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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I want to join the Photo Circle Template script action too. Here is a 8 week P52 challenge recap. took a few times through the script to get the right size for the P52 size ( i chose the custom shape choice as I wanted a rectangle. then I added a frame around each one adding a shadow and reverse shadow as well. I did have to erase a little bit of the spill over shadow on the last one and I managed to remember how to do that. The fonts I used are Linna and Lophinky (i might have spelled that wrong - both from Creative Fabrica).
  2. Ack! where does the pot of gold go? hahahahaa. Finding the pot IS my retirement plan.
  3. YIKES! that leprechaun was disturbing. hahaha, hilarious.
  4. What would the pot at the end of your pickleball rainbow contain?
  5. They look fabulous. so much we can do with that script. Those are perfect flowers for it too.
  6. that's so awesome Rene. I should be doing that. It's another way to enjoy pretty/sentimental things but not become a hoarder at the same time. And since my photo subject tastes have changed over the years and I'm doing more table-top photography I seem to want (read: NEED! ☺️) more "props" as I learn and develop a style. Wonder how long that takes. I wish I was the person who could go to a thrift store buy a few things to photograph then donate them back within a week or two. Maybe I'm that way in another universe.
  7. yes, and i was just photographing the ones for sale (additional shots) and realized I should have photographed the saucers from a straight down (flat-lay) position as they'd make cool digital elements. Just not enough time in the day to get all the things done that I want.
  8. I wish I could keep them but I have no more cupboard space, in any cupboard. I have kept about 20 of them. It took an entire day of going through them to choose which ones would go. They are little pieces of art that i can afford.
  9. Week 8 I should be doing my Solid papers but for some reason our email program just stopped working so hubby has been trying to get it up and running. So I'm doing a little bit in between his "fixing" time. Good thing for my old laptop with a nice working email. I used King Edward font (from CF). I wanted a shadow so it would show on the card. I sure flip-flopped on what settings to use where it would show up but not look weird because I find shadows can make black text look blurry or like accidental double text. I didn't shadow the 2024 as I knew it would look weird, but I wanted a black text and a darker layout as well. Gradient is from PSP that I've used before, it's a favorite of mine. I'm trying to get rid of most of the t-cups and will be the same for the t-pots and here I was in the thrift store yesterday with yet another t-cup and t-pot in my hands! I just noticed this layout looks better if you click on and see it with the black around it.
  10. I hear you. I used to live on the Westcoast (BC) and love the grey rainy days. I've lived in Alberta for 10 yrs now (land of the expansive sunny skies) and if we have 2-3 overcast days in a row I'm pretty whiny about having no sun.
  11. Sorry to hear life is difficult for you right now. I hope you find a quick resolution and are able to resume your creative time. take care.
  12. Ann, your daughter is so talented. I love her style. And the back story is so interesting. Is the sled still around?
  13. Beautiful photo. I love the rain on them.
  14. I like it. It really helps to see where you are going. It's nice when I'm sitting a little further away from my screen.
  15. Very nice paper and those colors go well together.
  16. P52 Week 7 Font is Agatha (Creative Fabrica). Ugh, I had two fonts called Agatha. And only one would show up in my drop down. Of course the wrong one. I had to turn off the wrong one in my font viewer for it to see the other one. This explains why when I load some in the font viewer I don't always see it. I see that it's loaded and says it's activated, but I actually have to scroll to it and activate it. It's a little annoying. At least I figured out what's happening. I downloaded this one font 3 times thinking I did something wrong. It's called "Christmas something or other" and I have several with that name. It now explains why I only seem to be able to use one of them. the "W" has the same hook as on top of the t-cup handle. Purely coincidental, I only just saw it now. And the shadow I put on the magnet is way too small, it looked huge when I was doing it. I'll have to go back and fix that. I even wrote the numbers down and didn't believe my own writing. I used a gradient background and added a texture. I also added a texture to the rasterized fonts and frame so it would look like it was printed on the paper. Probably the texture will be lost in the lower resolution. Nice to get back to this project. I had forgotten how I did some of the steps and had to remind myself.
  17. I bet it's fun to see what they have been up to. I think what we have are hares. they are grey/brown in the summer and white in the winter. I'm trying to recall if they have black tipped ears.
  18. the magic wand and how to select from the layer (in a template for example) and going to the paper above and click delete. then you can tell them about scripts that do that as well. Also using the magic wand to make frames around the photo; the two ways, one for the frame (inside or inside/outside) on a separate layer, then they learn how to flood fill and perhaps bevel and shadow that frame, then the other way on the outside where it makes a mat(again, on a separate layer). then the user has a choice of merging the two and leaving it like a framed photo or they can shadow the photo, like it's paper on top of another photo. I've seen Rene do this and it's so pretty, then they can shadow the mat too for that dimensional look that makes scrapbook pages stand out. Also, remember the lessons in the bootcamp. we got lots of cool tool use in bootcamp and it's aimed at beginners. Like using the eraser tool to make the pinking shear edges also for making cut outs (not the "cut out tool") in the paper with the eraser brush which uses all the fun brushes they may have to add a punched out effect on their papers. Or the selection tool; pointing out the different shapes (rectangle, circle, rounded square etc) to make smaller papers or elements. You may already have this covered in the main body of the book.
  19. Beautiful shot. Me and my co-worker get so excited to see them at work, in the bush right outside the door we go in. my co-worker is the expert spotter. otherwise I'd walk right by even though I am looking for them. the very small empty lot across the street from work in the spring/summer has 7-8 that I can actually see (probably more hiding). I wish they wouldn't cut the wild grasses/weeds, so they could hide better from the coyotes. I still cant help wanting to smoosh my face right up in it's fur. (side note: I don't, and when we spot one we are quiet and do not disturb them, poor things have a hard enough life being at the bottom of the food chain).
  20. I love this. I am a fan of dark dark dark backgrounds, this is a nice lino background. Beautiful picture and perfect use of the font as part of the mask.
  21. They sure do look like stickers to me. Very cool effect.
  22. I hope you are feeling better soon Chris. Let the works of everyone hear inspire you while you are recovering.
  23. Wow, that is so cool. Good thinking on the name.
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