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Doska St.

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Everything posted by Doska St.

  1. Good Morning all, we have been against it since the daylight saving time change began. You can see where people are headed when they disregard God's orders (including natural laws) and want to change them for economic reasons. Nothing has changed in our well-being, but the “experts” believe that it has made little or no difference in terms of energy consumption. But if you have several animals, you will notice the change in their biorhythm. But which politicians want to admit they were wrong and change it again? Here in Germany the change is on March 30th/31st. This is where the clocks are changed in Germany: https://www.meinbergglobal.com/english/info/atomic_clock.htm
  2. I love desserts, beautifully served. I still have lots of photos from before my Diab II diagnosis...
  3. Doska St.


    © Paper: DS ABM Delightful; Scrap-photo& Lacedoily: Doska; Spoon:Creative Fabrica; Bow: DS Marisa Lerin

  4. I = Ingwer-Sahnepudding Recipe
  5. I'll say again that I like your scrap with the cartoons, Bonnie👍
  6. Wunderschönes Pfau-Scrap, Anja. Das wir mal ein Scraplift für mich.❣️
  7. my mask lesson 3 It represents a lantern with an animated snow globe, as an outdoor decoration of a Scandinavian wooden restaurant, which is set up on our festival site from November to February.
  8. © All by Doska; Font: Christmas Nordic

  9. Doska St.


    © All by Doska, Font: Christmas nordic

  10. © Photos: Doska, Doodle: DS Marisa Lerin

  11. Hi, here is my mask lesson 2 Photos and backgrounds by me, photo doodle MS Marisa Lerin
  12. Hello, at the moment I'm a bit burdened privately and can hardly concentrate on my exercises. But I'm currently translating the tutorial PDFs so that I can use them when I no longer have access to the mask workshop in the forum. Have a nice Weekend.🌼
  13. Good evening, phew, I don't understand why working in the layers is so complicated in PSP? In PI and PS you can work with each individual level separately. I don't understand what "floating" means and why you should constantly move a layer somewhere in between. That's when you get on your nerves. I was able to easily insert and edit the small photos in PI as a PSD file. I hope that the end result should look like this. Titel: Girls & Horses
  14. Hello everyone🙋‍♀️, I'm also there now because I also want to use the masks in PSP. I can already do it in PI. I just need challenges in order to learn as daily as possible so that it sticks in my head. Thank you Carole💞 , for all the learning opportunities and making the material available I have now received the first three lessons, translated and now I'll do one and, if I'm not tired yet, the second lesson to catch up. Here in Germany it's only 2 p.m.
  15. Hi Ann, for me this is a wedding with a touch of nature, everyone is wearing cheerful colors, the bride is still in white, I can still tolerate that for a wedding, but the wedding I described was in the early 90s and the bride was in black ( I was once offered an embroidered black dress at a bazaar in Egypt, something Bedouin women wore, I had long black hair back then ;)) it shocked me a bit, despite the fact that I have a live and let live attitude. As "sad" as the marriage began, it will probably end, she is in the final stages of MS and have 3 children (grown)
  16. Thank you Ann for your story, is it summer and i think very entertaining (?) but my story.... The bride wore a black, oriental dress with red cross-stitch embroidery on the top and we were served totally inedible African food. We said goodbye early because of the long journey home... and ate our fill at a highway service station at Burger King on the way🍔🥪🍟🍕 😄
  17. I have already experienced such a wedding...right down to the unusual food...from a German couple from the married family...
  18. Hi, I've been working on the Masterclass video cutout today because I love cutout design so much. I'm still having a bit of a problem with the buttons. And I actually got the beginning right first time. So that it doesn't look so boring, I framed it a bit.
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