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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I love your backyard too. I just wish it was MY backyard. So lucky you are.
  2. Lab 7-1 Concentric Rectangles Filled Text Photo Mosaic
  3. When I was watching an ON1 (Raw Editor) tutorial they actually showed how to recover hazy photos, it's not a big secret, but having a one stop button sure makes the workflow faster. And Particle Shop, it's so cool and another thing I need to add to the long list of learning.
  4. Very cool. I did try it one a photo (not hazy but looked cool). I do have a shot that I was looking towards the sun and the lens hood let some stray light by...(not to worry, I gave that lens hood a good talking to) so I will try it on that. I also reshot the photo after checking the preview. It will allow us to use more of our photos we thought we'd have to throw out.
  5. Thank you. I'm going to copy this and start formulating a plan......code for: one day I'll get it done. Kidding. I cant keep going like this, the thought of wading through 1000's of fonts to find the right one for my project makes me stick to Arial and Gill Sans Ultra Bold for everything.?
  6. AWESOME! thank you. This is what I need. I have always downloaded the preview too. This year I want to organize all the supplies because my current system isnt working for me. I love to hear how everyone else does it, it gives me ideas and motivates me. I like the idea of catagories, it seemed like I'd end up with a lot of them, but maybe that's what i need. I really only know the basics (serif, non serif, display etc) even though I read the font guide from CF. I didnt know that the licence doesnt stay with you, bummer. Seems like a little bit of false or hidden advertising there. And seriously, who is copying who, have you looked at their fonts (all the same yet diff. designers and then same as ones I see at other font places). You are right, it would be hard to enforce, in fact it would take a team working 24 hrs a day to search for infringement. If I ever did anything for profit I would be buying a licence for the font. This is my hobby, I dont want it to be "work".
  7. Aaaah, I get you now. I hope your surgery clears your brain fog. I have not excuse for my brain fog..clearly I am in one. I hope all the new stuff came in with the patch too. I seem to be in a mental lull at the moment and looking to see if I have everything seems like a daunting task. Must be the dog-days of summer. Do you have your surgery date yet? (sorry, is that too personal - apologies if it is).
  8. View>Customize>Commands>View> scroll down and find "Snap to Object" and Grid, Guide Object Snap Properities I just clicked and hold and move it up to View which will drop down and then I placed it where the other grid stuff was. trouble is I then had two different properties. When I didnt use my saved workspace I see that the missing stuff was in place. If you use the Repeat Comand then it's under View>Customize>Commands>Edit> scroll to repeat (it's near the top) and click/hold and move to where you like it. I have mine next to the lock transparency icon at the top of the Layers palette. The bound scripts I found either under View>Customize>Scripts> it shows the bound ones, grab them and put them where you like. another place I found them was View>Customize>Commands>Bound Scripts> way at the bottom. I'm not sure which is the right place to get them from, it worked whatever I did. (This is presumming you had bound scripts - if you didnt then you have to bind them and this paragraph can be ignored (except you read it, to find out you didnt need to read it). Since you use the JPG/PNG optimizer you know where that is. I'm hoping when I do my re-install on the new 'puter that all this will straighten out. I am sure I did something wrong on my original install. since something happened and I had to uninstall and then reinstall.
  9. I agree! For some reason "I" moved them to another location. You all know that location you put something so you never forget where it is.....well, I always forget where it is. Yeesh. I am my own worst enemy.
  10. Wow, you all know so much about fonts. I do use a font viewer (font base) and chose the paid option so I could just click on the glyph and it copies to the clipboard. I do turn it off when I'm not using it as it can slow down the system (it came with a bunch of google fonts and I had a bunch - too embarrassed to say how many), my system is faster now and when I forget to turn it off I dont even notice the difference. What I'm doing now (to gain control over the masses of fonts) is clicking on the favorite icon (in my viewer) so I know which fonts I use and like. Suzy you have a really good understanding and knowledge of fonts/font families. I want to catagorize mine as well but it seems like a daunting task. Still, I keep collecting them. I do have them stored on my HD in case I decide not to continue with a font viewer. I like the font viewer I use because the glyphs are bigger and easier to see than other viewers I looked at. I do wonder about what happens if the company folds. I have heard terrible things of people having their photos on clouds that folded and they lost everything. Perhaps doesnt happen as much anymore, but in the past. Like Suzy, I like to have control of my assets (pictures, fonts, supplies etc).
