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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. Lovely layouts are posted here!

    I like big cities but also like very much to be in contact with nature... Watching these little creatures can be very relaxing and entertaining.

    Sue, I can only imagine how thrilled you are when being only a few cm away from them... The same goes for Susan and Ann, seeing them so close... Bonnie, no appreciation at all! ?

    Our regular squirrel customers, as we call them, not only eat from the usual feeders but also have to squeeze into the birdhouse feeder. I had to stretch my arm with the cell phone through the door to get this shot.

    Corrie, have a safe and great trip! ❤️ 





    birdhouse feed - squirrel.jpg

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  2. Susan, I haven't had any problems with compatibility, mine is also set to X8-2021, but it's good to know that it might happen so I know where to look.

    And I feel your pain about losing work... Like Rene, I am having many issues with 2023 and using other versions to finish a project...  Besides the problem with selecting the layers, I had problems with Text (changing fonts, etc.) where the program crashed a few times... The last issue happened twice, and  I could not open the pspimage file: "Unable to open the file. Please verify that the file is valid."   The first time, I got an older version of the file from the external hard disk, but the second time, they were the same... So I had to start from zero after almost finishing the layout.


  3. This is looking amazing...It's so fun to find new additions!... What material do you use to create them? The vases look like real ones.

    Good idea to add other hanging plants... I have a few at home too, but nowadays, they are mostly from Ikea ? ... Before, I would have relatives to take care of the plants while we were away, but now they are not close/able anymore. 

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Thank you. The creativity on the edges is all Carole.  You get multiple options, it's very cool to change the order of the papers to see the difference in the pinwheels.  And really, the creativity on the papers is from Carole too, through watching "A Beautiful Mess".  I'm just watching "Art Media with PSP".  I dont think I even paid attention to those tools.  I know I want a Wacom tablet for Christmas this year.

    I have a Wacom tablet and used to work a lot with the desktop... But since I had to use the laptop, I never tried it again... always postponing... But it takes time to adjust to it.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

    No ladies, you are not alone. In the 15 years I've been digi scrapping I have downloaded a lot of free stuff and purchased a lot of kits from various stores. Quite a few with good intentions that have not happened. Many I had even forgotten I had. Several years ago I made a vow to myself that I was going to use kits I already had instead of always buying new stuff...

    Rene, this looks like to be a good system. I have to look more into it...  When there is a newsletter promoting kits, I am attracted to it by the colors used. .. Only after that I'll check what is inside... Sometimes it happens. I had already bought it before, like ... today!    Good that the site warns when one has already purchased the item.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Cassel said:

    It is a 1:12 scale, so each one inch for each foot, making the shelf a bit over 7 inches (about 18cm) and the monstera plant, the biggest one, is a bit under 3 inches. Working at that scale is a skill one needs to practice. Believe it or not, some miniaturists will do 1:24 or even 1:48 scale!!

    They are really tiny... and they look so real...  Hats off!...   I see on FB a page called Tiny Kitchen or something like this... Incredible work to make this tiny, real food... 

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I have a lot of stuff gathered too, and never used.  In a perfect world I'd delete the stuff I never use because it makes it hard to scroll through and  find the stuff I do use.  But then I think, what if I might need it....

    Seeing Corrie's and Julie's comments, you are not alone, Susan!... Guilty too! ...I downloaded free kits when I started here on the Campus, and some I've never used... So when I think of deleting, I have the same thought... Who knows? ? 

    • Like 1
  8. So many great ideas already. I downloaded the photo to see it on a large scale...  It already looks gorgeous, with so many tiny little plants, a table, and books...   I wonder what the measurements are...   Probably it's not easy to work/create them.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Michele said:

    Thank you, Cristina. I fight against the lack of creativity all the time. That's one of the reasons I'm making more of an effort. It took me many hours between searching my few original pics and getting inspiration from looking at templates.

    Let's hope, Michele, this phase is over soon! ?

    • Love 1
  10. Thank you, Corrie! ❤️    I think we all have ups and downs, which also applies to creativity... Just mine lack of it is taking too long for my taste. ?... At least in the meantime, I was doing something I enjoyed very much: Scripting Course and Build-A-Kit Workshop. Good that Carole has something for everybody!

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Very tempting.  Is it something I always have access to after the course is done? I feel it will be a steep learning curve for me, but the idea of learning something like that is appealing.  

    You have access, and Carole added videos to the course, which is very helpful...   After the course last year, I started to review the lessons, but then, my husband and I started to travel (to make up for covid times), and I didn't continue...  If there is another class this year, I will participate again.

    • Like 1
  12. 59 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Cristina, I'm so glad you are back at it.  I know about a creative slump... 

    Want some really cool ways to make paper, I just watched the master class A Beautiful Mess.  It's really good and it just has you playing around with effects/techniques.  I highly recommend it. Sometimes creating with nothing in mind is a good place to get inspired

    Thank you, Susan. ❤️ And I agree...   After a while, I realized there was no point to keep trying; I had to give it a break...  As it was not working for me with layouts, I decided to do the Scripting Course, which lasts about 5 months (being 2 classes a week... I like the slow pace), and recently the Build-A-Kit Workshop... I am not saying I am back, but I am up to try it again.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:


    I'm entertaining those thoughts, but still still a litte frightful of coding.  Not in the 'grizzly-bear-chasing-me' frightful, more like when I'm stretching on the floor after I workout and i turn my head...and....THERE IS THE MOTHER OF ALL SPIDERS STARING ME AND LICKING IT'S LIPS.  Spider lips are the worst!

    Susan, you can try and see if this is for you... Sometimes, the fear makes the spiders bigger than they really are. ?

    • Haha 1
  14. Michele, this is so nice and colorful. I like it very much.

    Even if you've been posting less, I saw many interesting and nice layouts...  For a long time, I've not been active in any of the challenges due to a lack of creativity...  Hopefully, this will change.


    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Thank you Cristina.  I does look much better apart than together.  Here's one that I clicked the wrong button when I was mirroring (or flipping? the other half) and I liked the shape.  it's the same starting label shape but me clicking the wrong button and ending up with a happy accident.


    Susan, It's so good when we have a happy accident, isn't it?

    So many times, I struggled to get something I liked, so I stopped creating layouts...   I haven't done it anymore, as whatever I'd created was not to my liking...   Very slowly, I am back to working with them...  The Build-A-Kit Workshop helped during the no-creativity layout phase.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, Cassel said:

    I COULD show you some of my tricks if you want, although you have to not be scared of code!

    It may be scary at first glance, but it is so interesting to learn how it's done. And the Scripting Course shows it at a very slow pace.

  17. 10 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    I like this challenge, it's not a lot unlike the scavenger hunt, or bingo challenge, which are my favourite challenges...


    Sue, what a beautiful layout! There are so many little details and techniques in it... I love it!

  18. I am also organizing the purchased folders I created ages ago. While doing this, I  noticed I had scripts in 3 different folders; some were unzipped!!  This mess explains why I was getting "You already have this script" while trying to buy it again.

    In the future, when I create a layout, I'll make a point of using at least one script, brush, and tube, as some I use more often than others... A few I never used. ?

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