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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Welcome back, Corrie! We've missed you.
  2. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Congratulations!
  3. So...I got a better response from Support and PSP is back up and running. The first step Support had me do was run a cleanup tool for PSP 2022. I have a lot more room on my C drive since the "cleanup" and there are some resources that I'm missing. I'm afraid it may have cleaned up too much. I've updated all the file location preferences and added the ones I keep separately from the PSP folders, but there seems to be a lot hiding or just plain gone. I'll be searching for a while. All of the purchases I made from the Home page (templates) are missing, too, so I replied to Support's email asking how to restore them. Luckily, I keep all of the zip files for resources I've bought, most importantly Cassel's stuff so I can always reinstall those. Thanks so much to everyone for trying to help me. Eventually, I think I will have Geek Squad take a look because I'm sure I've screwed up a lot over the past six months or so by moving stuff from C to D in an effort to save room on the C drive. UPDATE: Being a pack rat paid off. I read my old support emails and was reminded of the Restore Purchases option on the Home Page Help button. So they seem to be back now. I really do not like reinstalling! 🤣
  4. Thanks, Rene. I've been having the problem of the C drive getting full for a while now. I've been moving and uninstalling things, but I guess my luck has run out. One big problem is too many programs don't give the option of installing anywhere but C the drive. And I created a Documents folder on the D drive early on. I'm sure the Geek Squad will be great; they usually are.
  5. I did uninstall and now I'm having trouble reinstalling. I have a laptop with a C drive and a D drive (I don't know why) and I've run out of space on my C drive. When I try installing PSP onto my D drive, I get an error referring to insufficient space on my C drive. I use PSP 2022. I told Support all of this when I opened the ticket. Their first response was to uninstall and reinstall onto my D drive which I had already done. Their second response was instructions for PSP 2023. I can't wait for their third response. I will eventually call the Geek Squad if Corel can't help and I'm considering a new laptop, too.
  6. Being the Campus' resident font-a-holic, it's killing me that my PSP isn't working. With any luck, it will be resolved sooner rather than later. It's slow working with Support by email. It takes several before they even understand the problem. Fingers crossed! 🤞
  7. They are simply incredible. You have wonderful photography skills.
  8. Your flower flat lays are absolutely gorgeous. I would love to see them closer up. Can you post a few of them by themselves so we can see the details?
  9. We didn't have "themed parties" when I was a kid, either. Mom would bake a cake and, in my memory, her cakes tasted better than anything store-bought. When my daughter was very young, we had similar parties, but parties at places like roller skating rinks, McDonald's, or Chuck E Cheese were all the rage when she was a little older. I think I remember you making things for a dinosaur themed party for Xavier.
  10. I'm having a problem with PSP so I can't make anything. 😢 I'm waiting to hear from support.
  11. Beautiful pic. Do you ever use it to cook? I had to look it up and found out it is edible.
  12. I love everything about this, Susan. Thanks for sharing what you did.
  13. I'm late, but here's my Day 1. Since many of us are seniors, I used this funny photo from Freepik. The font is Rosthila Sans. QP's are just that...quick, but it took me some time lining up all the letters. OCD is a battle sometimes. LOL
  14. I use layered templates often. It's easy to make them your own as they are just a starting point.
  15. Much love to you, Carole, and thanks for the gifts. ❤️
  16. If the game I create my pics for ends (and it probably will sooner rather than later), I'll spend more time learning how to create things without using scripts. It is very rewarding when you create something yourself.
  17. W = Witch Hazel, which is good for the skin.
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