumpkin.
  7. And yes people who eat too much of the wine trendil can become slightly intoxicated. Priests of ancient Israel were not allowed to eat anything from the vine during their service in the temple. That's why I know. I came across that once so I figured out why.
  8. Do You mean to make a cutout with a shade? If so a good tip. I add it to show what's more possible with fonts. I haven't seen it used here before.
  10. @MoniqueN. And wind, I was scared to go outside.
  11. I prefer my own cooked potatoes- the next day- cut in slices with a little bit of cornstarch (for an extra crispy result) and then baked in butter. My husband prefers peanut sauce me mayo.
  12. I wanted to show my lovely bistro chair so I placed it in the corner. 😃 The font name is BUTTERFLY. The background is a brown color layer and an overlay of an interior. I don't remember what scrap kit it was. At last, I could use picture tubes from PSP.
  13. We are not allowed to pick anything here, not from forests nor from parks. Nevertheless, some people do. 🤔
  14. ttps://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hervormingsdag For those who are curious about what is happening elsewhere in the world on October 31, here is a link from Wikipedia. My laptop refused to set to English so you have to do that yourself. You have to know that Catholicism and Protestantism were strictly separated and each other's holidays were not celebrated. So was 5/6 Dec Katholic and Xmas 25/26 Dec Protestants. The day on which European pagans were baptized en masse into Christianity. (read Catholic) This was accompanied by celebrations and the exchange of gifts. These celebrations lasted 3 days. Xmas has been around since 300 AD. Due to the Romans, baptism was voluntary, not mandatory in those days. Santa Nicolas came between 500-600 AD. Not in the beginning as a holiday. Over the centuries, the celebrations kept changing. Today temperature is 11°C = 51.8°F very windy and rainy.
  15. Get well soon Helen. Nice to hear that your husband took very good care of you.
  16. I saw the differences and similarities, Sue. I keep seeing those very old explanations here, sometimes accompanied by very old paintings. (My laptop is constantly translating from English, French, and German.) A few similarities are the end of the growing season. The soil goes to rest. Cattle goes to the stables. Going door to door. Asking for food. Heavy time to Children. Difficulties to survive the winter.
  17. This remains me of another holiday called St Maarten. Or Martin. I also don't know this festival from my youth. My husband doesn't either. Since we are both from a big city and St. Maarten was only held in small villages and towns. This is what I found on the internet. See the differences and similarities. Children walk past the doors with lanterns on November 11. Why is Sint Maarten on November 11? Martin dies in 397 AD. He was buried in the city of Tours on November 11th. The Saint Martin feast is therefore celebrated on the day he is buried. Martin was later canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. Saint means holy. Hence the name Sint Maarten. For many people, this is now an ordinary day, but for centuries this was a huge celebration. On this day, people once again went all out with food and drinks. In winter, people often had to go on rations to ensure they had enough food to get through the winter. Then on that day, poor people went door to door to collect food as well. Do you see the connection? Now children go door to door to pick up sweets. In the past, it was mainly poor children, but at the beginning of the last century, the festival was embraced as a general tradition. here it is a tradition the children have to sing songs in exchange for the treats. No trick or treat saying at all.
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