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Anne Lamp

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Everything posted by Anne Lamp

  1. For the moment at least, I have gotten the hang of making masks. Next time I try may be a completely different story, but at least I can always go back to the saved written instructions again.
  2. We had a pretty snow a week or so ago and I took the pictures of the berries then. Yesterday we had below 0 f temps and the frost was from one of my windows. BRRR!
  3. X = Xrays for when you hurt yourself (falling off your bike, down the mountain, drop a weight on your foot, or just falling over from exhaustion)
  4. LOL. That sounds like me. I remember as a kid my Dad said everything I tried to sing came out sounding like Jingle Bells. I still remember that over 60 years later. He was probably right. I am so bad when I try to sing along to a song I like, it sounds so bad I have to tell myself to shut up and enjoy the music. That was a wonderful tribute Ann made to her Mother.
  5. R = Running a marathon. (or for some of us older folks walking fast for several blocks)
  6. L = Long naps. We will need to rest after getting all that exercise that is recommended.
  7. I started this a couple of days ago and just finished it. I don't think I did any of the things on my 2023 list except "take the stairs" and that is because the elevator at work has been broke for months. LOL Happy New Year all.
  8. I decided to share this silly pic. That elf name etc was actually the first one I got when I clicked on it. I did not alter it at all. What I want to know is how in the heck did they get a picture of me to use. AH HA, it must have been from Santa. The text is Santa-Ugly-Sweater-6018607 The free text on C F today 12/29.
  9. I decided to share this silly pic. That elf name etc was actually the first one I got when I clicked on it. I did not alter it at all. What I want to know is how in the heck did they get a picture of me to use. AH HA, it must have been from Santa. The text is Santa-Ugly-Sweater-6018607 The free text on C F today 12/29.
  10. S = Stocking full of goodies from the mantel (if you have one),
  11. I love that Merry Christmas in many languages. One of the first things I have done all month is making sure I clicked on that day's entry so I didn't get busy and forget it. I just wanted to thank Cassel for doing this. I looked forward to each day's surprise.
  12. Wishing you all a wonderful Dec 25 & those who celebrate it a Joyous Christmas. Most of the alphas are freebies from Cassel.
  13. Wishing you all a wonderful Dec 25 & those who celebrate it a Joyous Christmas. Most of the alphas are freebies from Cassel.
  14. It can be a busy time of year. I have enjoyed seeing everyone's post even if I don't always comment on them.
  15. I know last night was the winter solstice and I have been working on this one today.
  16. E = Ebenezer Scrooge We all know at least one LOL
  17. Y = Yummy treats. Cookies, Candy, Ham, Turkey,Home made Roles, and oh so many more things.
  18. This has nothing to do with Christmas, but what a show Mother Nature put on last night in Fairbanks. These picks are from the web cam about 1AM Alaska time this morning. https://explore.org/livecams/aurora-borealis-northern-lights/aurora-cam
  19. Before I saw your response, I had deleted 2023 and tried to reload it. I had trouble doing that and finally got it done yesterday and everything seem to be as it should be now.
  20. This reminds me of my sweet little dog when she was a pup. Of course she/he is saying-- Who ME? Really I came in here and chased away the bogeyman that made this mess. Don't I get a reward now for being such a good watchdog ? I had bought my pup a new bed and at that time we locked her in the hallway when we were gone. This is what we found when we got home.
  21. I downloaded PSP 2023 a while back but think I may cancel the order. I don't see enough new things there that I would use often. There are a couple of things I don't like that I use a lot in my 2021, for one thing I go back to undue things quiet a bit and it is a nuisance to not have that back arrow where it was before. Another thing I just found was unless there is another way to do it, The Shift D to create the duplicate that Cassel has warned us to use a lot of times does not work. The only reason I may keep it (I did get it a a good price) is to try the raw editing because my new camera can shoot raw. Has anyone used that feature and can say it it works well?
  22. The font is Brush Script MT. The graphics were downloads from C F. The Cookies Alpha is of course the Christmas Cookie Alpha from Cassel. The other Alpha is one I downloaded a long time ago from who knows where.
  23. U = Unwrapping presents Years ago we opened presents on Christmas Eve at my Grandparents house where the whole family gathered. One tradition was to make a pile of all the wrapping paper and get a picture of the youngest baby or child in the middle of the pile.
  24. M = Music My Husband starts playing his Christmas records on Thanksgiving (because I won't let him start any earlier) and plays them numerous times daily until New Years Day.
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