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Doska St.

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Everything posted by Doska St.

  1. Hello Carole and Members, as a scrapbooker, I always want to attach buttons realistically with threads. Now all I want to do with PSP is create the two cross threads and two in a cross shape with realistic looking threads that I can then use and color for any button. Which masterclass video would be suitable for creating these threads as png or psd files or is there already a script?
  2. Yes, I feel the same way, but I often combine kits because I don't like everything in one kit, or because little fits my picture. Then I remove the English tags or clone the color over the font and overwrite it with German text. That's why I started a long time ago to archive individual parts from kits that I use frequently and with pleasure. I really like older kits because they still have 3D parts. What I haven't collected for a long time are the little freebies from shops with only 3-4 pieces. I've noticed that I hardly ever call them up.
  3. Thank you Carole for your trust, I'll get to it after the holidays. We work here in DIN A 4 (3500x2500px photo paper ) or would you like it in 3600x3600px? I will then send it to you as a zip file.
  4. Hi Carole, yes, years ago I had a photo taken with a department store Santa Claus, but I can't find the photo at the moment. But I wanted to ask you if I could scrape your sweet Santa Claus photo with your husband and give it to you (I won't make it public, I'll leave that up to you to decide)?
  5. Hi all, I've been doing a lot of graphic work this month, personal cards and scraps for family, forums and PSP school. Most of it still with PI X3 but also frames with PSP. However, I have to switch to PI for plugins because the new PSP no longer allows external filters, as I read. I would have bought an older version if I had known this earlier. But with PI I can still switch if external filters need to be applied. Here is one of my newer PSP frames with a recent photo from our municipal Christmas market. The Tutorial is from here
  6. I just wanted to recommend this link to you, Suzy. These really high quality bloghop kits are beautiful. I saved them immediately on my external drive under Christmas kit, and twice also under Blogtrains December 2023. Here is my scrap that I made with a kit. Credits on Scrap. The mask is from AMarie Carp (DS) Have all a merry Christmas and a better new Year as this year
  7. Hello Carole, i send you my e-mail adress for this nice cookie-alphas and wait to make an scrap...
  8. Good 2. Advent morning Corel, thank you for your understanding answer. Yes, in my opinion the forum is very restrictive but also very versatile, but that may also be due to the stricter German copyright law and the fact that violations of it can be quite expensive for a forum admin. Edit: Sorry, I can no longer recommend this German forum. I'm out again, too rude in tone and excessive credit demands. This "leadership" is simply driven by fear and has no trust in the members to handle the material and the credits responsibly. A pure copy police. It's no fun to share something
  9. Hi dear ones, Even though I'm not showing or writing anything here at the moment, I'm committed to learning PSP. Through a blog link I found a German forum that teaches PSP written tutorials. I'm now learning how to use the important tools. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to show teaching results there in other forums, but anyone who is in the DS can see from my latest scraps that I used the Messystitches from Caroles Fontstitches ("What if...") I already have a current watermark created with my current nickname. I just wanted to wish you a nice 2nd Advent weekend
  10. I only discovered the chat function to the right of the video later, I was always looking for it at the bottom. I'll know next time.😁
  11. Hello Carole, unfortunately, I had to cancel the masterclass webinar yesterday. It was too fast for me, I couldn't keep up with the tinkering and it was too late in the evening. I had already spent the whole day making graphic preparations for Advent/Christmas/birthday and was very tired. As a Diamond winner, I will rework the videos in peace, at my own pace (pause video). But nice that I could experience you live Carole. Have a nice week.
  12. Hi all, I'll continue writing here. My masterclass starts tomorrow. I've just had a look at all the lessons. I am pleased that they are mainly made for scrapbooking. I still have a question. I like to make 3-part woven patterns with ribbons, strings or paper strips as border decoration. Is there a script for PSP that makes this possible, perhaps even with several strands? It is an immense amount of erasing work the larger the woven piece becomes. Here is an exampel what I mean:
  13. Ok, thanks Carole and Sue, I'll take a look at it now. I hope PSP isn't as complicated in settings as PS was. Edit: It worked. It was cleaner with the layers when I painted the pentool seam onto a new canvas. It's just a bit more tedious for me to do translation work in the video. Unlike Googletranslate, deepl translated the word "warp" as "Verwerfung" in german (refers to the tight rounding of the seam around the ellipse). I will now translate the written Tut in the PDF file before I continue with further stitching. It's great if I can add seams to Scrap using the program instead of always looking for finished PNGs. Saves digital storage. I'll then experiment with a few favorite fonts. Thanks again for the boosting help.
  14. Hi all, Sorry, me again. I'm having problems with the drawing pen this time. I don't get a dashed line. What needs to be set and how? What is a miter limit? (deutsch: Gehrungsgrenze)
  15. Doska St.


    From the album: Doska - Masterclass Album

    © Doska

  16. Du hast wohl auch ein Faible für schöne Architektur?
  17. Der Schatten beim freigestellten Storch ist klasse gemacht👍
  18. Hi Susan, I like paper cut graphics like this and like to use them for greeting cards. The title looks good. Was that a tutorial? I like the entire layout with the delicate green.
  19. Those were just the PDF files I downloaded yesterday that I needed to reinstall the defaults during the scrapping course. These were other videos from the last few days of the masterclass that I'm now trying out one after the other. How many files can I download and within what period of time?
  20. Of course, I have created folders for your valuable tips and the PDF tutorials, which I translate into German, so that the next time the program crashes I can solve it myself. Thanks again Janette and Carole. Good Night🥱🌙 until tomorrow🙋‍♀️
  21. Hi Carole, could I please have the Links to the Open as Script videos and to the Repeat Icon video or PDF-Files, the videos in Scrapcourse don't work again. Thank you. Edit: I found the PDF files among the modules and then restored all the small auxiliary icons to my workspace and saved them. But it would be helpful if the videos worked again in the long term.
  22. B*I*N*G*O, that was the crucial tip🤩. Now the layer icons are back. Thank you, Jannette🥰. Now I just have to go back to the settings that Carole described in the video at the beginning of the boot camp, then I have the additional icons again and can continue with the tutorials.👍
  23. Hi Carole, yes, I've already reset there, but it hasn't changed anything about the layer display. I think I'll delete the whole program and reinstall it, I still have the exe file.
  24. Here my new Screenshot after I reset that under View > Customize > toolbars:
  25. Hi Carole, Unfortunately that didn't work either. The icons are specified as text (screen), which does not fit into the narrow frame and is not fully legible. In the Corel help, under Layers there is only help for editing, not how to place or restore the icons after a crash. My Open-as-layer-rename script is still there with my chosen icon.
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