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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I'm on a roll. Here is Day 2 Papers: Riley B Graphics for the dark brown and light beige inside the frame Scallop: Creative Fabrica (I think) The ring: a gradient with lots (like 253) repeats then inner bevel I added frames (with inner bevel) around the photos to give them separation Quote/paper under it: Frank Lloyd Wright and paper chosen from photo and textured Font: p22 FLLW Exhibition (found on the internet - based on a font made by Frank Lloyd Wright)
  2. I finally got on the board. here is day 1 I still see the beauty in flowers long after they are done. I originally left them in the garden for the birds to use in the winter but found their lines and shape were interesting and beautiful. Papers: Riley B Graphics (Creative Fabrica) (I highly recommend her, if you love grunge backgrounds and some overlays that include a video! - In PS) I added texture to the dark brown scallop piece. Font: Hostania (Creative Fabrica) Inner bevel was added Magenta paper for Title: chosen from photo then texture added
  3. That really does look nice like that Ann.
  4. OMG Ann! I love that whole set up on the tray. What a treasure they are Nice carpet by the way.
  5. Y = Y's - another shoulder/rotator cuff exercise (Also one called T's)
  6. I'm with you Sheila, only I haven't even started yet. I caught the nasty cold my hubby had. Life happens eh?
  7. The colors in this layout and the layout itself are so beautiful.
  8. W = W's - a shoulder/rotator cuff exercise
  9. Awesome news, Lynda! Great to see you back. Love the layouts and you new "digs" are beautiful. I especially love your Sycamore layout as I live on Sycamore Avenue (in Canada). I thought living 6 weeks in an RV was bad enough when moved here, but 7 months, wowzers! Mind you, our RV is only 7'x21', two people two cats; a little too cozy!
  10. S = Skullcrushers - a tricep exercise
  11. Oh Ann, my heart weeps for you. I do hope you get positive results at the vet next week. It's so stressful when our fur-babies are unwell. Take care.
  12. I like you hand drawn one too. It's rustic and authentic.
  13. Q = Quadratus Lumborum (QL's) This muscles attach on the back side (posterior) of you, bottom 4 ribs to the pelvis. They are work-a-holics and will take over if your core isn't doing work (ie. no being engaged when it should be). Often the culprit of sore low back problems. I banged one side so hard once that one side got twisted in the fascia (called QL syndrome) and caused all kinds of havoc for 3 months until my massage therapist was able to get it untwisted.
  14. It's a toughie for sure. It's starts with scapular retraction which most people don't do, they tend to pull with the bicep first thus not engaging the back very well (biceps are a tiny muscle group to be doing all that work). Assisted pulls ups are great too! (with bands or on an assissted pull up machine at the gym).
  15. ...and if you did aerobics and you did jumping jacks it got some pizazz added to it. hahaha. so many variations, just like plank moves.
  16. stand with arms at sides, feet together. Jump up and land with arms straight out to the side and feet wide, jump up again, and return to start. Repeat with a faster cadence, constantly moving. I looks like you are making snow angels, but standing up. You see people in the military doing that.
  17. J = Jumping Jacks - remember that from elementary and high school?
  18. I love your layout style. So clean and just so perfect. This is inspiring. I am still in the photo process, it has being a busy two weeks with hubby sick and today a day of dawning the hazmat suit ( AKA: rubber gloves) and cleaning and disinfecting everything. Next week I should be in full on P52 and workshop mode. Lots of photography gonna be happenin'!
  19. Oh I love that truck. and it looks like Rudolph and Clarice in the back, another great love story at Christmas.
  20. Spectator and Head Cheerleader! Awesome.
  21. Z = Zottman Curl Works the bicep and forearm, holding dumbells at your side hammer curl (neutral grip) up while twisting the DB, near the top, to a supinated (palms up) grip, twist the dumbells while in the upper position to a pronated (palms down) position and lower the weight. Repeat for reps.
  22. That's okay, me too! It was a "workout" just typing this out (why didn't I use "workout" for "W"?). 🤣
  23. Love the little frog on your friends shoulder, and the expression on her face.
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