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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I am always trying different fonts. I have almost 3,000 fonts and I've only paid for eight of them. There are so many resources for free fonts; I think I'm addicted. Here's a very pretty one that came with additional swashes. It's called William Kidmon and I think it's simply lovely.


    The ribbon started out as a small sample I saw. I erased the background, duplicated it until I had enough so I could line them up for a full ribbon. Merged them to one layer and duplicated it all around to frame the pic. I played around with erasing parts of the different layers until I got the effect I liked.

  2. This is yesterday's project for my FB gaming group. I started with a blue wood-grain background. That beautiful little sailor is something I found on Google. The 3D Chisel Effect outlined her pic nicely and gave it some depth. Then I used the NavyBlues font (free on FontSpace). I duplicated and changed the font layer to raster and repeated the chisel effect. I added the life ring and gave it an Inner Bevel. The Rope picture tube came in handy to balance out the total look, but it comes out in a sort of gold color. In keeping with the blue and white theme I had going I used Colorize and changed the saturation to zero. In order to brighten the rope up, I used the Replace Color Tool with white as my foreground color. Lastly I Buttonized the background in order to frame the entire project.


    I would have been unable to do something like this a year ago. I've learned so much about PSP from Cassel and the rest of the Campus members that my artistic side is really coming out now. Thanks to all of you. <3

  3. I absolutely LOVE seeing what everyone did with this class.


    I forgot that I also worked on a snow scene using both the Manual Color Adjustment and the Grey World White Balance. I would never have known to look for hidden commands! What a pleasure it is see WHITE snow. (It's not a pretty picture; I only took it to show how much snow we had gotten.)

  4. I watched the Photo Cheats master class video last night. As usual I learned a lot. I used the tutorial to add bokeh effects to a pic I did for my gaming group today. (How about that for great timing?) I usually try to find an appropriate overlay, but it's so much better to create my own bokeh. I started with a lighted dance floor for a background. Here is a pic of the before and after; if you click on it to enlarge the pic, you'll see the effect more clearly. I know my pics are not usually "scrapbooky," but everything I learn here can be used for other projects, too.
  5. So I couldn't resist...I bought all three corner punch brush sets and the lifted photo script. I started playing with them and what I did fit right into my group's daily theme for Sunday. Risking redundancy, I thank you all.
  6. Thanks for the kind words, ladies, and the suggestions.


    Cristina, your page is beautiful. I'm going to have to look into the corner punches and the lifted photo script. They look very cool.


    I'm learning so much from everyone. Thank you for describing the different methods and tools you used on your projects.

  7. I just read your campus update and by coincidence, I used the Text on Path technique today for my gaming group daily theme. Again, pay no attention to "Fabulous Divas." That is simply the group's name.


    I couldn't get the exact result I wanted and I ran out of time. I wanted to make the word "BOLD" more centered over it's part of the path. I put "BOLD BOHEMIAN" on one path and I realize now I probably should have created separate paths for each word. I used the space bar to move "Bohemian" to where I wanted it to go. However, when I tried to do the same with "Bold," it didn't work. I put my cursor at the beginning of the text, but when I spaced, only the second word would move. Can anyone give me any hints besides using two different paths?

  8. I do pics for a FB gaming group I run. The game changes the theme every day and I thought a scrapbook look was perfect for this one. I imagined many young girls having a scrapbook of their favorite stars back in the 1960's. (Fab Divas is the name of my group so please disregard.) It ended up being a big hit with the members.


    As some of you may already know, I don't do scrapbooking, but I've been able to learn so much from Cassel and the other people who belong to the campus and apply what I learn to the projects I do. Cassel's books have really taught me a lot about using PaintShop as they are written in plain English and from a user's point of view. I, personally, do not find the PSP User Guide to be easy to understand.

    AprilDawn, your project is so very pretty.


    Joe O, your cowboy cracked me up when he started moving his eyes.

  9. I took this pic a few years ago when I was on a walk around the neighborhood on Long Island, NY. This exercise was very cool and will make things easier for me now that I know how to do this. Being as OCD as I am, I used the Soften tool in some spots. LOL


    Thanks for the challenge, Cassel. By the way, I bought both of your 101 Super Easy Tricks books on Amazon and I'm learning so much. I would recommend them to everyone using PaintShop.


    Love everyone else's pics, especially your g-grand, Wanda. She's adorable.

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