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Anne Lamp

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Everything posted by Anne Lamp

  1. I have again used a screenshot from an Explore live cam. I added a lighter paper under the horizontal text because I didn't think it showed up enough.
  2. Here is my day 3 project. The photo was a screenshot from one of the many explore live cams (https://explore.org/livecams/african-wildlife/naledi-cat-eye) I think I will be using pics from some of them for these projects.
  3. I got a little carried away with this 1st project. The sandwich is ham on rye with vegies and mayo, I didn't want anything hot to drink so I am having orange juice. I get sloppy so I gave myself some paper napkins. . I chose the tablecloth because I think I am going to be doing mostly animals for my projects.
  4. I have done Boot Camp before, but I haven't been doing much lately so I thought I would do B C again to hopefully get me in the mood to do more.
  5. X-Ray vision -- How else could she know what you were doing outside or in the basement, or---well you get the idea.
  6. S -Social Secretary --- Part of her job is keeping the all the kid's appointments, activities, etc. organized and doable.
  7. I finally did the 1 2 3. The background pic and the Osprey pic are from the Hog Island Osprey nest. the frame if from this week's FreeDigitalMinikit. the folded ribbon is from CreativeFabrica the buttons are from (I don't have a clue) The folds in the background image were created from "Folded-paper-textures-collection-27671119" downloaded from C F.
  8. B = Beautiful -- All Mothers are Beautiful in some way even if they are not physically perfect.
  9. Nice layout. Thanks for telling why the face is blurred out. I don't blame them, I refuse to post hardly any of my family's children's photos and very few of the adult ones on the internet. I know their pictures are all over the place becaus everyone else in the family post them.
  10. I opened a blank square page, flood filled it with the blue, opened a new raster layer then used a not solid brush to make blobs of the other colors all over the page. From there I played with the kaleidoscope until I got something I liked. With that I used the pattern to make this.
  11. I found all the eggs yesterday and put them in the basket, I considered giving each one a shadow, but didn't (we all know how Cassel is about adding shadows LOL). Then I started to playing with one of the eggs and removed the # and got it to look almost perfect. I won't use it because we do not have permission from C. to use these eggs. It took some work, but once I got that idea I just had to see what I could do. Happy Easter to all who celebrate it.
  12. They say the same thing in St Louis Mo. I am about 20 miles east of St L.
  13. I am in Illinois just east of St Louis Mo. We have been lucky to not have any tornadoes (so far), just some really strong winds and a few thunderstorms and so far only that one episode of not to large hail. It did put a few pings on my car because I don't have a garage.
  14. Springtime in the MidWest USA. From a beautiful clear spring day to hail in two days. Photos are mine, background is a modified gradient, font is Lucida Calligraphy. Frame was modified from on of Cass's freebies.
  15. H- Hats. "Put on your Easter bonnet, with all the frills up on it."
  16. The baby is me. Background paper from "Easter-Vintage-Watercolor-Easter-Background-59971939" Frame "SheilaReid_SV_whimsicalborder" Bunny in R upper corner. "Easter-watercolor-clipart-Bunny-26872833"
  17. As I said before, I did not do a page for each day, but here are the Titles I created to practice each technique. If I finish any more pages I might still post some if I am happy with them.
  18. I have not done a page for all of the days, but have at least practiced each technique show. Thanks Cassel. Here is the page I did for day 7.
  19. I am a little behind on posting. I have been trying to work with each days workshop but have been having some issues with my PSP21, or more probably with my PC. I finally got one project day 3 finished. Oh well maybe it will go better now, I cleaned a bunch of stuff off my P C and will try again. The text on the top is Jokeman.
  20. Thanks Cassel- I did not realize I could go to the topics to perhaps learn how to make some of the things included in the "Build a Kit" . Thanks Susan Ewart also, Your response made me thing that maybe I will still try most some of those tuts etc. There are so many great tutorials and classes it is easy to get lost when trying to find one . What I need to figure out sometimes is in a totally unrelated tut or class.
  21. The photo is from a stained glass window at my Church. It was removed from the old Church when the new one was built and refurbished before being installed there. In the old church it was up high to one side of the Alter aria. In the new church it is at floor level and is is about life size.
  22. I signed up for this one too, I regret I didn't get signed up for the Build a Kit one. I think I would have learned a lot.
  23. Because I have been playing with this photo lately, I decided to use it here. I don't remember all the things I did to get rid of the rainbow and darken the one version. The font is Before the Rainbow. The background is "jessicaD-2017AprBT-paper-watercolor-stripes" the bow is "cass-Bow14-Rainbow01" and the other one is the same bow but darkened etc.
  24. B = Breakfast as in Full Irish Breakfast. (from wanderzestblog.com) "A traditional full Irish breakfast comprises bacon, sausage, eggs, potatoes, beans, soda bread or toast, tomatoes, mushrooms, and white or black pudding. For those wondering, black pudding coagulates the pig's blood into a sausage form. The white pudding is simply a pork sausage, usually flat." Then sit back and listen to your arteries harden.
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