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Everything posted by Cristina

  1. Corrie, we sure can! ? Like you, I'm also feeling more comfortable around vectors... Being already around the Campus for a long time, I was familiar with most of the techniques, except lesson 4... That was neat! But practicing with it daily made a big difference.
  2. You mentioned in the newsletter that you were not sure if the guests would pay attention to the labels. For me, it would be impossible not to notice those labels... They are so, so cute, and the names are so creative. I am sure they will be a success!!
  3. It would be nice in the future to have an Advanced Vector Workshop. ?
  4. Great new additions to this thread. It's a joy to scroll through all the creative work posted. Here is Lesson 3, extra practice. It is a screenshot of the workspace, as creating the shape was already a lot of work... This was a good practice, but I am not keeping the preset. Now, onto Lesson 4, extra practice... I still have to figure out how I will do the "dots as cutouts and have the large piece underneath."... But I am closing up shop for today. ?
  5. Thank you, Susan! For the wire, I used a golden pattern that I downloaded from the internet a very long time ago... I have a few of them. The background is a "rust pattern" I downloaded years ago from the internet. I am not sure, but I think it was when I practiced one of Cassel's tutorials. It had to do with rust texture or something similar.
  6. Beautiful page, Royanne! I agree; the font fits perfectly with the layout.
  7. Carole, this was a great workshop! Thank you! Although I knew most of the techniques, I was not using them often, so I had to go back and check the tutorials every time. I am not saying that I will not go back to the instructions, but I do feel more secure working with some techniques.
  8. Here is Lesson 7, and it went smoothly. This time I used Cassel's ChainBead-08 picture tube. No problems with the arms or else... I wonder if the issue I had in Lesson 5 had anything to do with the image size or the number of nodes... Although I had clicked then numerous times on the center of the nodes, the icon (two curved arrows with plus sign in the middle) would not appear... That's why I had to move the nodes. Still working on the extra practice of lesson 3... I am slow!
  9. Lesson 6 I used Cassel's metallic rope tube 18. I like those rope tubes (and others, too!); there is so much we can do with them.
  10. Linda, I had the same issue with the Quick-Page workshop on Day 8. I tried 3 different browsers and got the same black window or an error message, depending on the browser. After a few days, for whatever reason, I could watch the video. It is still a mystery why it happened.
  11. Rene, I am also sending your my best wishes for your surgery when it happens... I do hope you have a speedy recovery so that you can share your work and tips with us.
  12. Here is Lesson 5. I did this technique before, and this was good training... I still have to do the extra practice lessons 3 and 4.
  13. I hope you feel better soon, Jnet.
  14. Working with vectors does require lots of time and patience. Things don't work smoothly all the time. But ultimately, achieving something I didn't know was so rewarding. Lesson 4 - Along with making the contour, there was a lot of hide-and-seek of the arms! ?? ... It happened a few times yesterday, but today was a lot... I had to move the nodes outward, trying to see where they were. If this didn't help, I would change the node type, back and forth, until the precious arms would be kind enough and show themselves... Sometimes they were so, so close to the nodes. Having said that, I loved this lesson. I learned a lot! The contour separating the cup from the saucer was done afterward, so it's not shown on the preset... I started working on the extra practice for Lesson 3, but it requires more time... Will try to finish tomorrow.
  15. Michele, great that you didn't give up! You created great preset shapes. I am using a lot of cusp nodes, which I never/seldom did before... I am so happy about this workshop... I am working daily with vectors, therefore feeling more comfortable and learning a lot!
  16. Here is Lesson 3. As I started late, only tomorrow I will do the extra practice. The first time I did contour was long ago, probably a Masterclass, not sure... So this was a good exercise... Just need time and patience with all the nodes to edit, but the result is rewarding...Also, we can do so many things with technique... I made one preset and added some lines to it for practice.
  17. Carole, how do you tag someone as you do in your comments, or is this an administrator feature only?
  18. Oh, I didn't realize that. So, that's why there is a French version! ??
  19. Hi Lynda, good to see you are back!
  20. For this one, I meant the heart I posted filled with the text pattern. I didn't create it myself; I just used the pattern that comes with PSP. ? Edit: Now I know better; Carole said the Text Patterns are from one of her scripts and not from PSP.
  21. Never noticed that... Every day I learn something new about vectors.
  22. What a beautiful work! It's more than a Thank-You-Card when we think of all the thoughts and work involved in creating it. And, yes, you are one of a kind, always there whenever one needs help... Unless when you are sleeping! ?
  23. Here is what I practiced for Lesson 2. I am enjoying this workshop very much! I kept it simple as suggested (not enough time to play around, too ?), and it was fun anyway. I don't save the shapes most of the time, so I am forced to do it again and probably relearn what I have forgotten. I loved to see what everybody has posted so far.
  24. Yeahh, Michele, another one I didn't know... I always used the Vertical/Horizontal radius... I'm loving this workshop!
  25. Hi Libera, The one you saw before was a Customized Text Overlay and was based on the Lab 5- Module 9 (Text Background Paper). For this one, I used the pattern that comes with PSP. There are 5 Text patterns in English and 5 "Texte" patterns in French (right your alley ?). In this case, I used the Text 1 pattern. About the technique, Sue Thomas explained it in a much better way than I would have thought. The details are important, and I never think of mentioning them...Thank you, Sue! Your work is, as always, beautiful!
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