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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I take all talk of spreadsheets to heart. I like your ideas and this has spawned some ideas in my mind how to organize my files. It's always an ever evolving process. Kind of like, when I know better I'll do better. I might have written the conversation about headings not very clearly. Words are my nemisis...lists are my friends. What are lists, well, kinda like spreadsheets.
  2. Or you could take a one month membership and download the guide books (once they are in the Diamond section - check with Carole when that will be), you get to download a certain amount of files per week. There is 3 vector masterclasses too. if you are a diamond member you could watch them and if you like them, download them.
  3. I am printing them too and making notes on them. Thank you Carole for the guidebook. This is also making the three Vector masterclasses make more sense.
  4. Yikes, the pressure. I think I need to use the search function more. The Masterclasses often use various tutorials. I wouldnt even know where to start to make headings...but if I did I'd be making notes of where tutorials are that I can refer to. And a spreadsheet is perfect for that, 'cause you can sort many ways (at least with MSExcel). I"m a note taker, so why I havent done this already is a mystery to me. So many things to do on my list, that my lists have lists of their own!
  5. THANK YOU! This is so helpful. It's the little details that mess me up, that I'm doing wrong and i know I'm doing them wrong but dont know what is wrong. I'm so glad I'm in the class when it's a workshop so I have the benefit of everyone's mistakes and questions. Thank you again, Carole.
  6. Lesson 3 Leaf Today I went back the basics of the way I learn. Sloooowly (thank you Corrie for that advice to slow down). I followed and paused the video at each node around the leaf. I used the same leaf so I could get a better result. I also realized I might be "over" clicking and getting weird results because of it. I think I was clicking the node to activate and then right clicking and I wouldnt get the same result as the video. Then I start hoving over it until I saw the 4 outward arrows. Sometimes it took some hovering to find it and not the other two symbols. Also I was not holding control FIRST then moving to the line to see the +ADD symbol. I have a few questions to straighten me out (below). The leaf on the left is with the black underneath to see how close I came and the second is after I saved it and tried out the preset. Of course I had a freeze up...only because I had forgotten to clear my temp files and do a disk clean up for 3 days. Do we in fact click to activate the node then do we right click on the node to select the node type? Or do we just hover over the node and see the 4 arrows, THEN right click to select the node type? (so dont click first, then right click again..what I was doing that didnt work) And do I have to see those 4 corners or does it matter what ever symbol is showing as long as I hover over the node and then right click? When you make a selection does it matter where you hover the cursor to right click to select nodes? Hope this makes any sense. I'm trying to learn the correct way to approach the nodes. I had a way easier time and only a few times using undo. At one point I was careless and moved the whole leaf over. It's hard, but today I feel like I had a little win.
  7. I have 2023 but have reverted back to 2022. It's frustrating when it misbehaves and I think it's me doing it, when it's not me doing it. Makes success much harder and failure to familiar.
  8. These are fabulous Harmony!
  9. It must be a virus, 'cause I have it too. hahaha
  10. I feel your pain Ann. I went through the same thing. My biggest issue was making the selection. The selection has it's corner nodes as all selections do so I kept grabbing that instead of the node. I did a lot of rewinding on the video so I could see where precisely I was supposed to be pointing my cursor. Carole makes it look so smooth and easy. I think, Okay, I can do that easy peasy....and the universe laughs at me and says, Oh really, let me show you just how bad you can mess it up.
  11. This is very beautiful. I havent done any printed materials except a Christmas card, but it was on photo paper done at a photo lab. I would like to do my own printing...if I ever get a color printer. Alas, it is far down the priority list right now.
  12. My Lesson 2. Nothing great but good practice for me. Had a few issues (completely me) but got there in the end.
  13. I really like your heart.
  14. Wow! Lynda, so good to have you back. I had been wondering what adventures you have been on. Looks like some that were not what you had in mind. Hope your recovery is speedy and goes well.
  15. This is just what I needed to know. That is what was happening with me. I thought it was the order I was doing things (wrong), but couldnt see what was different with the tutorial and me. I better book an eye exam.?
  16. Please dont stop with suggestions and advice. You push me to be better, I appreciate it.
  17. Hahaha, yes, aren't we all wearing our fancy pants today. In fact, I just incorporated a business making hearts and arrows! Maybe I shouldnt quit my day job, eh?
  18. My attempts at lesson one. My problem was also getting two nodes when I was adding (i just did undo and it went away). The other problem is when I want to move the nodes I would inadvertently add a node or it would move the whole vector object. Do I have to click on the node to make it active then move it? What does the cursor look like when I can move it? I see squiggley line, a plus sign and 4 arrows. My heart comes to a weird pointy point, how would I get rid of that? Good lesson and I see how you can fiddle around with nodes for some time. Good idea from everyone who said use the grid/guide lines. I will try that. I need more practice. I see some very cool hearts and arrows from everyone. So cool to see so many posts when I got home from work. side note: does anyone remember the spoof movie Airplane. The pilot says to the co-pilot, "What's your vector Victor?" hahaha. Now it's running through my head as I learn about vectors.
  19. I use a mixture of what most of you have said. Sometimes I print and find it easier to follow along, or if I dont want to start and stop the video (I have two screens). I follow along with the video with the labs and will print something I've done before but have forgotten the steps and it's not part of the lab I'm just doing. I will sometimes print the blog PDF if I want to practice what it is teaching and dont know where a certain video might of a technique that is the same. I dont discount any ways of using tutorials, I got by what's right for the time. I do however want to start a list (digital or otherwise) of where to find the tutorials I use most often or want to use for sure, otherwise "out of sight out of mind". I do confess to loving printed instructions and there is very few books on PSP so I would gladly purchase a book if you were writing one Carole.
  20. FABULOUS! I hope to see some new names too.
  21. I have downloaded as well, but never thought to make notes on them. Great idea.
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