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Ann Seeber

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Posts posted by Ann Seeber

  1. From Carole's email today, I experimented with frames for this coffee meme that I had on hand. The suggestion of trying Inner Bevel #11 produced the following on white and aqua frames. It didn't work well on black, so I avoided that color. I saved a copy of the aqua frame as a .png and will post it on our Facebook page for anyone who needs a frame.
  2. Sue: So beautiful! How lucky you are to be able to ride, kayak and even hike. I have my memories now with some photos. My kitchen looks out on such a varied selection of songbirds, even here in the city. Getting out to feed them each day, pushing my Rollator, is a big activity for me! Count your blessings. :-)
  3. Hi Suzy! Yes, I agree that the Merlin birds look fatter than mine in real life. I can only guess the photos were taken mostly in cold weather when my birds fluff up to keep themselves warm. Must be nice to have built-in down underwear! ;-)


    As to upgrading PSP, on the File Menu there was a choice to Import from Previous Versions, so that's what I always do. No hunting involved. I've has PSP since it was Jasc but I'm madly in love with the new IA features of 2021 & 2022 that harness the computer's power for my benefit!


    Have fun!

  4. BIRD OF THE DAY FOR WED JUNE 1 - Scarlet Tanager. I'm a bit behind this week! He's a rival for the color award that usually goes to the male Northern Cardinal. I made the plaid from his colors mainly because he's so bright he dominated the design and needed to be "cooled off." The vines are tubes.
  5. BIRD OF THE DAY: (actually yesterday) Cedar Waxwing, per Merlin Sound ID. I added some cherry blossoms as I understand they are big on cherries! My bird was nowhere near as fat as this guy! My birds get that way when it's very cold out and I say they have their "down coats" on.  The font is FoglihtenNo07calt, the gradient is Polished Copper, and the photographer is Malcolm Gold. If I keep this up, I'll be like Michele posting her Fabulous Divas! ;-)
  6. Trying out Word Frame 5, I decided to go with a series of birds that the app Merlin has identified for me by their birdsong while I'm out in my yard. This has enlarged my list of local birds. I saw a pair of these swooping around in my front yard yesterday and Merlin ID'd them as Chimney Swifts. New for me! The photo is from Merlin. They said it's called the "flying cigar!" I extracted the bird and gave it a Negative image and the resulting white birds are at the top. I used the script but was unhappy with being unable to control the text, so I added my own. The font is Foglihten No 7. I have several new birds now to practice with!
  7. Trying out Word Frame 5, I decided to go with a series of birds that the app Merlin has identified for me by their birdsong while I'm out in my yard. This has enlarged my list of local birds. I saw a pair of these swooping around in my front yard yesterday and Merlin ID'd them as Chimney Swifts. New for me! The photo is from Merlin. I extracted the bird and gave it a Negative image and the resulting white birds are at the top. I used the script but was unhappy with being unable to control the text, so I added my own. The font is Foglihten No 7. I have several new birds now to practice with!
  8. Susan: That is so cute! I love seeing the birds bathe. I have a birdbath but they'll only drink from it; no baths and it's been there for 3 years now!


    Here's my QP7-Extra. I've been looking for a way to use this Chuck Calio photo of our nearby climbing area. I used the Adjust Layers on the colors and removed all and then painted some back on using Paint to Target.


    Here's a copy of the wording at the bottom in case the reduced version is too small:

    The Shawangunk Ridge, also known as the Shawangunk Mountains or
    The Gunks
    , is a ridge of bedrock in Ulster County, Sullivan County and Orange County in the state of New York, extending from the northernmost point of the border with New Jersey to the Catskills. (Photo by Chuck Calio)

  9. Sue Thomas: Thank you for your little "tut." I'll try it but don't expect anything like your masterpiece! As to the jelly, mine is organic with no additives, just fruit, juice and a little pectin to firm it up. My wild birds eat better than I do! ;-)
  10. Sue Thomas: That layout looks great! That heading and the extra photo add a lot to a QP that, initially, I didn't really like very much. Please, tell me how you achieved that heading design. It looks vaguely familiar, but I can't find it anywhere on how to make it.
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