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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I watched a couple seasons of Survivor only because it was originally filmed by a guy who did these race shows that were actually real. Reality shows are anything but real. I got tired of it very quickly. I dont like these shows because there is too much conflict and drama and seems to bring out the worst in people. I'd rather see people at their best, it's more inspiring. I like competition shows that are serious like The Crossfit Games. Elite athletes at their best, now that's a motivator for me. I realize I am in a minority for this subject.
  2. I'm grateful for you being you! Dont ever stop.?
  3. Love this, especially the plaid. You are on a roll with layouts. I will be working on Monday. Long weekends are my least favorite weekends because they are the opposite for me, they are short. We have an extended Friday shift to have a shorter Monday shift. Which is just means less weekend for me. But I am thankful I have a job and will remember to be thankful on Monday.
  4. I've yet to do one either. This is so cute. I like the shine part on the top. It makes it look rounded and real. Good job.
  5. I dont have a problem with what you have written. A lot of this I didnt know, some it rather shocking.
  6. I have had this issue too. I wonder if it's because they are really big files and there could be a lot of brushes inside them? Sometimes ABRMate can extract a few of them but not all. Mine were bought from photographers using the newest version of PS. some of the files are 300,000 to 445,000 KB. Is that huge for abr brushes?
  7. Yup, you are an artist, there is no mistake in that. In fact I think we should all consider ourselves artists when we create. Why not. Remember the days art galleries wouldn't allow photographs because it wasnt "art". Now some photographers create "Fine Art Photography", and show successfully in art galleries. The layouts in this forum often leave me thinking WOW! This is incredible.
  8. I agree with Sue it's just a starting point. Make it your own. I did pretty much the sketch as shown, only because I'm in the Scripting course and my brain has imploded about 10 times already and I didnt want to have to think. I wanted to do a layout to reset my brain and be creative.
  9. So sweet. Little baby Poncho. It doesnt get much cuter than that!
  10. You are lucky. We are getting read for thundershowers. Hoping it clears though and I heard tomorrow morning it's supposed to be good too. I'll be getting up and seeing if it's sighting range for me. Looking forward to seeing your results.
  11. Thank you for your words. My heart is singing...and windows are breaking. yes, the behind and a bit to the side. I planted cosmos in pots (as a test to see if I could actually grow anything) and I have been able to move them around according to the sun. the sunflowers were in the garden and the big wind we had made them all lean over at waist height so I was able to photograph them before getting them moved back upright. I will use that idea of a wind break next year. I have been doing the cosmos like that too. I look out the window and see the sun shining through and run for my camera. My backyard has too much dappled light that is distracting since the neighbour cut down two huge trees that gave me beautiful deep dark shade in one corner. So the backgrounds are not great, I had to come up with a plan. Foamcore was first but it blew all over the place, even on lighting stands, so I went to a backdrop I have and put a weight on the stand base. I love translucency in petals and leaves.
  12. that kestrel is so cute. I love that border and the what you did with the word strips, in and out of the frames and the punches (which I bought but havent loaded - scripting is taking more time these days).
  13. Here's my take on the Sketch Challenge. No words, just pictures. It was fun to do. I did the silver frame with vectors, not sure why, just seemed easier to do it that way. the outer frame is one object and the 2 verticals are one object and the 2 horizontals as one object. It just occured to me to make it a preset shape. Wonder if it would be useful. The background is a patter I got of rusty metal. It only has a number name (02) but I think it came froim of the ...eezy website (Brusheezy, Vecteezy etc). Lighting by mother nature...background by a non-descript black background I dragged outside....and had to weight down because it was like sail on a windy day and kept blowing over onto the poor subjects.
  14. We are slaves to our photos and we must obey.
  15. Welcome Doska. Looking forward to seeing posts from you in the forum. Definately join the bootcamp in October, it's what got me using PSP after buying it for several years and not using it. Happy Anniversay by the way, that's a milestone event. I am also a member of DigitalScrapbook...although I've never posted in the forum.
  16. The New York layout(at the top) is so cool. The loss of life is very sad.
  17. Love the top tree, it's got an alien face, actually the middle one does too.
  18. This is interesting, what to keep and what to throw out.
  19. I haven't been to anything like this. I do know of them, they have them in Edmonton. I would love to go in person. I really liked the music in the video you shared.
  20. I think it's just right. Love the color! And what you did with the gradient is really neat. I would not have thought of that, it sure put the focus on the girls.
  21. I love the drawings, hand done ones, they are like art to me. My friend and I used to draw houseplans when we were 12-13 yrs old. I can imagine how bad they must've been. One course in drafting(in high school) told me, I couldnt visualize the 3D space. We had exercises where we had to draw the exploded 2D view of a cube with indents in the cube, or we have to draw the 3D version from the exploded drawing. I couldnt do it. I wished I'd paid more attention and wasnt so shy that I never asked for help. I never really was taught how to "see" it both in 2D and 3D.
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