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Jenifer Lyn

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Everything posted by Jenifer Lyn

  1. Hi Susan! I live on a farm indeed. I love it. I sure bet you miss it at times, there is nothing like it. Most acreage is used for agriculture (wheat this year) and a handful of horses and cattle closer to the homestead. I also have a vegetable garden and many fruit tress. I love to make my own jams and pickles. Then of course the pickled okra! Yummy! I am just over an hour away from the big city, so when I have to go for groceries, appointments, etc. I make a full day of it so that I can stay afloat for a month or two. The cities are just getting too large for my taste anymore. Where do you live now?
  2. They are.. I used to see them in swarms here on the property. But have noticed a decline in the amount the last year or so. But in their place, I have been seeing more hummingbirds. So the trade off is nice! = )`
  3. •✿• That's lovely, Kasany! The detail on the dragonflies tail is gorgeous!
  4. •✿• That's awesome, Michele! What lovely shades of pink too! ( I LOveee pink)
  5. What Are Your Favorite Elements Those you collect, or those you make for yourself. Alphabets, flowers, papers etc. I am beginning a new journey in opening a little shop for Scrapbook Supplies, Greeting Cards, Invitations, Announcements etc. I will also be sharing via my Blog as well as Blog Trains. I would love to know what it is that others enjoy collecting. I would rather make more of the most popular of items, then a tiny bit of everything tied up in one bundle. Thank you in advance for any feedback you wish to share. Have a beautiful day! •✿•
  6. •✿• How truly beautiful, Sue. I love the yellows! The way you displayed the pictures, is fabulous. That border brush is lovely too!
  7. •✿• Me too! My first workshop!
  8. @Jannette Nieuwboer •✿• Wat een mooi stuk, Jannette! Ik vind het geweldig hoe je de bloem hebt toegevoegd aan de twee maten aan weerszijden ervan. Inderdaad zo'n prachtige bloem!
  9. •✿• Such beautiful creations, Mary! The cat is TOO cute! I love the edge smudges, it gives it a nice touch!
  10. Sue, those are brilliant! I especially love the "Magazine Cover" as well. You take beautiful pictures, I can see why you try to steal every moment you can in the summer for taking them! Thank you for sharing, what true treasures!
  11. •✿• WoW! I didn't have a clue! That's good to know. I can see how fascinating bee keeping can truly be. I look forward to more pics of your outdoor adventures!
  12. •✿• Welcome back, Sandra! Condolences on your mothers passing, and may your health find much improvement.
  13. •✿• What a beautiful couple, Ann! This layout is as beautiful! I love how you lowered the opacity on the larger image, as it really makes the other two stand out. Super layout indeed!
  14. •✿• How truly fascinating indeed, Sue. What a super hobby! Being allergic to them, I would never dare to get that close. How brave you are! Have you ever been stung by them?!
  15. •✿• That is so sweet, Ann! Something she will treasure as she grows. The frame is excellent, with the grain & screws! Beautiful indeed!
  16. •✿• This is absolutely precious, Natalie! A beautiful layout, that both will enjoy for years to come!
  17. •✿• They are SO cute! I can't wait to see what you do with them!
  18. •✿• Excellent job indeed! These types of challenges are my favorite. Making us step outside of our comfort zones in trying new things. Seeing how each of us put them together is the absolute best! Great challenge, Carole! ** Will be back shortly with mine too.
  19. •✿• These are absolutely wonderful pieces, ladies! It is so sweet to see the excitement you share, when you find yourself achieving your goals. How sweet too, that you share a bit about yourselves in each piece. I am so thrilled to be here .. able to watch you grow!
  20. Bless your heart, Carole! You work so hard for this wonderful community. Everything is so perfectly laid out and easy to use. Keeping my fingers crossed that things stay as prompted for you!
  21. You are most welcome, Suzy! I was quite baffled when I read it for the first time too. Better safe than sorry with the things that fly around the web these days!
  22. What a fabulous find! I was able to nab them with only 18 hours left! Thank you, Bonnie! ❥
  23. She made a beautiful kit, didn't she!? Congratulations indeed, Suzy!
  24. I'm a Texas gal! LOve this idea Carole!
  25. Hello Suzy! Sublimation is when heat is used in the designs. (Usually T-Shirts and the like). Many create Clip Art that works with both Sublimation & for the projects we do. It is not an X-rated kind of art, but checking first was very wise of you indeed!
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