  11. I found my fonts...in a random folder not called Set Up. I think I might be the culprit...I usually am. Wish I was more techy. But at least I found them. I'll have the fonts too. I too have the zip folder and unzipped it but probably forgot to install them. Duh!
  12. Objects, snap to object, and properties for those (it has all three listed ). I had to get the bound scripts to their locations (open a layer-rename. open a copy, repeat). I did not have to rebind them, just get them and move them in place.
  13. And thankfully you are. Or we wouldnt know we are missing things we paid for. Or rather in my case, I'd know I did something wrong on the install.
  14. Side Note: I'm in the middle of reorganizing my supplies folder (scrapbooking) and doing it by Designer this time around (like you do, is that correct). I'm giving it a try, putting elements and papers into a ton of catagories is a ton of work. I will try using thumbnails of the kits with the designers kits in one folder. I am thinking this will make me at least "feel" more organized. I'm going to be reinstalling 2023 (I always spring for Ultimate) fresh on the newly built computer. I wanted it to be months away, my husband wants it to be "now" away. ?. I like some of the fonts but I also have a ton of them so I'm not broken up about not having them...still, I paid for them, I should find a way to get them. Do you both not have the set files either? I looked all over for them and have them for 2021, 2022 (both Ult) so I know I installed those ones correctly. Surprised to hear people having the same issue, I just presumed it was something i did wrong. PSP said everything was installed so I beleived them. silly me.
  15. I dont have a bunch of these. I have often thought my original 2023 download didnt go properly, there was some issues, had to uninstall and reinstall, and never thought it was quite right. I will have to install from fresh onto the in-progress build on the new (to me)computer and hope I have better success. 2023 has some things I like so i'd like to stick with it. If I had any problems with 2022 I dont remember so it's still good to have that to fall back on. Thanks for showing me what I'm missing, I do love fonts.
  16. Weird, I have set up files with the same path for 2022 and 2021 but not for 2023. Why did I think this was going to be easy.
  17. This is a good question. I knew about the fonts. But I have so many I thought I'd never know one from the other.
  18. Mine stopped working when I was doing the photo grid from lab 7-1 Twice). I was moving some of the photos from one spot on the grid to the other and PSP didnt like it. It greyed out (like a 20 opacity) the offending layer it didnt like. So i tried turning off the layer, didnt turn off the greyed image. then I tried deleting both the photos layers, they deleted but the greyed image remained...when it's layer was deleted and on it's way to layer heaven. I should have taken a screen print. I will next time. Otherwise, everything is working okay. It could very well be something I did (twice ??) when clicking or moving or something. Might even be my system. It's being acting weird lately...a new one is being built but it's months away from completion. Everything being loaded from scratch again. I told my hubby to give me a few months to clean up all the junk, who wants to move all that baggage?
  19. When I went to the default workspace it was weird because it was just like my workspace without the two bound ones I have. I only had to close the Learning Centre and the script output was floating so i docked it and then I went to bind the two scripts they were already bound, just had to move them to their places. My png and jpg optimizers were already ontop of the tool bar. I think it's weird how it wasnt like the original default workspace but a 1/2 and 1/2 version. I'm not going to question it, just work with it as long as it's working.
  20. Yes, you are quite right. I opened the "complete" workspace and it had those missing items. I think I'll re-save the workspace again from the complete one. Good excuse to clean up the workspaces I had saved and never use anymore.
  21. I also had to do the View>customize etc for the SNAP TO OBJECT and the properties for them all too. Is there any other tools I should have that I dont know about, that I need to put into the proper locations?
  22. Me too! (in my saved workspace)
  23. I just tried it before I saw your post, it worked for me. Going to try it in my saved workspace . thank you
  24. When i go View>Customize<Commands tab and find adjust in the dropdown I can find Haze Removal in the commands section. From there I click and hold on the HAZE Removal and dragged it up tothe Adjust word on the top of the screen and it dropped down and I put in in place. I didnt do this on my saved workspace incase it all went south.
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