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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Thank you. The flower is something you could really use in kits. I think they are really quite pretty. next time I do one I will make it bigger to start, so I can downsize or keep it larger without it getting fuzzy. There is tons of possibilities in the wire clips with different shapes. Enjoy the lab. they (the Labs) are a good challenge. And a good way to get some vector experience in a number of them.
  2. Lab 6-9 Wire Clip Flower 2 Overlapped String
  3. Back in the Lab again! This time Lab 6-9 Wire Clip Flower 2 Overlapped String The wire clip was fun to make, making sure I read the WHOLE instructions on how to use the clip properly in my layout is another story. At first I thought my flower was going to be ho-hum boring but after getting to the end and adding the shadows and the color on the edges it really took shape. They are quite pretty when they are done. The string, well, let's just say I did get two parts overlapped. I wont be known for making fantastic string. I used the see-through technique on the title. And I used the painted frame freebies from the store blog. I put the same asphalt texture (or is it called cement?) on the layer so it looked like it was painted on the asphalt/cement. I also used the eraser tool to make it look scuffed up. The cracks are from my garage door that I photographed and extracted the cracks and made an overlay. Fonts are: Wonderbar 2.0 (title) from Creative Fabrica and Gill Sans MT for the date (windows). Photo is mine. two little brads on the flowers are from Gina Jones Delish Brad 09 (Digital Scrapbook)
  4. I love this style of layout. The font has a darker glow around it, is that a layer style or drop shadow? i really like how you used the lady with the lower opacity on the orange background.
  5. B = Bob or Bobbie, the name of my father. Although when my mom was shocked at something he did or said, she called him Robert (Bobbie is the actual birth name, no one called him that)
  6. I like your fractals too and would also like to know what they are. This frame is perfect for this.
  7. I love this layout. this is me. i have a horrible sense of direction. I laughed at the "Oops Wrong Way".
  8. My hubby said the moon this morning was a red sliver (he leaves around 3-3:30am), wished I'd looked out the window, I was up at 5am. Ann, yes, this reminds me of Dune as well.
  9. Doing well where I live in Alberta (close to Edmonton), hazy and smokey out but not super smokey smelling. We can have the windows open for "fresh" air. Hoping for some rain. Still lots of communities getting evacuated (some for the second or third time).
  10. Thank you for showing them. It really helps to see them in action. And wow! the photo's are stunning, so crisp and detailed.
  11. This is beautiful Julie. It goes so well with the first one. I really like that wood frame and the background layer is just like I wish I could do.
  12. Beautiful layout. That background is outstanding. I cant imagine the scope of the grand canyon. This picture goes on forever it looks like. I like how you did the pictures. They look like cards one would collect at the attractions gift shop. It will quite a ride, armchair riding along on your vacation. Only, it wont be as whirlwind and packed for me! ?
  13. These are so cool. My favorites are the bottom left and bottom right and the centre row second from the top.
  14. I like the tomato. Love the moth too. how about some pruning shears (since you have the quote "pruning is for suckers"), and maybe some seed packets for various tomatos, garden gloves, garden tools, plant pot with the tomato cage, or separate pot and cage, tomato planted in a plant pot and ymmy...a can of tomato soup. make it your own tomato soup. speaking of soup, I need to go eat.
  15. L = LOVE - when I think of my dad, I feel love
  16. Looking forward to your layouts in the coming months. Good the hear your jet-lagged brain is back to normal. I really like that blue graphic overlayed on the photo.
  17. H = Handsome, of course, as all fathers are.
  18. I know, right? Sci-fi imagination, I get that.
  19. I love this layout Julie. The colors and blended/faded layers are so perfect with this photo. It's really well designed. I love old photos.
  20. You can be my guide Julie. And I can meet your animal menagerie.
  21. We had to do that too. It's amazing how much comes in the window and just how strong the smell is. It affects you so quickly.
  22. Ann that would be at top of my bucket list. I've met so many interesting wonderful people and would love to meet in person. Sounds like Julie is close by so we all decend on Carole....she might run when she see's us coming. ? Was your sun really red. We had that too, a couple weeks ago. It feels very apocalyptic doesnt it. One day when I go home from work there were no birds singing or even flying around and it was so eerie. Stay safe and keep that air filter going. My eyes and throat took a beating. I have some of my gym equipment in our small garage (we have two) and I felt really crappy after my workout, then I found out we werent supposed to be doing strenuous activities outside.
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