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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. Here is where I am so far. There are still empty spots for the photos but slowly progressing. :)


    I am not sure if I will keep those papers, but they are from the "Great Outdoors" kit by Kristin Aagard.



  2. Creative layouts, interesting stories, great work, Everyone!


    I am a slow scrapper, so I am creating just one layout. I am still in the process of choosing the photos, so that's why there are empty spots in the template. The photos are of a trip my husband and I did last year for a few days to Lake Constance.

  3. Lynda, I also have the ClipToIt script, and I agree with you, it makes a lot easier and faster when working with templates.


    Michele, I am on Facebook, and guess what? We've been friends there since Carole created the SCampus Group! :D


    I am not very active there and almost never post anything... I don't have it on the cell phone, and I only check it once a day, more to read pages of journalists and the Scrapbook Campus Group, of course... But I have liked many of your posts and commented on your work.


    I would be happy if you could help me finding these blog trains. :)







  4. Michele, I love the layout you created for your gaming group. The dress images are really gorgeous and you found a perfect background paper to match. Great result.


    It is the first time I am hearing about Scrap Designers and AnnieC, and those papers are really nice. I have to remember to use the edge punches; they gave a special look to the card.


    I am glad to see you back here! Now, let's hope that Annie also finds her mojo. :)

  5. Swanie, what a great result for your first project. Well done!


    Sue, thank you so much for your kind comment. <3 ... Your work is a source of inspiration for me.


    As usual, posting something here doesn't mean I will not go back and change things, and this time was no different. I changed the background (KAagard "Great Outdoors" pattern2) and decided to add some stitching. I remember that Sue often uses the "Decorative Stitches Brushes"... So, I purchased and added one of them to the layout. I am not good at sewing, but I will practice more. :)


    Here is the new layout.

  6. It is always inspiring to see what everyone is doing, sometimes a color palette, choice of elements, different fonts, and so on. Everybody is showing great work here!


    Here is what I created to practice the tutorials from the Lab8-M10 (Filled CutoutCrayon RubSplash shape).


    When I saw the beautiful layout Sue created using this template from the Lab10-M02, I decided to use it with these photos.


    Everything was created by me, except for the Paint element (KAagard “Great Outdoors kit)


    Fonts: Areno Rough – Caneletter Script – Mannie – Mist – Monotype Corsiva – Lovely Valentine – Mister Earl

  7. I finally completed the layout I have been working for the last weeks to practice the tutorials of the Lab10-Module 05 (Photo Cutout - Triangle Pattern - Uneven Arrows). Sometimes I have problems finding photos I want to use for that particular project, the right papers, colors... I don't give up, just takes looonger :)


    I used the template from the Lab10-Module 04 and tweaked a lit bit. The papers I used are from the "SeasideHoliday" mini kit by Kim Broedelet.


    I created a Flair Button based on Cassel's tutorial: Creative Scrap>Miscellaneous>Flair Button. Adhesive tape (Triangle Pattern) done with cass-AdhesiveTape script.


    Fonts: KG Arrows - BlackJack - Bauhaus Std Medium

  8. I love to see everyone's take on this challenge. Everybody did a great job!


    Oh, Annie, I am sure you were not amused after hearing that your garden had to go. But "When life gives you a lemon, make  lemonade." You could create a memory page telling this story and your plans for the next one. :)

  9. It is always gratifying to come here and see all the creative work posted, showing different styles and techniques.  The Campus is really a source of inspiration.


    Michele, the "Twain Festival," is very impressive. Corrie, a project with this image would look great. Dorothy, lovely memory page. Libera, a very creative pizza lady. Trish, your work is unique and very creative. Great work, ladies!

  10. Carole, I have to find this post. I don't remember the other ways. :)


           Cassel wrote: "Cristina, yes, I had a blog post about different ways to hide faces. Pixelating is one way, but there are others!"

  11. I haven't been here for some time, and today I see what the great work that has been posted lately.


    Linda and Michele, I love this stained glass technique, the bright colors... You both created lovely images.


    Annie, I think you created a beautiful layout. Colors, elements, font... Great work!


    Besides participating in the Bootcamp, I haven't done any other project... I need to hurry up ;)

  12. It has been a joy to come here and see all the amazing and creative work posted daily. Each one, in her/his style, created beautiful layouts. Congrats to Everyone!


    Here is my Project #5


    The flower and papers are from the "WeLoveSummer" kit by Palvinka.


    Font: Plump


    Carole, like always, I had lots of fun participating in this challenge. It is an opportunity to go over techniques I might forget if I don't practice over and over. Thank you!

  13. Thanks, Carole! About your question, yes, it has been about the same people, my husband, and I. :) And I learned from you to hide the faces on a post years ago (Effects>Distortion Effects>Pixelate).
  14. Beautiful and creative layouts posted here. :)


    Here is my Project #4


    Papers: Sheila Reid "Vintage Paper" - Palvinka "WeLoveSummer"


    Elements: dededsmith "AllThingsBrightBeautiful".


    I used Cassel's "DistressedEdge" script and created the flair following her tutorial.


    Fonts: Abraham - Ligurino - KGArrows

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